Depressed Fairy

Chapter 472: The Martial Spirit Resides for a Long Time, Stealing Time to Prosper and Decline

"Our Shenwujie, also known as the Zhenwujie by many people, is also a great master with a long history and has been passed down since ancient times!"

"It is said that the great power had the magical power to reach for the stars and the moon. He traveled across the starry sky and fought with ancient ferocious beasts for nearly a thousand years, and finally killed them all! But he was also seriously injured, so he sat here. , his body transformed into the earth, mountains, rivers, and everything.”

"But a ray of heroic soul is passionate, brave, and immortal. It merged with the highest peak in the world of divine martial arts, the Demon Demon Peak, and eventually evolved into a world-suppressing martial spirit. It has spread martial arts since then, and it was at the Demon Demon Peak that our ancestors first started. On the road, he was tested by martial arts, and finally his body and mind transformed, and he realized the original seven magical skills..."

In the starry sky, there was a ray of light like a rainbow.

Within the rainbow light, two Shenwu warriors were briefly introducing the situation of the Shenwu world to Chen Yuan.

Although the Gou Chen and Shenwu realms have spatial connections to the Dongxu Realm, even judging from the structure of the stars, the two Dongtian Realms, together with the remaining several realms that are also connected, were most likely to be a cave world a long time ago. The world is the core of the large cave system. However, breaking away from the scale of the starry sky and simply looking at the distance between the two caves, it is still relatively far.

Back then, the two of them were able to reach across the sky with the help of the magic weapon, which also cost them a lot of the secrets of the most mysterious sect in the realm! And we also experienced some twists and turns along the way before we could reach it.

Even because Gouchenjie was closed inside and outside at that time, they lingered outside for a while.

In view of this, it should be impossible to arrive within a day or two at least, but because of this, it is too stressful to stay silent with Chen Yuan, a powerful person like Wei Tongxingkong, so the two of them thought of talking. A few words to ease the tense atmosphere.

"So, it is very likely that the Divine Martial World is a relic of a powerful person? And that powerful soul still exists on the highest peak of the realm?" When Chen Yuan heard this, he was startled at first, and then his eyes lit up. , "So, the will of heaven in your realm is most likely derived from martial souls? That would be easier to communicate."

Lan Feng and Yi Tian looked at each other in confusion upon hearing this.

After hesitating for a moment, Lan Feng still said: "Such mysterious things related to the secrets of heaven and earth are not something we can know."

Chen Yuan was not surprised and just said: "It doesn't matter. When you get there, just tell me where the peak is and just go and visit."

Lan Feng hesitated again, and finally said: "I'm afraid this matter will be difficult to handle, and the Realm Lord should know it. We went there because of the disaster that broke out in the Divine Martial Realm, and we were unable to calm it down. Will go out to ask for help. Now there are black clouds everywhere in the realm, covering the sky and the earth, and a dark fog has descended. The fog is extremely dangerous and separates the cities in the world. If ordinary warriors do not have the ability to transform into gods, a city will be Life is in danger! Especially around Dangmo Peak, there is a lot of black fog, making it difficult to get back. Several masters have fallen into it. We really don’t know what the situation is there now!"

Yi Tian added from the side: "In addition to us, there are several people who went to other realms for help. I don't know if they all responded." As he spoke, he became more energetic, "But even if others There is no harvest after a few journeys, but if Master Chen takes action, I believe that the disaster in the Shenwu Realm can be eliminated with just a wave of hands!"

Chen Yuan remained silent and did not respond.

With the combat power he currently possesses, even if he encounters enemies at the Qingjingxian level, as long as he can defeat them in a little more than a cup of tea, there will be no problem.

But the catastrophe of a world is often not that simple. It may be all-encompassing. It may be suppressed for a while by simply relying on the strength of the fist, but it may not be able to cure it. Especially when it involves the mysterious ancient clan, it is very likely that it is still closely related to the catastrophe. It's even harder to say for the Jie clan.

Of course, Chen Yuan would not take it lightly just because he defeated a calamity general. After all, this was the ethnic group that theoretically truly dominated the starry sky, the universe, the past and the future, and the human race seemed to be struggling to support itself on a certain battlefield.

Thinking of this, he glanced sideways at Tai Li Sheng, who was adjusting his breathing with his eyes closed. After the latter showed up, he said a few words and then closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing. There was once again a trace of emotion that was incompatible with this world. Artistic conception and ripples.

However, due to the distance, Chen Yuan could still feel Tailisheng's gradually weakening aura even without releasing the laws of heaven. He seemed to be relying on this method of alienation from the surroundings to resist the erosion of the starry sky and the universe. !

"Is it because of the mixed blood, or is it that people from the Tribulation clan will be suppressed and weakened in some way when they come to the ordinary starry sky? Living in time, but interfering with the starry sky and universe, maybe..."

Various speculations emerged from the bottom of his heart.

Having said that, the real reason why he went to the Shenwu World this time was not because of the help and invitation of the two Shenwu Warriors. After all, although he did not object to doing good deeds, he would not be kind without any reason.

The main goal of this trip to the Shenwu Realm is to first go to the Dongxu Realm through the space channel of the Shenwu Realm - because when he cut off the cause and effect, the connection between Gouchen and the Dongxu Realm was severed, and if he wanted to cross Going from Void to Dongxu is not only too obvious and easy to plot, but also takes a lot of time.

In addition to this purpose, he also saw that the Shenwu world was invaded by the ancient clan, and wanted to use this to further collect information and characteristics of the time clan, and even see if he could capture one or two more for research.

Finally, Chen Yuan still had a thought in his heart, that is, he had a little thought about the way of heaven in the world of gods and martial arts. After all, there was still room in his Xuanhuang real body of the way of heaven, and it seemed that he could still carry one side of the way of heaven. And if the Shenwu world is in trouble, then liberating this world may be an opportunity to condense the essence of heaven.

After all, Chen Yuan is not directly refining the way of heaven like other Lords of the Cave Heaven, but is close to coexistence, assimilation, and gathering the essence, and will not fight for the instinct of the way of heaven.

But all the prerequisites are to put yourself first and avoid disaster.

After all, Chen Yuan is not a perfect saint. He is not such a saint. If there is anything he can do, he will naturally try his best to help. But if something cannot be done, he must assess the situation and make a decisive strategic shift.

As soon as he thought about this, Chen Yuan suddenly said: "I have known about the world of Shenwu before. I even traveled to Shenwu once and saw the ascended people in the Shenwu world. It seems that the realm of cultivators in this world is not at the level of Hedao Immortal. There is no way to carry it. How come so many people are able to cross the stars to seek help from other worlds? Could it be that there have been some changes in your world in the past hundred years?"

In fact, many years have passed since Chen Yuan first came into contact with the world of divine martial arts in the black abyss of Qishan Mountain, and when he saw the female divine warrior cultivator in the cave. normal. But now that we are going to this world, we naturally need to find out the context of this change to avoid deviations due to some oversights.

"Have you ever traveled to our world!? Have you seen the ascended Shenwu seniors?"

The two Shenwu warriors were surprised again, and then their hearts changed.

"So there is such a connection! No wonder the Realm Lord is willing to accept our help and come here!"

As soon as he thought of this, Lan Feng immediately said: "Yes, in the past hundred years, there have been many changes in our world. First, the vitality of heaven and earth has become more and more intense. Originally, many ancient warriors have practiced to the level of god refining, and there is almost no way forward. We must find a way. Only by breaking through the void and transcending can you have a chance to reach a higher level. However, the outside world is dangerous and there may even be turbulence in the starry sky, so the seniors who have broken through and ascended often cannot survive. "

Yi Tian sighed, but then he said with an excited expression: "However, now that I have abundant energy, not only can I refine the gods, I can ask questions in the virtual realm, and I even have one or two Hedao warriors! This gives us in the world of divine martial arts a way forward for martial arts. ! Not only that, there are many magic weapons that have come out! Each of these magic weapons is related to past legends. They are either immortal treasures or have reversed great catastrophes. They are distributed throughout the world, and they are often for people with deep luck. What you get! Once you get it, with the help of the magic weapon, you can immediately change your body and have the ability to ascend to the sky. Just like us, we can also fight with the gods with the help of the magic weapon!"

Lan Feng immediately interjected: "Of course, we can only fight against ordinary gods and gods, and it will not last long. Not to mention encountering masters like the Realm Lord, even the sages we met in your mansion before will probably not be able to fight for long. It’s hard to defeat them together.”

"The vitality is revived? Divine weapons appear? The changes in the past hundred years have been so drastic."

Chen Yuan listened to what the two said, thought for a moment, and already grasped a clue.

"This feeling is as if the Heavenly Dao of the Divine Martial World had a premonition of something. He felt deeply that he was alone and alone, so he used his accumulated experience over the years to enhance the strength of the people in this world. At the critical moment, he It’s good to go up. It’s actually very simple to prove this guess. When you get to the place, you only need to sense the foundation of the world and it will be clear whether it is in short supply.”

Although the will of heaven can release the essence of a world and increase the strength of thousands of creatures in a short period of time, this also comes at a cost. It means taking out thousands of years of heritage at once, breaking the original accumulation of heritage and consuming resources. The balance will inevitably cause the weakness of Heavenly Dao in a short period of time.

Thinking of this, Chen Yuan slowly raised his head, looked forward, and at the same time flicked his long sleeves, dissipating the light that shrouded the surroundings, and the group of four was once again exposed to the starry sky.

However, there was a thin layer of ripples of light that enveloped them, isolating them from the omnipresent dark erosion in the starry sky.

Farther away, there is a huge star that is slowly rotating. Its surface is shrouded in countless darkness, and it constantly exudes the aura of decay, oldness, and decay!

Chen Yuan's eyes condensed, and the appearance of the eight-armed Dharma appeared behind him, and the billowing aura of heaven was released, echoing the dark star in the distance, sensing the aura of heaven in it.

Declining, old, weak, dying...

This is a cave star that is about to age and die, but...

"Isn't the position of this cave in the starry sky exactly where the Shenwu Realm is? But according to what Lan Feng and the two said, the Heavenly Way of the Shenwu Realm is clearly at its peak in the Spring and Autumn Period, and its fighting spirit is high. In order to fight against the coming crisis, it will not hesitate to temporarily lose money. We also have to reveal our secrets, how could it be an aging cave that is about to die?"

Chen Yuan's thoughts jumped and he had some kind of guess, so he turned to look at Shenwu and Shenwu.

Sure enough, after a brief period of surprise and confusion, Lan Feng and Yi Tian's expressions immediately changed. Although they did not have Chen Yuan's ability to remotely sense through the laws of heaven, what did Shenwu Cave Heaven look like and what kind of energy emitted when they left? They still remember the realm in their hearts. Although the stars in the cave sky were covered with dark clouds at that time, they could still see the rich vitality revealed by the ocean, brown earth, and countless greens below the dark clouds!

"What's going on! How did our hometown become like this!?"

The two of them were like mourning their heirs, and they had already realized that there might be a big problem in their cave!

At this moment, a voice came from behind several people——

"This realm was planted by the Tribulation Tribe with the Seed of Time, absorbing time and luck. This thing can collect the essence of a cave, but instead, the entire realm will age rapidly, and time will pass quickly, and eventually it will Destruction and death!"

Tai Lisheng didn't know when he opened his eyes. He looked at the aging star in front of him with a bit of surprise in his eyes: "But this kind of seed is very precious, and the requirements for planting are very demanding. Not only does it take three thousand years, In order to be able to give birth to one, it is necessary to gather the brilliance of at least seven star fields before it can be transplanted and planted. At the same time, it is necessary to use the children of destiny from one realm as a guide to serve as a hotbed for seeds..."

Speaking of this, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the two Shenwu people: "Have you and the other children of destiny in the realm been suppressed and killed?"

"Child of Destiny?"

Lan Feng and Yi Tian were startled, looked at each other, and understood.

"Eagle Edge!"

What happened next was very simple. Through the two people's detailed narration, Chen Yuan finally knew that on the eve of the sudden change in the world of Shenwu, there were actually various signs. , so when another group of outsiders with malicious intentions appeared, no one realized the seriousness of the problem.

However, Ying Yuan, as the lucky son of the divine martial arts world, still went to fight on a whim. In the end, there was no news, and his life and death became an unresolved matter.

What follows is the catastrophe!

"In this case, it is very likely that the Son of Destiny in the Divine Martial World was really used as an introduction to the Seed of Time!"

Looking at the gloomy and angry Shenwu duo, and feeling the aura of the Shenwu Cave that was dying and weakening to the extreme, Chen Yuan had already made a decision: "As for whether this is the case, you only need to go and find out, and you will know."

"Boundary Master, please be careful!" Tai Lisheng reminded him solemnly: "Those who can plant the Seed of Time are not ordinary people even among the Tribulation Clan. They must have great origins! Moreover, here is the secret of the cave, Luck is almost completely exhausted, and it is when the Tree of Time is about to mature. This is when the opponent will be most heavily guarded and guarded, and I am afraid there are still many elites from the clan around!"

"The elite of the Taikoo clan?" Chen Yuan smiled, "Then it's a good idea to fight the elite!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he flicked his finger, and the light enveloped the remaining three people, and brought them into the Palace of the Void King. Then, his body turned into a stream of light and fell straight into the aging cave!


In the black pool, there were two people immersed in it, each sitting cross-legged, eyes closed and bowed.

One of the handsome men's expression changed slightly.

"Another person is coming? Could it be that they want to use the passage to get to Dongxu again? Don't you see how dangerous this world is?"

The other one was a charming woman. She laughed: "Isn't this good? It can be used to make holy tree supplies! After all, the springboard left by the calamity general still has a shallow foundation. If we don't plant a few more human immortals and demons, we can't do it." It's all done! After you and I are nourished, we can just make up for the loss of crossing the gate of the era and restore our true cultivation! Before the Holy Glory Messengers and others could restore their cultivation, they sneaked into the cave in advance, trying to kill the seeds of humanity, but they failed. I didn’t realize that this was a desperate gamble!”

As she spoke, she slowly opened her eyes, revealing the darkness under her eyes.

"If you don't restore your perfect cultivation, there will be loopholes and flaws in hiding. The hole in the virtual world has just been swept away by a human Taixuan. If traces are discovered, at most one of the three of them can escape! "


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