Depressed Fairy

Chapter 480 After you sing, I will appear on the stage, but I will be alone on the high platform

"Xuanyuan You? I didn't expect that this person would also come."

In the gap between the two worlds, Jue Ren's slender eyes showed a cold light: "This man is not only the master of the great world, but also has been reincarnated several times, and has many achievements in each life. It is said that he was in the ancient times of the Human Era. He had existed before, and he almost realized Taixuan of the Dao at that time, but in the end, he was robbed of his position and reduced to a mutilated and quiet person. However, in terms of realm and combat power, he was inferior to Taixuan of the Human Dao. Be among the top five!”

"Do you know this person? But how do you know this person?" Xu Wei was surprised. Jueren stepped through the gate of the era with him. Logically speaking, he shouldn't know more than himself. "Speaking of which, this Since people are incomplete and peaceful, and their realm is much better than all the merits, let this kind of people come..."

Jueren squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Brother Xuwei, you have never studied the method of inheritance. You don't know how profound this method is. Since it is inheritance, qualifications, talent and mental state are the first priority, followed by cultivation and combat power. This group of people have incomplete realms of tranquility and have never touched the mystery of time. In this test of time, they actually started the same as merit. They skipped the realm of cave and void and forcibly mastered the laws of space and Taoism. There are many hidden dangers in themselves. , under the impact of time, it may breed backlash, which is more fragile than merit..."

"This..." Xu Wei was startled when he heard this.

Jueren then added: "But then again, the first person to touch the inheritance carrier may get the most benefits. After all, if you take one step ahead in the way of inheritance, you may lead step by step, especially the first person to step on it." The road is more likely to take away most of the breath of time accumulated in it, and leave the rest to the people behind. "

"If human monks like Xuanyuan You can be the first to set foot on the path of inheritance, even if they are incomplete and quiet, have no insight into the inner world, and cannot gather the power of time, the Tao body, soul, dharma, Tao charm, etc. will be absorbed by time. After accumulating, there will be a huge improvement! Perhaps, you can also get some time residue to make up for the lack of realm, and have a little more chance of survival on the battlefield of the era."

Shou Chong was startled, then nodded and said: "This Dongxu Realm, as the carrier of the Dongxu Realm that seals the human race, has a history of tens of thousands of years. Even if a lot of time is taken away, it is at least more than ten thousand years. If it is from a It has been planned as a inheritance carrier from the beginning, so the accumulation of time that has not been touched by others for more than ten thousand years is no small matter! Maybe it will create a great enemy of our clan!"


While a few people were talking, Xuanyuan You's forward steps became slower and slower, even gradually sinking. His whole body was trembling, and the infinite clear and turbid scenery was changing in his eyes, as if he was experiencing every step. Many ups and downs in the world, the sufferings of mortal life!

"It's just a false illusion of reincarnation. I can even conquer real reincarnation, let alone these fake ones!"

He is determined, his eyes are shining with brilliance, and he is full of energy!

Affected by this, many people subconsciously looked up and were shocked in confusion and trance!

"Who is this! He has such power that he can withstand the erosion of time!"

However, Chen Yuan also looked over and then shook his head.

"I'm afraid things won't develop as smoothly as this fierce brother expected."

The next moment, the surrounding scene suddenly changed, and Xuanyuan You's whole person suddenly became uncertain, as if his whole person had been stripped away from the starry sky!

Immediately, he groaned and felt that his state suddenly fell to the bottom. In addition to being frightened and angry, he immediately understood the reason!

"Time Infection! Although I have the power of the Time Seal, which makes up for the weakness of the lack of Dongxu Realm, I can even resist for a moment when facing Taixuan Sage, but in the end it is only the blessing of external forces, and the erosion of time here is actually It can bypass the protection of the time seal and directly reflect my essence!"

The essence is illuminated and he withstands the trend of time. This makes Xuanyuan You, the self-proclaimed Qing Jing Immortal, almost the same as those Fortune Immortals!

However, even so, his Taoist heart, which he has tempered for several lifetimes, is still as firm as iron, and he can move forward instinctively even when his thoughts are in confusion!

But the next moment, all phenomena erupted, and Xuanyuan You's accumulation in several lifetimes suddenly turned into resources, helping to increase the general trend of Senluo in the stone pillar!


With a muffled groan, blood started to flow from Xuanyuan's right mouth, and then his body swayed and was about to freeze in place!

"How can I stop here!"

At the critical moment, he roared angrily, and blood burst out everywhere on his body. He used the method of self-mutilation to call back a few moments of his mind, and then walked forward against the wind, leaving footprints at every step, and there were even ripples of time in the footprints like smoke. Rise up, bringing a false time of disillusionment.

"Good guy! You are so cruel to yourself!"

Seeing this scene, Chen Yuan couldn't help but be amazed.

"As expected of Elder Xuanyuan!"

At this time, a slender figure floated from a distance like the wind, wrapped with many crystal lights. This person was also under the pressure of time, but this pressure seemed to become a driving force, making his aura more solid, The realm is faintly improved, and the many radiances are the manifestation of the continuous improvement of the divine light Taoism practiced by this person!

However, when this man approached Xuanyuan You, his steps slowed down, the brilliance on his body gradually dimmed, and the worldly confusion began to appear in his eyes. He was obviously affected by his rapid improvement in the realm due to his extraordinary talent in the past. , suddenly became turbulent, the foundation was unstable, and hidden dangers broke out!


The man spurted blood and stopped.

"Di Sanyi?" Xuanyuan glanced at this person and narrowed his eyes, "Now that you are here, don't be distracted. After all, you have had a smooth journey. Although your talent is high, your Taoist heart is somewhat inconsistent. You shouldn't look at it. It’s up to you! Let’s see who can touch the inheritance first.”

After saying that, he groaned again and staggered.

Di Sanyi's face was pale and his eyes were blurred, but then he snorted coldly, his head exploded with spiritual light, and he actually resorted to self-mutilation, so he walked forward with difficulty!

Perhaps the appearance of these two people withstood part of the mighty force of time. Other monks who were caught off guard and fell into chaos began to break free and regain their clarity. Although they could not move, they still endured the pain. I was under great pressure, but I could barely observe the changes around me.

As the leaders among the large group, Coca and others are naturally one of them.

When they caught a glimpse of Xuanyuan and Di Sanyi, they finally put aside their suspicions and knew that Wang Shu's words were indeed true. These two people who were at the forefront of the Immortals of Qing Jing really claimed to be capable!

"The Xuanyuan Realm Master is still so brave and invincible, and Junior Brother Di..."

Gu Ke's eyes turned, he was slightly distracted, and he explored with difficulty, and couldn't help but marvel.

Feng Ming raised his head with difficulty, but couldn't help but murmured: "Isn't this too unfair? How can we compare to these Qing Jing Immortals?"

"Idiot!" Mo Douchen seemed to be aware of it and said weakly: "In my opinion, the pressure those two Qingjing endured may not be much better than us..."

"That's because they have bad luck!"

At this moment, another chuckle came.

This voice seemed to ring in everyone's ears, and seemed to be far away in the horizon. Immediately afterwards, a beautiful figure in red was seen floating in. In the rolling tide of time, it was like a small boat. It seemed that everything was dangerous, but it just drifted with the tide. That's it. Slowly moving forward, he finally passed Xuanyuan You and reached the front. Then he lowered his body, turned around and smiled sweetly, revealing a pure face: "Everyone, the little lady has taken the first step. This place where the world is confusing, this place is so beautiful." It should be a little girl’s stage.”

"The Mortal Witch!"

When he saw this person, Xuanyuan You's face turned gloomy.

Di Sanyi was stunned for a moment, and then he understood: "The devil's art of asking questions in the world of mortals, which requires sinking time and confusing all living beings, actually coincides with the current situation! Something is not good now. If this woman... …”

Before he could finish his thoughts, he saw the proud-looking female devil in red suddenly paused, and then ripples appeared all over her body, and then her whole figure seemed to have been pressed on the reverse button, floating up again and falling into the distance.


The innocent and charming face of the red succubus showed confusion and surprise.

"How could it be that Tai Xuan's handiwork is so easy for you to detect?" A voice came from behind him, and then a handsome young man dressed in white and holding a jade flute jumped up and rushed towards the stone pillar, but there was still something in his mouth. He said lightly: "The passage of time, if you are not diligent, it will be like sailing against the current. Those of you who try to use loopholes and opportunistic ways to get through will naturally only be extremely happy and sad! My practice is to climb the mountain. Even if time stops me, I still have to keep going. And suppress it! Retreat!”

As he spoke, his face was full of fighting spirit. He waved the jade flute in his hand, and the mysterious wind passed through the pores and erupted into a nine-turn sound. It was like the water from the mountains descending here, turning the invisible into the form, creating layers of waves, which were actually the same as that time. The trends collide!


Suddenly, everything was in turmoil!

The young man in white swayed, took two steps back, put the jade flute to his mouth and played it. The music was like a knife or a spear, pointing directly at the trend of time. He actually wanted to suppress time in tit-for-tat fashion!


The shadow of all things paused for a moment!

But the next moment, the breath of time exploded on Bai Shi's body, and countless hidden wounds accumulated in the past broke out. Even the invincible fighting spirit could not suppress the incomplete hole. He fell from the air, looking embarrassed, but he still tried to stand up straight.

"Shiraishi-kun! This is indeed your style! I want to win this situation!"

At this moment, seven or eight invisible figures took advantage of this opportunity to appear at the same time, each bursting out with great magical powers, magic weapons, and even spiritual treasures! Some resist the erosion of time, some avoid the pursuit of time, and some also compete head-on with it!

For a time, these people showed their magical powers and suppressed the turbulent force of time for a short time!


Gu Ke and others also took this opportunity to get some breathing space. Then everyone looked up one by one and immediately recognized these people who suddenly took action. They were all shocked and trembled!

"Zhen Long Jiang, Ancestor Green River, Fallen Demon Sanren, Demon Lord, Dragon Lord... In addition to Xuanyuan Realm Master and the others, there are actually so many people from the Quiet Realm here. At a glance, there are at least ten of them! Now , this inheritance path will become a stage for these people! How can we have a chance!"

Many self-proclaimed quiet people used their own techniques at this time. Although the power of time was still strong at that time, their invisible combined force gradually loosened up, allowing them to rush in quickly. Seeing a man wearing a flowing light and a head. The thin man at Longjiao has arrived within thirty feet in front of the stone pillar!

"How can I let you be that fisherman!"

Xuanyuan You roared, and the yin and yang energy suddenly burst out from his body, revealing the rudiment of Tai Chi. His momentum increased greatly, and he rushed out with one step, leaping past three or four people, and rushed within thirty feet!


He seemed to have broken through some of the seals on his body, and the surrounding earth was shattered!

As soon as the rest of the people saw it, they also used several stimulation methods to rush over, each leaving a broken path, but they were already twenty feet away from the stone pillar!

However, their subsequent actions seemed to have inspired something. The ripples of time that struck out from the stone pillars suddenly changed and penetrated into their bodies, ignoring the defensive methods of the self-proclaimed practitioners. !

"not good!"


"How could this be?"

Suddenly, the holes and defects in their bodies were magnified, and all the worldly phenomena accumulated in higher realms instantly turned into poison, raging in the body. For a moment, they could not move forward, but they all suffered heavy injuries and their auras were greatly weakened!

In contrast, Gu Ke and the others, after breaking away from the initial suppression, saw ripples of time flowing through their bodies, their wills gradually transformed, and the pressure that originally hindered their progress became much lighter, and they began to move forward one by one!

"Hmph! This group of humane monks have too low vision after all. Those who don't know how to fool time and resist time will eventually be punished by time! Those who are incomplete and quiet will suffer a strong backlash. I am afraid that they will lose their momentum now. , much worse than the peak of merit! However, this inheritance method has attracted so many people, and these people who are willing to fight for it are definitely not easy among the human race, and may be huge on the battlefield in the future. Threatening! Are you going to take action now?”

In the world between the cracks, when Xu Wei saw everyone taking action, he became excited and directly asked the key.

"It's not time yet." Jue Ren shook his head, "Although there are those who are at the forefront in self-cultivation, there are also those who have accumulated little experience, and there are those who are quiet and calm. Let's start now. There are hidden things behind, isn't it? Missed it? Or first..."

Halfway through his words, someone grabbed his throat and his voice suddenly stopped. Then he stared at the stone pillar with his eyes wide open.

Not only him, but the group of self-proclaimed Qingjing who were rushing forward like a race against time suddenly opened their eyes wide and looked at the figure that appeared in front of the stone pillar at an unknown time.

"Everyone, I really don't have the heart to watch you guys run the 100-meter race here, so I'll take the first step. I'll see you on this inheritance road then."

Chen Yuan stood in front of the stone pillar, turned around and said something to everyone, and with eyes filled with disbelief, he said to Ming Xian, who was also dumbfounded: "Long time no see, fellow Taoist, this is Congratulations on being promoted.”

"Who is this...who is this person!?"

"How did he get there?"

"We are under such heavy pressure, but this person seems to be unaware!?"

Xuanyuan You and the others who were desperately moving forward had their eyes wide open, they were shocked, angry, suspicious and anxious!

For example, the Red Dust Demoness and a few others were even more disturbed and groaned!

Gu Ke and the others were also stunned, but after being surprised, they felt that this outrageous unfolding was somewhat familiar, and an uncontrollable thought popped into their minds -

As expected of you!

"Dong Xuanzi...Chen Yuan!?"

The Underworld Immortal came back to his senses for a moment, his face full of disbelief!

Chen Yuan grinned at him, but without stopping at all, he pressed his palm on the stone pillar amidst everyone's exclamations.


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