Depressed Fairy

Chapter 485: Standing tall and splitting mountains and rivers, falling moon shattering and false ala

"It's unbelievable that things have come to this!"

The shock in the heart of the old Taoist priest was indescribable. Looking at the figure entangled by the dark thunder, he was shocked and suspicious!

"Who is this kid!?"

It's a pity that even the experienced Taoist has no time to care about it at this moment. He feels that the moon phase is about to break, so he has to squeeze the seal with his hand and gather his magical power.

But that's it.

An indifferent voice suddenly entered his heart.

Chen Yuan raised his eyes and caught the evolution and characteristics of the four techniques from the radiance. He also got a few key points. They were not much different from what he had guessed before. Now he was more attentive.

While he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt something in his heart. He looked up and saw that Chen Yuan seemed to have calmed down the abnormality in his body and was looking up. There was a bit of pursuit in his eyes, and he knew it in his heart.

Zila - Zila - Zila -

But they didn't know that after the old Taoist priest adjusted his breath for a moment, he noticed the backlash of the magical power in his body and was smiling bitterly to himself.


"Of course." The old Taoist priest stroked his beard and smiled. He was about to talk about the past events of his majesty with several exercises, but before he could say anything, Chen Yuan continued -

But he has never encountered such a scene! Not to mention that I have encountered it, I have never even heard of it!


This first level of assessment turned out to be like this, which he could never have imagined beforehand, but...

"This man just said that he was interested in some of the inherited methods of the old Taoist, and now he is probably coming to inquire. But just now, the battle he was waiting for made me seem a bit unable to resist the old Taoist! But he didn't know that he was a saint. That’s why I didn’t pull it back in time, and it’s not like I’m fighting against anyone, so I can’t use my skills easily. Don’t let me underestimate my inheritance and don’t want it anymore…”

At least judging from the quiet people he had come into contact with, heard about, met, and even met today, no one seemed to be in a similar situation.

Immediately, the blurry figure disappeared!

Thinking of this, the Taoist thought a little more in his heart: "This man has a deep foundation, and his cultivation and methods are even more unpredictable. His future will be limitless, especially his vision, so he agrees with the several inheritances I listed." , in the future, he will carry forward the method he learned from me as a Taoist, become famous in the heavens, and dominate the battlefield. This will be my glory! By then, even though the old Taoist is dead, he will still be alive!"

Barely able to calm down, the Red Dust Demoness was still in shock. She looked towards the way she came from, only to see that the Moon Phase Night Demon that originally enveloped one side collapsed, and there seemed to be black thunder snakes shuttled among them!

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Especially that Jueren, his eyes were wide open and he was staring at the place where the blurry figure disappeared on the light screen. His pupils were trembling, and his heart was even more confused. He faintly felt that something was wrong and uneasy!

It seemed to be a rumored race that had been annihilated!

At this time, the voice of the old Taoist priest sounded at the right time: "With the vision you just had, you can rank it first! But have you thought about which inheritance to choose? These inheritances are all excellent, but among them, the Heavenly Dao Lin is especially good. The difference between Shen Zhi Shu and Hong Meng Jue is that one was obtained by Pindao from an ancient relic, and the fragments were later comprehended and completed, while the other was obtained by Pindao from a master, and was introduced by Pindao! Tao's proud method! It was with these two skills that we were able to destroy Netherworld and Chaos Dragon Palace!"

As the Taoist expected, Chen Yuan had just calmed down the abnormality on his body.

Behind him, the four projections also expressed surprise.

Not to mention Gu Ke, Xia Fei and others who were extremely shocked from the beginning to the end and are now as petrified, but those Qingjing Immortal and Fude Immortal who were suddenly thrown away have all come back to their senses now. They covered their chests and adjusted their breaths, but without exception, they all looked at Chen Yuan with expressions of disbelief.

After all, from the inheritance stone pillar to the first level of inheritance, even if a few of them performed well, as soon as Chen Jiezu made a move, he would immediately wipe out everything, and there would be no chance for them to show their majesty. ?

The farthest sky seemed to be torn apart by some force, and strange roars came from the sky and clouds, echoing in all directions!


As the moon curtain collapsed, the three mountains were shattered and the four waters dried up. Even the old Taoist priest couldn't bear it. He groaned again and squeezed the seals with his hands to calm down the turmoil in his body. Then he looked at the body and the abnormality had subsided, and his momentum was obvious. Chen Yuan, who had improved a lot, let out a long breath.

When you talk to Chen Jiezhu, you talk in a string of words, like a sales pitch. When it comes to us, it only has eight words in total. One more is a waste of time, right?

However, despite this, with Chen Yuan in front, they did not rush over after all.

Shou Chong took a deep breath and said in a low tone: "The methods of inheritance are different, and those with different reflections often only exist in the most elementary profound realm. They are usually for those who are exposed to the method of inheritance for the first time. It’s to make their basic background appear, and even to distinguish between false and true, and to identify rebellion, but..."

When everyone heard this, they were also shocked, and when they recalled what happened before and after, they all secretly screamed!

"I say it's no luck that World Master Chen was the first to touch the inheritance stone pillar!" Xuanyuan You said solemnly and solemnly: "Just looking at the situation just now, I am not as good as him."

There was actually a bit of urgency in his voice. He was obviously looking forward to the future when Chen Yuan would inherit his magical powers and become famous in the heavens. People talk.

Outside the void world of the cave, a man in white clothes was suspended in the air. His eyes were as bright as stars, penetrating through the obstacles of reality and reality, passing through the yin and yang of life and death. He spanned a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles. He looked at the place where the figure disappeared in the inheritance treasure, and his eyes actually showed memories. color.

Xuanyuan You even said bluntly: "Since we are not as good as World Master Chen, we should let him choose first."

"This..." Chen Yuan's heart moved, and he followed the trend and said: "Senior, this junior has a limited vision. Regardless of any serious inheritance, I don't know much about the many techniques mentioned by my senior..."

On the contrary, Yu Jiang took a deep breath and said solemnly with the same expression: "This is something bad!"

I don't know if it's because of the moonlight, or the way of heaven has its own characteristics in the realm of inherited divine treasures. Chen Yuan's true body was attracted by the moonlight. After it exploded, and then restrained the thunder, it seemed to have undergone slight changes. The most important thing is that the essence of the two heavenly ways that he originally swallowed into his body has become much purer, and the myriad phenomena contained in it have the faint intention of being eliminated!

"Is this moonlight so powerful because of the skill or the magic weapon? In short, not to mention other things, this moonlight is of great use to me. If it shines on me often, wouldn't it be just right? To condense the true body?"

"The method of refining the body and condensing the life beads of the Dragon Palace lineage sounds very powerful. After all, the aliens and monsters are good at refining the body. Many of them are even born strong. Without deliberate practice, their physiques are far superior to those of human monks. , the dragon clan is the best among them, it can be said that it is invulnerable to swords and guns, and invulnerable to water and fire. If I can practice my body beyond this level, it should be of great reference value, and maybe it can make my heavenly body more systematic... …”

Then, without waiting for anyone to ask, he took the initiative to speak: "This person's foundation is so strong, so unbelievably strong! Wouldn't it be bad to take part in the assessment with him? What other chance do you have to stand out? Come out on top?"


Just between the lightning and flint, the entire night-moon realm was completely shattered, and countless fragments fell. Under the shocked gazes of Gu Ke and others, the original sky of the realm of inherited divine treasures was revealed!

The strong impact turned into invisible air waves, rushing towards the distance!

As soon as he thought about it, Chen Yuan's eyes fell on the well, but he did not recklessly explore it with his spiritual mind.

In the world between the cracks, Jueren and the other three people's eyes widened, and they also showed signs of shock!

"Oh? In this era, are there really people worthy of our eyes?"

Do you need to say this?

The others suddenly looked speechless.

"If the art of Heavenly Dao is similar to the true body of Heavenly Dao, or the Heavenly Dao method, and combined with various techniques, it is possible to summarize the method and refine the practice. As for the Hongmeng secret, just look at the Zixiao Palace where Gu Ke and others were born The look of astonishment and anxiety on the person's face at that time showed that it was definitely not a matter of course. Perhaps it was the secret method at the bottom of the box in Zixiao Palace, but this person took it out as a inheritance. "

"Don't accept it, let him do it."

The old man was even more surprised and said: "Is this why you value this person so much? With his aura and the weird runes on his body, although his body size is different, he is indeed very similar to that clan! Can……"

Jueren hesitated for a moment. He originally wanted to summon the Xuan Master, but thinking about what that person was doing now and the fact that he was not completely sure yet, he suppressed his surprise for the time being.

"These are all good, but if you choose one of the four, they won't be so good. It seems that we still need to discuss with this senior to see if there is a chance to get them all."

In the distance, above the Changhong, the Red Dust Demoness and a group of immortals, Buddhas, gods and demons who had left early suddenly felt a warning sign in their hearts, and then suddenly turned around to see a raging wind roaring towards them!

However, the answer no longer matters.

"No fluke!"

"Not quite, right?"

The meaning of the Kun realm in the mountains overflowed, and the meaning of the Yin pole in the water collapsed, and they all returned to heaven and earth!

"It's finally come to an end. If I continue, my foundation as an old Taoist priest will be shaken... However, I am a dead person, so I will be shaken if I shake. At worst, I will return to the past time and space. But what is the origin of this kid? I can actually let the saint spread the word to me and let me fulfill his wish!"

"Where did this kid come from? What kind of skills did he cultivate? This foundation actually caused a shock to the heavens in this world, and most of them also acted on me, the old Taoist priest. This destiny is really bad. !”

He thought about the four inheritances mentioned by the old Taoist priest.

When Di Sanyi and others heard this, their hearts trembled.

In the silence, Di Sanyi suddenly said with some uncertainty: "Didn't the senior from the sect just say that? His Moon in the Well magical power reflects the foundation, relying on the heavenly way that inherits the world of divine treasures. , to communicate with heaven and earth and condense visions, so the situation just now may just mean that Chen Jiezhu has a deep foundation. In other aspects, we may not have a chance. "

"To be able to make such a commotion, this child's talent is unprecedented and unprecedented, right? This inheritance method is said to originate from the ancient clan, but among the ancient clan, I have never heard of anyone inheriting it. This person can mess with the examiner!"


"Looking at you, you must have thought everything through..."

Suddenly, countless fragments of the moon curtain were melted by the thunder and merged into it, followed by Chen Yuan's sudden inhalation!


The scattered thunder light immediately rolled back, and in the blink of an eye it focused on Chen Yuan again, wandering around his body, as if he was wearing a layer of pitch-black armor!

Buzz buzz——

The heaven and earth that inherited the divine treasure vaguely resonated with it, and a vague figure standing tall on the sky and the earth faintly condensed behind Chen Yuan!

Out of phase!

After a moment of silence, Shiraishi broke the silence first and asked a question on everyone's mind.

"What happened?"

"It's not just whether you can choose not to."

"This is the first level. Has an interesting youngster appeared this time?"

As soon as these words came out, the others remained silent, but in the end they could only nod, comforting themselves first, and at least thinking about it. Otherwise, if their thoughts weaken and their Taoist hearts become dusty, then this inheritance journey is really useless. gone.

The entire Shenzang world was shaken by this!

The realm between the round sky and the earth was trembling at this moment, and waves and ripples were growing in the distance on the Rainbow Road!

Di Sanyi calmed down the surprise in his heart slightly and asked: "Uncle Master, what did you say is not a fluke?"

The strong wind was suddenly mixed with an artistic conception of destruction, supernatural power, and extraordinary suppression. It actually tore apart their light-escape and suppression magic weapons in an instant!

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people fell from Changhong screaming!

"I don't know, can we discuss with this senior and let him use this well, or the method of driving this well, as a legacy, let me learn a thing or two, and use it to replace the original ones... no, the original ones It actually has value.”

Soon, he noticed a pair of slightly resentful eyes, and then he came back to his senses, but he didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, he faced everyone's eyes and said, "You guys can also choose."

As he thought about it, he actually had some thoughts of preaching and teaching.

The old Taoist was stunned for a moment, then his heart trembled, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

"Let everyone else go first. For this person," he pointed at Chen Yuan who was sitting cross-legged on the light screen, and said solemnly: "Continue to investigate! Investigate carefully! Investigate with all your strength!"

"Was that also a vision just now?"

"Okay." The old Taoist priest didn't hesitate at all. He looked at Chen Yuan with a smile, waiting for him to speak.

So, he didn't hesitate and said on the spot: "They are all good exercises! They are really admirable!"

This is true for old Taoist priests, let alone others.

Along the Changhong Road, four tyrannical wills rose up, shattering the storm in the sky and spreading far away!

While he was thinking about it, he squeezed the seal with his hand and retracted the well mouth. Then he took a few hard breaths before he calmed down. Then he looked back at the mess behind him, feeling the chaotic atmosphere and the way of heaven that were constantly spreading in all directions. Law, I can’t help but shake my head.

"Can there be such a strange thing in the way of inheritance?" Xu Wei was shocked, but he couldn't help but ask: "In the past, did our holy clan have such a person in the way of inheritance?"

Ever since he condensed the Heavenly Dao Dharma, Chen Yuan has been thinking about this problem, that is, he can bypass the person of the Lord of the Cave Heaven, avoid the fate of his own soul, golden elixir, and essence being merged with the Cave Heaven, and simply use the power of the Heavenly Dao as a Power is integrated into the Dharma, and even used as material to refine the body and strengthen the mysterious body, instead of being integrated into the fate, soul, and spirit into one. So do other people follow a similar path?

The dark thunder light ravaged everywhere, making most viewers tremble in their hearts!

This is thunder that can break even the great world restrictions set by ancient heroic spirits!


"The heaven and earth roared, and the will left by the saint was actually touched?"

Chen Yuan's Heavenly Dao True Body is not so much a body-training technique, but more like some kind of transformation after forcibly condensing the Heavenly Dao essence and mixing it with the Nine-turn Mysterious Body. It is the same as Chen Yuan relied on instinct to cultivate the death energy. If it is not systematic, it will not only be inefficient, but the way forward will also appear unclear. He had originally planned to collect star space body training techniques to perfect the true body of heaven. How could he turn a blind eye to the dragon vein body training technique that was delivered to his door and was obviously a top-notch technique?

"In the same way, any true interpretation of the Mysterious Sect that directly points to the Netherworld will naturally have reference value for the nature of my body, the Mysterious Death. In addition, the so-called Heavenly Way's body-embracing technique that can steal the heaven and change the earth has no connection with my... Are there any similarities or differences between the laws of heaven and the true body of heaven?"

"That's easy to say." The old Taoist priest understood immediately, raised his finger, and with a slight tap, a spiritual light flew out and landed in front of Chen Yuan.

"The physical magical powers of that ethnic group are innate achievements!" The blue-colored figure also expressed surprise, "How can you cultivate it the day after tomorrow?"

Xuanyuan You suddenly spoke up, leaving everyone else confused.

But thinking about it at the end, he shook his head.

Pulled by some kind of force, this blurry figure took one step forward, stepping on mountains and rivers with its feet, and turning the sky with its hands!


The three mountains collapsed instantly in the roar and were crushed to pieces, and the surrounding water dried up instantly!

"What's going on here?"

"What!?" The old Taoist priest was stunned, and even Xuanyuan You and others looked surprised, "Could it be that you don't like any of them!?"

"No!" Chen Yuan asked in a negotiating tone: "I want them all, okay?"


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