Destiny Martial God

Chapter 122: Powerful Devouring Secret Technique

Deep in the mountains!

"Yu Haoran, whether it is the Soul Melting Fruit, the Spirit Jade Grass, or the Soul Leaf, they are all top-notch spiritual medicines that help improve the quality of the soul. Not only are they rare, but they also have strict requirements for the living environment."

"Don't say that there are no such three spiritual medicines on this mountain. Even if there are, do you have a way to pick them!"

Yu Haoran deliberately asked about the three spiritual medicines. The tower spirit knew his intention. He wanted to use these three top spiritual medicines that help improve the quality of the soul to help Chu Zhongyu recover his damaged soul.

But knowing how rare and precious spiritual medicines that help the soul are, Yu Haoran's idea seemed to him to be purely delusional.

Hearing the tower spirit say that there were no such three spiritual medicines on this mountain, Yu Haoran was neither disappointed nor frustrated.

Of course, he didn't take the tower spirit's criticism to heart.

After choosing a direction, he took Wu Zhengjun into the area where the tenth-level alien beasts were active.

"Tower spirit, have you modified the simplified version of the Heaven-Swallowing and Earth-Devouring Method?" Yu Haoran asked when he came to a stone forest mixed with dwarf trees and rocks.

"It has been modified long ago!"

After replying, the tower spirit directly transmitted the simplified version of the Heaven Devouring and Earth Devouring Great Method, which had been modified and had no side effects, to Yu Haoran's mind.

After carefully experiencing it, he found that the tower spirit did not modify much of the secret method he provided, but only weakened the power of swallowing and transforming alien beasts to eliminate the side effects of the secret method.

"Zhengjun, I have a secret method that can quickly improve cultivation and strength, and enhance the grade of the physical body."

Yu Haoran said in a low voice, motioning Wu Zhengjun to come to him.

As long as the grade of alien beasts reaches the seventh level, that is, the martial arts realm, they basically open their wisdom.

With the continuous improvement of the grade, the wisdom is also constantly improving.

Generally, the seventh-level peak alien beasts have almost the wisdom of adult humans, not to mention the fifth-level peak emperor alien beasts.

Yu Haoran was worried that the fifth-level peak emperor alien beast would hear the skills he repeated, so he not only suppressed the sound, but also signaled the tower spirit to set up a ban to prevent eavesdropping.

However, the tower spirit did not set up any restrictions, and said in a very relaxed tone.

"Yu Haoran, you can rest assured about this. The fifth-level peak beast on the top of the peak is in a deep sleep. As long as you do not step within a thousand meters of the peak, even if there is a big noise, it will not wake him up."

Although the beast was in a deep sleep, there were still many sixth-level and seventh-level peak beasts in the area near the top of the mountain.

Therefore, even if there was no need to set up any restrictions to prevent eavesdropping, he was not completely careless, and still explained in a suppressed voice.

"Zhengjun, this set of secrets is a simplified secret from the Heaven-Devouring and Earth-Devouring Great Method. It is to devour the flesh and blood of living beings and transform them into energy that can improve cultivation and physical grade."

While explaining the role of the secret, Yu Haoran stared at Wu Zhengjun.

After all, devouring living beings is not only about beasts, but also includes humans of the same clan. He was worried that Wu Zhengjun would be disgusted and thus create a gap between him and him.

However, Yu Haoran's worries were obviously unnecessary. After learning that this set of secret methods could use the blood and flesh of strange beasts to improve his cultivation and the grade of his physical body, Wu Zhengjun not only had no aversion, but even showed a hint of enthusiasm in his eyes.

"Brother Yu, don't worry! There is no good or bad, no right or wrong in this world. There are only people who use the methods. As long as I don't use this set of secret methods to devour my kind, then my conscience will not be condemned."

Wu Zhengjun's views on the methods made Yu Haoran feel relieved, and he couldn't help but look up to him.

Because he didn't expect that Wu Zhengjun, who was not very experienced in the world, could see so thoroughly, far more powerful than those emperors and even saints who had high cultivation and were only concerned with their own desires.

Since Wu Zhengjun could deal with the devouring secret method correctly, Yu Haoran had no worries. He told Wu Zhengjun word by word and pointed out the matters that needed to be paid attention to during the devouring and transformation process.

"Zhengjun, next you will use the low-end tenth-order exotic beasts to understand and become familiar with the effects of this set of secrets."

"After you have thoroughly mastered the secrets, choose the exotic beasts that are suitable for you to devour according to your own strength." After explaining the secrets, Yu Haoran carefully instructed.

"Brother Yu, I am grateful for your kindness!"

Although Wu Zhengjun did not say anything about his heroic words of following him to death, his belief in his heart was more firm.

"Okay, go!" Waving his hand, Yu Haoran signaled Wu Zhengjun to act on his own.

When Wu Zhengjun went to find the exotic beasts, Yu Haoran's eyes were cast on the stone forest.

Without much consideration, he went straight to the stone forest.

The first stop was the stone forest, which was suggested by the tower spirit.

Because he said that there were three low-end ninth-order exotic beasts with the blood of the king in the stone forest, which were very suitable for him to use the secret method of devouring to improve his cultivation and the grade of his physical body.

After entering the stone forest, a red wood pig that had just been promoted to the tenth-order first grade appeared in front of him.

Ordinary beasts like the red wood pig were not suitable for him to improve his cultivation and strength.

But as suggested to Wu Zhengjun, he also needed to use some ordinary low-end beasts to get familiar with and understand the effect of the Devouring Secret Method.

He appeared beside the red wood pig in a flash, pressed the red wood pig's head with his right hand, and then started to run the Devouring Secret Method.

When the Devouring Secret Method started to run, the red wood pig couldn't help but howl.

In order to avoid attracting the attention of other beasts and disturbing the operation of the Devouring Secret Method, Yu Haoran mobilized his Yuanli and directly shocked the howling red wood pig to death.

As a trace of energy transformed from flesh and blood entered the Dantian and merged into the body, the originally strong red wood pig became thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Three minutes later, as the last trace of energy transformed from flesh and blood merged into the body, the red wood pig, which originally weighed more than 400 kilograms, was left with only a pile of white bones emitting cold light.

Ignoring the pile of white bones under his feet, Yu Haoran closed his eyes and carefully experienced the situation in his body.

After careful experience, he found that the energy transformed by the tenth-level first-grade red wood pig was almost equivalent to a tenth-level seventh-grade Peiyuan Pill, plus a tenth-level third-grade body-refining pill.

In other words, the energy transformed from the flesh and blood of the tenth-level first-grade red wood pig can almost improve his cultivation by nearly one-thirtieth and the grade of his body by one-twentieth.

It seems that the improvement effect is very poor, but don't forget that this is just an ordinary beast that has just entered the rank, and the energy contained in its flesh and blood is rare.

If the object of the devouring is a peak beast of the tenth level and the ninth level, or a beast of the ninth level and the first level, then the effect will be stronger.

Moreover, unlike refining the essence pill and the body pill, it is necessary to find some precious and rare spiritual medicines to be able to refine.

The number of beasts in Tianxuan Continent can be described as endless.

In his eyes, the endless beasts are pills, which are the energy source that can quickly improve his cultivation and strength.

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