Destiny’s Catalogue

Vol 5 Chapter 64: A ghost in the middle of the night

Shi Xuan is silent on the surface, but inside

o Lan's ups and downs are not because of cruel horror that makes it impossible to calm down. The Blood Demon Sect is much more cruel and horrible than these. []

It was thought that this empire was under the supervision of the great formation, and it was not difficult to do some unseen bad things such as stealing chickens and dogs, buying si, etc., but that kind of big and important case is impossible to happen, even if it happens, first For a while, the sheriffs will be able to trace it through the imperial formation, so no one will take the risk, but now it seems that it is not the case? !

"I wonder if those women have been found?" Shi Xuan asked casually, pretending to be.

The black-robed driver shook his head and couldn't bear it. "They are afraid that they have been killed. They have been killed for so long. Hey, I used to think that it was dangerous in the weak places of the empire, such as ravines, underground, overseas, and beyond. This kind of thing will happen in such places, and there is still no trace, huh, in my opinion, 80 to 90% of the people who preside over the imperial capital formation include the inner prenatal education of Yuan Jiān. Otherwise, how could this be the case!"

Shi Xuan nodded. Without the power of heavenly immortals, this big formation still needs a lot of people to control after all, and some people have all kinds of loopholes that can be exploited, but Shi Xuan didn't ask more, so as not to violent things that he lacked in common sense. , You should be able to understand when you go to the library or shop to check the information.

Seeing that Shi Xuan didn't speak, the black robe man's face panicked and apologized: "Sorry, I don't know Mr. Shi, you don't like to listen to this."

Shi Xuan said gently: "It's not your fault, it's just that Shi was a little bit emotional because of this."

The black-robed man then let go of his fear, but he didn't dare to say more, and quietly carried Shi Xuan back under the building.

On the following day, Shi Xuan did not look for other jobs. It is important to know that the general mansion’s preaching an hour a day, the yuan coin given is several times better than other jobs except for the repair of the soldiers. There is no need in itself, so Shi Xuan spent all this time making up for his common sense.

It turns out that Tianzun Xuqing was in his Xiaoqian world preparing to survive the third decline of the heavens. Under caution, he closed the Xiaoqian world and concealed it. However, this time the decline of the heavens and humans, he could not survive. , His death disappeared, and with his death, the hidden and enclosed little world could no longer be found.

From this, the core of the empire’s grand formation has always been temporary authority, plus all kinds of Taoism, Taoism, celestial arts, magic treasures, spirit treasures, secret treasures of the empire, etc., which disappeared in the little thousand world, the monks of the empire As time goes by, our highest cultivation base is getting lower and lower.

As a result, the power of the empire is getting smaller and smaller, and the scope of control is gradually shrinking. Now the large arrays in remote mountains, underground abysses, deserted islands, and stars outside the sky are becoming weaker and weaker. At the same time, , The big array in the city also has some loopholes to drill.


While waiting to climb the cloud ladder, Shi Xuan and Li Wei and Huang Xiaofu met coincidentally, and they couldn't help but smile at each other and exchanged greetings.

Seeing Huang Xiaoting's belly, Shi Xuan remembered the Yuan prenatal education that the black robe driver had just told them, and cautiously reminded them: "When Shi returned just now, listening to the driver in the car said that the Yuan prenatal education in the imperial capital had come back from death. The last month Thirty-six women who are about to give birth have been missing, you two must be very careful."

"What, Yuan prenatal education?!" Li Wei yelled out in a panic, Huang Xiao's face turned pale, as if the ghost story he heard when he was a child appeared in front of his eyes.

Shi Xuan nodded cautiously.

Li Wei said at a loss: "It is not that Li did not believe in Brother Shi, but that the fact is too unbelievable. The catastrophe a hundred years ago was a nightmare in the hearts of several generations, and Li also had many classmates and friends in the imperial capital. , They have never brought up this case. Please tell Brother Shi."

Shi Xuan understood their feelings, so he replied: "This case was heard by the driver of the General's Mansion by Shi. It would not be wrong to think about it. Well, Shimou is currently in the West Xixi of the General's Mansion." The latter sentence was shocked to see the two men. Added after the emoji.

Huang Xiao murmured to herself: "Since it's news from the General's Mansion, it's not wrong to think about it. I only hope that Yuan Taijiao will pay attention to a small city like ours."

The scene fell silent for a while. Although Li Wei and Huang Xiao knew the news, they were too low in strength, but they were unthinkable, so Yu Yu followed Shi Xuan into the Dengyun Ladder.

Until the eighteenth floor, when the three separated, Li Weicai smiled and said: "I haven't congratulated Brother Shi for entering the general's mansion as the western seat. It is worthy of the completion of the Xuqing Daoyuan." He wanted to congratulate, but was crushed by the news. , Laughing is uglier than crying.

Shi Xuan comforted their husband a few words, this kind of thing can only be prevented temporarily, who knows where the Yuan prenatal education is.


After eight days of teaching Xiao Yingyu, Shi Xuan saw General Linyuan Xiao Huarong for the first time.

Xiao Huarong's face was white and needless, and his brows were clear and clear. He was just like Xiao Yingyu when he grew up. Under the greet of two rows of guards, domestic servants, handymen, and shi women, he walked into the open door and returned in triumph.

"Congratulations to the general for destroying the golden core ghosts." These people on both sides of the road congratulated in unison.

Shi Xuan, Xiao Cangtian, and Xiao Huarong's wife took Xiao Yingyu and stood by the lobby, watching Xiao Huarong come over, Xiao Yingyu stumbled, ran out happily, and plunged into Xiao Huarong's arms in mysterious clothes.

"This is Mr. Shi? Xiao has affairs, but he is neglecting you." After Xiao Huarong teased Xiao Yingyu a few times, he turned to look at Shi Xuan, the **** is gentle. He is a cultivator of the **** **** for many years. I don't know if he is waiting for the opportunity of the high-grade golden pill. He has not taken the pill to advance.

Shi Xuan faintly smiled and said, "General Xiao is polite." According to the rules, Xi Xi generally had to be humble and flattery, but this was inconsistent with Shi Xuan's heart, so I skipped it.

Xiao Huarong glanced at Shi Xuan with a smile, and thought Shi Xuan as the kind of young man with a little talent and a little bit of nobleness. He didn't care about it, and entered the lobby while joking with Shi Xuan and Xiao Cangtian.

After chatting for a while, the natural topic came to the Yuan prenatal education that shocked the imperial capital. Xiao Huarong frowned and said: "Unexpectedly, in just a hundred years, Yuan prenatal education has come back again. This is a big disaster in the world."

Some subordinates nearby did not see any uneasiness, and said with a smile: "The general is too worried, the Venerable Wei-Emu is still there, and the Yuan prenatal education must be given the lead soon."

A hundred years ago, the Tianzha boy founded the Yuan prenatal education. The emperor did not care about world affairs, and the major families only cared about self-protection and did not want to consume their own strength. So the Venerable Little Emu came to the fore and set up the Little Emu Corps among the world, and finally killed the Tianzha boy. Overseas.

The Micro Emu Corps is composed of three yin gods and sixty golden core masters. Once their secret battle formations are laid down, even the kind of yin gods who hold magical treasures or natal spirit weapons consummately are not the only ones. The enemy later became the capital for the Venerable Little Emu to fight against the noble family.

Xiao Cangtian shook his head and said, "Venerable Wei-Emu is now competing with our aristocratic family. Eighty to ninety percent will support the bandits."

Xiao Huarong had the same meaning, so he nodded and said, "Uncle was right, and since the Tianchou boy was killed, everyone knew that one of their goals was to find the little world of Xuqing Tianzun through secret treasures. Maybe a lot of people will sit on the sidelines and push

o Add to the flames and gain momentum. "

"Haha, Shimou heard that Little Thousand World is hidden in the depths of the void of formation?" Shi Xuan thought of the jade slip he had accidentally seen some time ago and interrupted.

Xiao Huarong smiled and said, "Mr. Shi also knows this rumor? However, it is impossible to be sure where the Little Thousand World is, after all, the Tianzhu boy is dead."

Shi Xuan said nothing, quietly listening to their discussion and deriving information from it.


After January, the moon star hopes in the middle of the night.

Shi Xuan was keeping his breath adjustment inside, and at this moment a faint spell came from the window next door

o Movement, if it were not for Shi Xuan's spiritual consciousness, he would not be able to find it if he changed it to the spiritual consciousness of any cultivator during the entrainment period.

The green sè coat of arms on Shi Xuan's left hand instantly turned into purple jade, and his divine consciousness unfolded, and he discovered that outside the window of Li Wei and Huang Xiao’s room, there was a baby-like green and yin hun, leaving three lines on the windowsill. Faint horizontal stripes.

Leave a trace? Does it have to be close to production? Shi Xuan looked at the behavior of the baby ghost hun.

The traces were very weak, at least the Golden Core Grandmaster could discover that the baby ghost, hun, left with satisfaction. It was extremely fast and disappeared to the other side of the city in the blink of an eye.

As soon as Shi Xuan's spiritual knowledge was wiped, the trace disappeared, and then Shi Xuan turned into a wisp of breeze, enclosing the baby ghost **** that was locked by him.

This green baby ghost **** traveled around in Linyuan City, looking for a pregnant fu with a child, and once found, left traces in his residence. I don’t know why, as soon as the formation monitoring reached the baby ghost hun, he went straight through, and did not find this weird thing, and Shi Xuan also paid attention not to follow those areas where the formation monitoring is very strict. The formation monitoring in general places After Shi Xuan used the Yin Yang Shen Jing, he naturally couldn't be caught.

After several observations, Shi Xuan found that the one with one horizontal line was close to production, and the one with two horizontal lines was one month away, and so on. Of course, after Shi Xuan finished reading it, he directly erased the trace.

As a result, there was a scene in Linyuan City where the front was scribbling casually, and the back was constantly being erased, and in the process, Shi Xuan discovered four other baby ghosts, hun.

When it was about four hours later, the five baby ghosts, hun, seemed to have searched the entire city, then turned into green smoke and went outside the city.

Shi Xuan hung from a distance, followed these ghosts, blended into the wind, and left Linyuan City, passing through the outskirts of the land where the spirit valley and spirit grass were planted, and came to a wilderness.

Passing through a small part of the wilderness, a big crack that directly penetrates the ground appeared in front of him, deep and dark.

The five ghosts rushed directly into the crack without any hesitation. After Shi Xuan considered it for a while, he followed with his spiritual sense and waited in place for a while before going down.

The yin wind blows from the ground, but there is no danger to Shi Xuan, just like a breeze.

The yin wind of the earth evil gradually became strong, and the ghosts of the yin wind began to appear. The five ghosts were quite difficult to find in it, but at this time they did not continue down, but flew into a hidden, horizontal crack next to them. ! .

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