Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 2070: The disaster of the concert

   May 3, Saturday, afternoon, Domoto Concert Hall, performance venue.

Before the accusation of   Pu and Takumi, Domoto felt the pressure with a wave of it, and it came from the eyes of everyone.

  Tōmoto Xuan couldn’t help but loudly said: “Don’t listen to the nonsense of the music and the craftsman, everything is his fault, and it has nothing to do with my father.”

   Pu He Carpenter smiled and said: "Don't be sophistry, he didn't cancel this concert, he had to take the most responsibility."

  Domoto waved and couldn't help but shout: "Shut up!"

  Pu and the craftsman ignored him, "The police advised him to cancel this concert because he insisted on making the concert go on schedule for personal benefit and glory."

  Domoto waved angrily: "Now it doesn't make any sense to say this. No matter how you say it, it is you who put everyone in danger."

   Pu and the craftsman smiled and said: "It is meaningful, I want everyone to be a ghost, know who to hate more."

   Domoto waved a little calmer, "If you hate me, just target me alone, don't tie everyone here."

   Pu and the craftsman said annoyed: "Don't pretend to be good people here again, it's disgusting and disgusting."

   "You really didn't prepare yourself for a retreat?" Hattori changed the subject, "You also said, you are cautious and did not leave any clues."

   Pu He Carpenter shook his head and said, "There are no such incidents, but in order to bury this concert hall, I left a clue, which is inevitable."

   "The police will definitely find it, and they will find it soon after the incident. If I go out, I will either be detained for interrogation or on the way to escape."

   "I'm getting older and don't want to live a life of displacement. If I live that kind of life, I am afraid I will die soon."

   "It's better to have a good time instead of that."

   "You bastard!" Hattori was uneasy now, he kept reporting a glimmer of hope.

  Pu and the craftsman have planned everything, maybe they have planned to escape abroad, as long as he takes advantage of the concert hall and the scene is chaotic, he will have time to escape.

   You must know that it takes a lot of time to clean up the site, excavate the remains, identify the remains, and confirm that he is still alive. It may not be completed in three days, and this time is enough for him to escape abroad.

  Pu Kazuo looked at the organ and said leisurely: "Domoto, you are a musician, and I am just a tuner."

   "People will always only remember you standing in front of the stage, and will never remember me standing behind the scenes. I will always stand in your shadow."

   "It's true, without me, you can still find another tuner. You are indispensable, and I can replace it."

   "Before, watching you use the piano I tuned and won awards at home and abroad, step by step, I also felt proud and honorable and a sense of accomplishment."

   "Before, seeing your family complete, I also had a warm feeling and felt relieved."

   "Before, watching your career, Domoto Conservatory of Music grew day by day, peaches and plums were fragrant, I sincerely liked those young people, watched them succeed in learning, and was happy and proud of them."

   "But that day, when I learned that Soma Hikaru was my son, everything changed."

   "The longer I live, the more I feel sorry for their mother and son. I hate myself, you, and your career."

   "Anyway, I have always tuned your piano for Domoto. You can be arrogant to say that it is with my support that you have the current fame and glory."

   "Your achievements have created your Domoto Music Academy, but your Domoto Music Academy destroyed my son..."

   Domoto waved a solemn voice: "That's how it is, so your goal is actually Domoto Conservatory of Music. You are going to destroy Domoto Conservatory of Music."

  Pu and the craftsman looked around, "The people here today are people who know that there is danger, but still come. The reason is naturally that they have a deep relationship with Domoto Conservatory."

   Everyone had nothing to refute, some couldn't help begging, hoping that Pu and the craftsman would spare them.

   Pu and the craftsman chuckled indifferently: "Why did I give you a chance? Because I deliberately chose to use explosives to kill people..."

   Hattori was taken aback, "Did you choose to use explosives on purpose? Did you want to die in the first place?"

   Everyone was in an uproar, and they were more afraid of it. Even if they shouted, they couldn't hide the tremor.

"What I want to do is to warn everyone who attends the concert, telling everyone that there will be explosives at the Domoto concert." Pu He Carpenter waved at Domoto, "but he, he selfishly insists on holding Domoto music. Yes, as a result, you people can only come."

   Domoto waved angrily: "You are the cause of this matter. If you don't do it, everything will be fine."

   Pu He Carpenter nodded and sighed, "Yes, I am the cause of all this."

   "Domoto's achievements come from me, and the Domoto Conservatory of Music you created destroyed my son. So, in the final analysis, I killed my son."

   Domoto waved and shouted: "You are too arrogant. Those glory and achievements are my own efforts."

   Pu and the craftsman sighed: "I have already said this, I don't want to argue with you on this."

   "Do you know? Now, whenever I see your family's success and career success, I can think that I am alone."

   "So I want to erase everything about you and pull you into the endless abyss when you are about to reach the peak of your life."

   "In all my plans, there is only one place, not under my control, but the concert."

   "If you cancel the concert, then nothing will happen today, but you don't."

  Domoto waved his anger and said, "Damn it, you are sure of my temper."

   "Wrong, I have counted your selfishness in this matter," Pu He Jian said with a smile: "So, I am very happy, even if the two of us die, we will get entangled together."

  Domoto waved a little creepy, "You bastard, you are crazy!"

"Yes, I'm crazy. I've been crazy since I found out that my son is dead. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come up with such a crazy plan." Pu Hejiang laughed crazy, "There are thousands of people here. Number one, it's my funeral."

   Everyone was even more frightened, and then found that Pu He Carpenter had pointed a gun at his own head, and they were all startled.

   Pu and the craftsman smiled cruelly: "Hehe, I'm dead, you will be even more desperate."

   Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and Hattori rushed up, but stopped again under the gaze of Pu and Carpenter.

   "It just so happens that the time is almost up, so you can endure the suffering here, I'll go first, and we'll see you below." Pu and the craftsman smacked regretfully, "It's a pity that you can't see you more desperate."

   "Bang!" The gunfire echoed in the venue, which could not be subdued for a long time.

   There was silence in the venue, desperate silence, and even the crying stopped.

   The blossoming head of Pu and Takumi fell down with a smile, and Hattori immediately jumped on it for the remote control that slipped from Pu and Takumi's hands. ...

   On the other side, there is a parking lot nearby.

   Gin just pressed the detonator to detonate the flour-based dust explosive in the underground space of the concert hall.

   Gin, vodka, Chianti, Cohen, and Belmode were sitting in three cars. All five of them put on makeup and became middle-aged.

   Belmode is persuading the gin to give up the detonation, because there is no one worth killing in the concert hall, so it is better not to do it.

   Chianti refused. After working so hard for so long, it was unwilling to do nothing. She supported the gin to detonate.

   Gin wine also hesitated, so under the suggestion of Cohen, he simply guessed the coin and decided, then gave up on the word, and took the life for the head.

   Vodka tossed a coin, and finally a head. ...

   On the other side, concert hall, performance venue.


   Hattori, who was lying on the ground, caught the remote control and heaved a sigh of relief.

   But before I had time to be happy, the ground vibrated, and the explosion from the underground could be clearly heard. The entire venue and the entire concert hall seemed to be shaking.

   There were screams, hysterical screams of fear, and everyone panicked and despaired. ...

   On the other side, outside the concert hall.

   As the underground explosion sounded, the whole ground was shaking, and the manhole cover of the sewer was blown into the sky by a powerful air current, white air current.

   In the nearby pool, the turbid water rose to the sky.

   Conan, Lan, and Ye, sitting in the garden, stood up nervously, and then realized that something went wrong in the concert hall.


   On the other side, in the concert hall, the performance venue.

   After the tremor, the ground kept vibrating, began to crack and collapse.

   People screamed in horror and ran away, but there was no way to escape, and they fell into the depths along with the large ground


   "It's so dark.

   "The air is so cloudy."

   "What is this place, smoky?"

   "By the way, use your mobile phone to illuminate it, take it out quickly."

   "I have a lighter."

   "No, don't ignite at all, don't ignite, this should be flour, it will cause dust explosion."

   "Is anyone injured? See if anyone around you is injured?"


   "I don't have one here."

   Everyone supported each other and looked around. Now it was all flour, and it was obviously a dust explosion just now.

   This was supposed to be an intersection of common ditch, etc., but it was completely different, and the surrounding passages were blocked.

  The only exit is the concert hall above.

   Fortunately, no one seems to be seriously injured now. Everyone is optimistic and awaits police rescue.

   At this moment, an explosion occurred at the top of the venue. There were continuous explosions, and small rubble and large slates fell. ...

   On the other side, the concert hall.

   The police found that the performance venue could not be opened, and as it was pulled hard, it seemed to have encountered some mechanism, because there was an explosion at the top of the concert hall, causing continuous explosions.

   The police retreated quickly and took away Conan, He Ye, and Lan who had rushed in to prevent them from being injured by falling rocks.

   "Heiji!" He Ye cried heartbroken.

   "He Ye." Lan was worried but could do nothing.

   "Hattori." Conan gritted his teeth angrily and clenched his fists.

  The murderer actually did it. There were thousands of people in the performance venue.

   Looking at the collapsed concert hall, Conan felt a huge sense of powerlessness. ...

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