Chapter 107

“Kakka~ It’s useless, you can’t run away!”

Seeing Bell staggering in place, Aragok let out a triumphant laugh.

“Stupid wizard, arrogance and arrogance are your ways to die! Want to eat our spider meat? I will eat you first!”

Bell glanced silently in the direction of the voice. So is it really good for you to expose yourself like this? Are you too anxious?

Bell lightly tapped his wand on himself, and a layer of flame was attached to the iron curse, forming a flame shield.

Then he activated the flying shoes on his feet, and accompanied by a sound of ‘boom~’, Bell disappeared in place and appeared outside the encircling net of the eight-eyed giant spiders.

It can be seen that a hole in the spider web was burned by flames, and Bell got out of that hole.

Aragok’s laughter stopped abruptly, and a rustling voice came from the darkness, and it was obvious that the old spider was making an emergency transfer.

So don’t be so anxious.

Of course, Aragog’s so-called covert transfer is meaningless to Bell. After all, in Bell’s magic perception range, all the giant spiders’ every move cannot escape his observation.

But Bell didn’t take a shot at the old spider.

After all, the old spider is also Hagrid’s darling. As the saying goes, don’t look at the face of the monk and look at the face of the Buddha. Looking at Hagrid’s Face, Bell was also not too embarrassed to shoot the old spider.

And as the saying goes, the older the Rivers and Lakes, the smaller the courage. From the performance of the old spider, it can be seen that it is not an ordinary life-saving. So if it falls into Bell’s hands, Bell is 100% sure that the other party will surely seduce it in seconds. But in that case, there won’t be any spiders to fight with Bell… Ahem, are you practicing magic in actual combat? That won’t work!

Due to the time spent talking before, most of the giant spiders in the group have gathered nearby.

The huge number has brought confidence to these eight-eyed giant spiders who have never fought a wizard before.

If only an ordinary adult wizard is fighting them now, maybe the spiders can really drive away, or even eliminate the invaders?

However, there is no if in reality, and a simple accumulation of numbers is obviously not enough to trigger a fundamental qualitative change.

Therefore, the arrival of hundreds of giant spiders can only make Bell’s battle more enjoyable!

Of course, during the battle, Bell did not forget his original purpose-‘collecting food’.

So even if he felt a little troublesome, he didn’t use the ice and fire spells that he was best at.

Not to mention the fire, the previous painful lesson (a lot of food was wasted) has been deeply engraved in Bell’s mind.

As for the ice spell, it is said that the ingredients will become stale after being frozen, which will affect the taste.

Ground thorns continuously stab from the ground. Occasionally, a wall of soil would rise to block the approach of the giant spider, or block the spray of venom, or block the line of sight to help Bell escape from the spider’s encirclement.

Setting fire on yourself is not a good experience. Although there is an iron armor curse that cuts off the temperature of the flame, the fiercely burning flame will quickly consume oxygen. Therefore, if the flame shield is maintained for too long, the people in the shield are likely to be deprived of oxygen.

Fortunately, these giant spiders can’t fly. Although they have strong explosive power, they don’t move fast. So relying on the speed of flying shoes, Bell is relatively easy to deal with.

Some giant spiders climbed onto the tree to avoid ground thorns. But haven’t these poor children ever thought about it? Since Bell can cast Polymorph on the ground, he can naturally also cast Polymorph on trees.

The big tree seemed to come alive suddenly.

Some branches were tangled together, forming a huge palm, slapped the eight-eyed giant spider flat.

In some cases, the branches or roots of the tree suddenly stretched out, and the sharp tip pierced the head of the eight-eyed giant spider, nailing it to the tree.

If an outsider was watching at this time, then that person would be surprised to find that more than 90% of the eight-eyed giant spiders were killed by a sharp pierced head.

The results of Bell’s hard training over the years are beginning to show up for the first time tonight.

Since not long ago, the roar sounded through the depths of the entire forbidden forest. Some animals that walked at night or day, all fell into restlessness.

The wild instinct tells these animals that, not far from them, a huge danger is slowly approaching. But they can’t distinguish the source of the danger specifically, so they can only run around like headless flies, or be at a loss.

“Ronan, Mars is extraordinarily bright tonight.”

Firenze listened to the roar echoing in his ears, felt the vibration of the ground, and sighed to his own companion.

The two are on a routine tour every night. As the largest horse tribe in the forbidden forest, they must protect the safety of the forbidden forest and eliminate dangerous elements.

This is not only an agreement between them and Dumbledore, but also to protect the safety of the little pony in the tribe.

“Yes, Mars is shining in the distance, and there is the territory of the eight-eyed giant spider colony.”

Ronan looked up and observed the astrological signs, and he also came to his own conclusion.

A series of rushing horseshoes sounded. Soon, a dozen figures passed through the dense woods and appeared in the vision of the two horsemen.

“Ronan, Firenze, are you two okay?”

The leader of the horse patrol-Bain, and the rest of the patrol team members, ran over quickly.

“We are fine.” Firenze replied, “Mars is shining on the ground of the eight-eyed giant spider. Baine, what are you going to do?”

“We must go over and see!” Bain said firmly.

“The colony of the eight-eyed giant spiders has expanded more and more in recent years. Maybe they are planning some bad idea. We must keep watch on them at all times to ensure that they do not threaten our tribe.”

“But that would be very dangerous. The light of Mars tells me that the eight-eyed giant spiders are suffering from disaster, and our approach may also be an aid to the spiders. I think we should wait and see the changes temporarily.”

Ronan obviously does not agree with Bain’s decision, he thinks horses should be more cautious.

However, Ronan is not the leader of the patrol, and the tempered Baine will not listen to his advice.

“Horsemen are never afraid of danger! We are fearless! So if you are afraid, wait here, Ronan. We will bring back the heads of the eight-eyed giant spiders! Ferenze, how about you? ? Stay here or go with us?”

In fact, in his heart, Firenze agrees with Ronan’s views. Planet’s trajectory told him that they shouldn’t be close to the source of the chaos now. However, he did not read any dangerous information from the astrology.

Seeing Bain’s persistence, Firenze tugged Ronan’s arm, followed behind the team, and galloped towards the location of the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider.

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