Chapter 454: Fish and Cat

At this time, Bell, who was located in the Black Lake, had cold sweat on his forehead.

He just accidentally injected too much magic power!

No way, this is the first time that Bell has used magic detection underwater. The existence of water has a great influence on his detection.

Moreover, what he didn’t expect most was that the water pressure would also affect the consumption of magic power!

He is now at the bottom of the Black Lake. Originally, he was gradually increasing the amount of magic power injected according to the consumption status of the magic power transmitted back.

As a result, who would have imagined that when the detection range is close to the surface of the water, the loss of magic power is also drastically reduced due to the reduction of water pressure. This also led to a significant increase in the detection distance, so that it eventually spread to the shore.

Now Bell only hoped that Dumbledore could ignore his insignificant magical fluctuations.

Otherwise, if Dumbledore ran into the water to investigate the situation, there was nothing to say, he would be ready to do hard work for Hogwarts.

By then, all the dirty work will probably be thrown on his head by Lao Deng.

Suppress the worries in your heart, the kind of things that can’t be helped, no matter how much you think about it, it’s a waste of time.

Moreover, he has successfully detected the location of the fishermen just now. Unsurprisingly, several murlocs were swimming quickly toward the shore, and he had to stop the murlocs before they came ashore.

‘Magic deformation! ’

The azure magical power oozes from Bell’s body surface, and under his control, it deforms into a shuttle shape outside the body.

Magic power was injected into the flying shoes, and Bell disappeared silently, rushing towards the target detected in the distance.

Even though the murlocs swim very fast in the water, they are no match for Bell, who has magical help.

Therefore, it didn’t take a few minutes, Bell appeared in advance on the only way to fish people.

‘Human body deformed! ’

With a tap on the body with a magic wand, Bell’s body quickly shrank, his limbs turned into small claws, bright yellow hair grew, and a tail extended from the tail vertebra.

Bell became like Fina!

Of course, the Fina that Bell deformed was nothing but a mere appearance. He couldn’t use any of Fina’s talent magic. But if you just flick the group of murlocs who don’t know why and fear that Fina is afraid to die, I believe it is not a problem.

After moving his limbs, Bell tried his best to get acquainted with this new form.

Fortunately, he is in the water now, he only needs to control his body to float in the water. If it were on land, he might even fall when he walked.

With a strong kick on the four short legs, Bell slowly swims towards the fishermen.

After a while, five murlocs appeared in Bell’s field of vision.

“You said, what kind of conditions will the wizard offer?”

A murloc asked the other four.

Speaking of which, he has never taught a wizard before. The knowledge of wizards only comes from the content of the stories told by the elders.

“As long as the’Essence Devouring Beast’ can be eliminated, any conditions will work!”

The other murloc said in horror.

He was a member of the patrol that was attacked by Fina before, and he still has lingering fears until now.

“That’Essence Devouring Beast’ is really terrifying! You don’t know, I only saw a black shadow at the time, and it disappeared in a flash, and then the captain just…”

As he said, the murloc’s voice choked up. I don’t know if he was sad for the ‘departed’ captain, or was he simply frightened?

“Oh~! The eventful autumn!”

A murloc who looked the oldest could not help sighing.

“Elder Wugari, you are the oldest and the most knowledgeable. What do you think the wizards will offer to help us eliminate the’element-eater’?”

As soon as these words came out, the other four murlocs all looked at Wugali, looking forward to knowing the answer from the other’s mouth.


Wugali sighed again, then said in a deep voice:

“To be honest, even now, I don’t approve of asking wizards for help.

That’s right, the ‘Essential Devouring Beast’ is horror. It will eat our meat and drink our blood.

But no matter how terrifying the ‘Essence Devouring Beast’ is, it’s impossible to have wizard horror!

The wizards can suck our bones and suck our marrow! ”

Although it hasn’t been an intersection with a wizard for many years, Wugali still clearly remembers that when he was just a little murloc, facing those wands in his hands, he could cast all kinds of magic, or magic. How small and powerless he was when he was a wizard of the horror curse.

“Ah!? Then, what do we do!?”

A young murloc, after learning that the wizard he used as a savior, was even more terrifying than the ‘Essence Devouring Beast’, he was completely scared to death.

“What else can I do? Take one step at a time… Wait!”

Ugari stopped suddenly.

Facing the doubtful gazes of the other four, he stretched out a trembling finger, pointed to the front and said with difficulty:

“You, look, what, what is that?”

At this moment, Wugali was looking forward to it, because he was getting older, so his eyes were blurred, and he even had hallucinations.

“Cheating, cheating yuan beast!”

However, the horrified shouts of other people finally broke Wugali’s fluke.

It really is that terrifying ‘Essence Devouring Beast’!

I saw a cute little figure in the direction the fish people were heading forward, swimming towards the fish people awkwardly, looking like they were drunk too much.

“Quick, run! The’Essence Devouring Beast’ is here to stop us!”

With an exclamation, several murlocs immediately scattered and fled without looking back.

Just kidding, they had nearly a hundred murlocs gathered together to barely contend with each other. But now they only have 5 people. If they don’t run, do they still stay for dessert for each other?

5 to white light flashed one after another, and the five murlocs fell into a coma without any resistance.

Bell won’t let these murlocs run away.

He has only one person, and lacks skills. If these murlocs were allowed to run away, whether they would detour to find Dumbledore to file a complaint, or ran back to the lair to inform him, it would be very troublesome for him.

After a while, Bell returned to his original appearance. He reached out and rubbed his throat with an uncomfortable expression on his face.

This was the first time he cast a spell with a wand in his mouth, it felt terrible!

With a light wave, the five murlocs floating in the water gathered in front of Bell.

Seeing the extreme horror on the faces of the five people, Bell couldn’t help but feel curious.

So what did Fina do to these murlocs? Will they let them see Fina as if Yuer saw a cat?

and many more!




‘No way……’

After licking her teeth, Bell felt that maybe after going back this time, she really had to let Shanna clean up Fina.

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