Branch business hall.

The sales method in the store is still in accordance with the original business model of Master Tang's restaurant, that is, customers first go to the checkout counter to pay for the invoice, and then take the small ticket to the restaurant to pick up the food, and find a seat by themselves.

After a while, half of the seats in the lobby on the first floor were already occupied by customers.

As soon as the new customer entered the door, he was immediately attracted by the fresh fragrance that permeated the hall. It was a blend of the fragrance of various vegetables and the strong fragrance of gravy, which seemed to be pervasive and appealing to appetite.

As a result, the line in front of the cash register began to grow longer and longer, and even a few lines were folded back and forth around the lobby, as if buying tickets at a train station during the New Year, and it was extremely crowded.

However, although the customers in the queue have been complaining, none of them felt that the queue was too long and did not want to wait, because the smell of the food was really appealing.

Leaning on a dining table by the window, a little boy about eight or nine years old was devouring the rice in front of him.

A smart-looking young woman next to her smiled at her son who was eating with gusto, and said, "You kid, I usually ask you to eat a few more bowls of rice, and I don’t want to eat it. Why is it like a starving ghost reborn today? Like?"

The little boy’s mouth was full of food, and he stubbornly said: “The rice here is so delicious, it’s like ice cream, it’s soft and soft. You don’t need to chew it at all and just swallow it. It’s better than McDonald’s. The burgers are much better. Mom, I will eat here next time."

Upon seeing this, the young woman said happily: "Good, good, good! As long as you study hard at school and get 100 points in the exam, it doesn't matter how many times you want to eat."

Hearing the boy’s innocence evaluation, the surrounding customers gave their heads slightly, and they were more looking forward to this newly opened restaurant, because the children’s evaluation is the most sincere, and if it is delicious, they will definitely not Reluctantly, so there is no more true words than Tong Yan Wuji.

The customers who had already gotten the food nearby obviously heard it too, and they were excited. Fortunately, I came early, or else I don’t know how long the queue will be.

Not much to say, they directly delivered the hot meal to their mouths, chewed it carefully, and at a time there was a piece of applause.

Although it is the first time that Tang Master's branch opened today, Tang Aiguo had long anticipated such a grand occasion. Both varieties and quantities are prepared, which can definitely meet the needs of different groups of people.

After the doubtful customers entered the store, they were quickly overwhelmed by the deliciousness of the food and joined the queue. Because the queue was too large and the hall could not fit so many people, they even detoured outside the door.

Outside the restaurant, this fiery scene attracted more and more pedestrians. After inquiring, they joined the diners. The more enthusiastic the atmosphere, the more customers gathered. After a short time, the lobby on the first floor was full. , The service staff quickly led the guests to the business hall on the second floor.

Because the seats on the first and second floors were filled with enthusiastic customers, some impatient guests were directly packed and taken away, with people coming and going, bustling, and there was a strange scenery in front of the restaurant, which was even busier than the logistics company. .

With the increase in business, all the staff in Master Tang’s restaurant were full of energy and began to carry full load. Even Tang Tianyou and Fatty, who thought they were playing soy sauce, were forced to join this busy team. A temporary attendant is here.

Until this time, Zhang Jun breathed a sigh of relief. Before that, even if Tang Aiguo said it was incredible, and no matter how much the sky fell, it would not be as real, shocking, and convincing as the scene of business bursting.

At this time, he was truly convinced that cooperating with Tang Aiguo's family might be the best decision in his life. Even if his elder brother falls, their family will never starve to death on the street.

Standing in front of the restaurant and watching for a while, Zhang Jun saw that the situation was almost the same, and there was no need to hire people inside, so he left the door and went into the shop to check the work of all links.

You know, today is the first day of the opening of Master Tang’s branch. Even if all the staff present here are skilled laborers, it is the first time everyone has seen such a scene where business is bursting. You have to keep an eye on it, but you can't make a big mistake.

On this day, Master Tang’s restaurant was busy until ten o’clock in the evening before it closed completely.

The waiters and chefs all worked all day, all of them were so tired that they were sore in their waists and back pains. They fell on the chairs and didn’t want to stand up, especially the fat man, who had pity on his fat body. After a busy day, all his clothes were sweaty. Soaked, as if it had just been soaked in water.

"His grandmother, Fatty, I will never come to join in the fun again. This business is too good, the number of people has not been cut off, it is too tiring." The fat man was panting, limp on the ground, he was I didn't want to move for a moment.

Tang Tianyou didn't feel this way. Obviously his current physical fitness is much better than that of the fat man. He teased: "Look at your fat body, you really need to lose weight, or else you will do that in the future. At that time, you are weak."

"Go to hell, Fat Master, I'm in good health, even if Ye Yu Tennv is fine, it's okay." Fatty said angrily, but he just cheered up, and immediately held back.

Tang Tianyou snickered.

At this moment, after finishing all the work in the store, Zhang Jun called everyone together, briefly summarized the opening situation, and said with excitement: "Today was very successful, and today’s first battle was very beautiful. Everyone’s performance is also very good, and I hope to continue to work hard tomorrow."

Having said that, he deliberately paused and continued: "In order to encourage everyone to work hard, I decided to add an extra 800 yuan bonus for all employees in the store this heard this , The clerk's mood suddenly rose, and suddenly felt that they were not so tired, and they shouted long live the boss, the boss is wise.

After the employees had rested and dispersed, Tang Aiguo and Zhang Jun went to the counter to check the accounts. At this time, Jiang Han and the fat mother Wang Yufeng settled the accounts together.

After calculating for a long time, and finally got the exact number, Jiang Han didn't have much reaction. After all, his store was almost the same number, but the fat mother Wang Yufeng was crazy.

Holding the account book, Wang Yufeng was full of excited blushes, and shouted in disbelief: "Oh my God, after all the expenses are removed, the average profit of each store today is 120,000 yuan! The total is 480,000 yuan. ! How come there are so many?"

You know, the profit of a Café de Coral restaurant is only 200,000 yuan a year, but today is only one day's profit, which is more than the previous year. How is this... possible? !

Originally, she didn't really agree with her husband joining the restaurant of Master Tang. Her business is doing well, so why should she do it behind others' ass?

However, the profit of Master Tang's restaurant for a day is simply a piece of pie from the sky, which completely stuns her. It is too scary. I am afraid that even if the bank prints banknotes, it is not so fast.

Zhang Jun heard that his fat body was shocked, but after all, he was also a person who had gone through a lot of strong winds and waves. He quickly calmed down and said to Tang Aiguo in gratitude: "Old Tang, thank you, I don’t know. Where do I start."

Tang Aiguo patted him on the shoulder, smiled, and said, "It's nothing, everyone makes money if you have money. Without you, I wouldn't be able to make so much."

"Well said, everyone makes money if you have money."

The two looked at each other and burst into laughter at the same time.

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