Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 115: Budo bottleneck

The first day of the first month, in the morning.

The sun has just risen in the morning, and the faint light pierced the heavy night. Everything on the earth seems to be slowly awakening. The blue sky is floating with large chunks of white clouds. They appear under the radiance of the sun. It's so dazzling.

Yunxu fluttered gently in the air, raising his head to look up, as if being in a beautiful dream like a veil.

A refreshing breeze slowly sent waves of scent of flowers and trees, which made people feel refreshed, as if all troubles and fatigue were put aside, and every tense nerve of the body was gradually relieved.

There are three or two ancient pine in the quiet open space. Under an ancient pine, Tang Tianyou's legs crossed his knees, not moving like loose, the newly rising sun pulled the tall and strong figure to the old elders and reflected it on the ground.

Suddenly, a thunderous bell and drum sound came from Tang Tianyou's body, and the surrounding air formed a strange shock, which waved away in circles.

This is the vibration of the internal organs!

One after another, drums and thunder sounded in his ears, and Tang Tianyou was sitting there, the bones of his whole body were slightly resounding into one piece, converging into a strange sound, like thunder, leopard and tiger!

After half an hour, Tang Tianyou's face suddenly turned pale, his spine bends for a while, he let out a sigh of relief, and a trace of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

"Since the strength of the New Year's Day party reached ninety-nine powers, the peak of soldier-level strength, after so many days of hard work, there has been no progress in strength. It seems that there is really a bottleneck." Tang Tianyou murmured Talk to yourself.

It is normal to encounter a bottleneck.

On the road of martial arts, no one can go smoothly.

In the world of One Piece where there are as many powerhouses as dogs, the more powerful the stronger the bottleneck will be deeper and harder to break through, otherwise the powerhouse of the level of generals will not be so rare.

Although what he encountered now was only a bottleneck of soldier-level strength, it was not simple.

In Baibeard’s memory, Tang Tianyou clearly knew that if he wanted to break through the soldier-level power to the sergeant-level power, he had to condense ninety-nine dao powers into one unit, so that he could break through to one hundred dao powers, and to break through to the sergeant. Class strength!

You know, a navy with one hundred powers can easily kill dozens of pirates with only ninety-nine powers, without even needing a breather.

The difference is like ten children aged five or six, watching an adult. Although in theory, the combined strength of ten children should be about the same as that of an adult, or even stronger, but it really has to fight. , Ten five or six-year-old children will never be an adult’s opponent.

This is the difference between quantity and quality!

A navy with ninety-nine powers has its power scattered throughout the body, just like the illusion of a light curtain; while a navy with a hundred powers, all the power is condensed into one and turned into a powerful and unmatched force. It is naturally easy to deal with an enemy with ninety-nine powers.

That's why, one hundred power is a bottleneck in martial arts power!

"It seems that I have to settle my martial arts again and slowly consolidate my martial arts foundation." Tang Tianyou thought secretly.

Tang Tianyou is not in a hurry at all. With his current strength, he is enough to face most crises in the world, so there is no need to rush for success at all.

You know, martial arts is the most important foundation!

Only a solid foundation can build a tower that reaches the sky!

The deeper the foundation of oneself, the greater the future achievements. This is the experience summed up by countless powerhouses in the One Piece world, and Tang Tianyou will naturally not make detours.

Thinking of this, Tang Tianyou clenched his fists and thought to himself: "Don't be anxious, take your time, lay the foundation step by step, and terrazzo will break through this bottleneck one day."

"Moreover, my own strength has improved too fast recently. If an overly powerful force cannot be used as a finger arm, it will not only bring no benefit, but will become a reminder at a critical moment. I have to calm down and be well. Polish your foundation in martial arts!"

Tang Tianyou stood under Gu Song, punching punch after punch, and with every punch he worked hard to control the movement of his whole body, carefully experiencing the tremor of every muscle in his body and the flow of every blood vessel. Even the movement of every cell slowly condenses the energy of the whole body into one!


On the second day of the first lunar month, Tang Aiguo’s daily affairs in the restaurant were handed over to the agent manager during the Chinese New Year. Therefore, Tang Aiguo and Jiang Han are very free these days.

Therefore, his mother Jiang Han suggested that the family go shopping in the pedestrian street. Although Tang Tianyou wanted to refuse to pick up, but before he could say it, Jiang Han was severely suppressed by Jiang Han, causing Tang Xiying to snicker.

Ten minutes later, Tang Tianyou's family appeared in the pedestrian street——

There is a festive atmosphere in the pedestrian street, with colorful lights, banners, flower baskets, posters and other decorations everywhere, rendering the whole pedestrian street particularly lively, and the mood suddenly becomes happy.

Entering the entrance of the pedestrian street, Tang Tianyou felt the festival is coming, music, shouting, bargaining, and laughter mixed together ~ happy people wandered around the street rubbing shoulders. Go shopping, even if you go to the train station during the Spring Festival to buy tickets.

When Jiang Han and Tang Xiying came to the pedestrian street, it was as if a fish had swam into the sea. They were too happy to say anything. They went straight to the Bilis clothing store, and Tang Aiguo and Tang Tianyou had to walk quickly to keep up.

When I walked to the Bilis clothing store, the dazzling array of clothes was dazzling. I really don't know how to choose. When Jiang Han and Tang Xiying saw these beautiful clothes, they were full of energy and their eyes lit up. They almost turned their eyes into heart shapes.

With an exclamation of "Wow", Jiang Han and Tang Xiying rushed into the pile of clothes, choosing one by one and trying them on one by one.

A few hours later, two big men, Tang Aiguo and Tang Tianyou, walked out of the clothing store, their faces full of exhaustion. The two of them who had been empty-handed at this time actually had more than a dozen shopping bags in their hands.

However, the two women were still not satisfied, and felt a little bit unsatisfied. When they saw a boutique cosmetics shop, they jumped up with excitement.

Upon seeing this, the two mobile trucks had to follow along.

Next, the excited Jiang Han and Tang Xiying went to the Zhengji Jewelry Store, the Entertainment Mobile City, the Tianxiatong Computer Zone, and even went to the Haoyouduo supermarket to buy a lot of daily necessities. The excited two were already crazy. He didn't care about the hardships of the two big men at all.

After the shopping trip is over, the sky has completely dimmed, and the neon lights on the street are emitting colorful lights. If they are not hungry, the two will definitely continue shopping.

Tang Tianyou and Tang Aiguo looked at each other and looked like they were left behind. Both of them secretly vowed in their hearts that I would never go shopping with a woman again.

But the question is, can they refuse?

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