Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 132: Good morning


Tang Tianyou looked helpless. He thought he could sneak away if he went out earlier, but she didn't expect to be caught by her at the door.

"I said, can't you stick it so tightly, I'm not used to it." Tang Tianyou tried to pull out the arm that was caught between the two plump masses, separated by a thin layer of cloth, the boy could clearly feel the amazing The smoothness and elasticity.

When he was young, he might be happy, but unfortunately he didn't have the intention to feel this comfort at this time.

Now it is the peak of school and work, and the whole street is filled with the silhouettes of office workers passing by, as well as the cheerful laughter left by the students.

Originally, Song Keqing was a bit of a disaster for the country and the people, and his figure was so good that he was about to explode. This was already very eye-catching. Coupled with the close behavior of the two, it even aroused the curiosity of passers-by.

Seeing this situation, some older people shook their heads, then walked quickly, sighing in their hearts that people are not old-fashioned, what is going on in this age?

However, some younger students gathered together, whispered and discussed, as if they were going to treat this matter as their day-to-day conversation.

Even some people with strange thoughts picked up the mobile phones in their hands and took pictures of ‘click, click’, as something like obscenity.

In short, there are everything in life.

"Well, stay close, be close, what's wrong, you are the one I like." Blinking playfully with beautiful autumn eyes, holding the black frame, the girl laughed and hugged her arms. It was tighter, and he didn't take his whispering complaints to heart.

After a short pause, the girl lowered her head shyly, her face flushed, and while twisting her body, she added: "From today onwards, Qing will be God's girlfriend, because they have seen God's naked body."


The shy and pretty girl, the flowers bloomed with dazzling charm, the **** uncles peeking around, and the Huaichun teenagers couldn't help making the sound of swallowing saliva. Numerous sounds gathered in one place and the volume was quite loud.

Thinking of the scene that day, Tang Tianyou couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Somehow, he actually slept in the same bed with her that morning, and...

Grinning, not looking at her wanderingly, Tang Tianyou made a look that I had confessed: "Please, don't say something that is so misleading."

Looking at the fire around him, the eyes that seemed to be glaring out quickly showed the eyes that he could not wait to replace him immediately. The boy smiled bitterly and scratched his head. What a troublesome girl.

Withdrawing again to no avail, Tang Tianyou sighed helplessly, "King, I told you not to stick it so tightly. What should I do if someone I know sees it?"

Lifting her fair and gorgeous face, Song Keqing rushed to Nunu's mouth, a figure not far away, chuckled lightly, and reminded with a tired voice: "Ah la la, someone you know has appeared."

Looking in the direction given by the girl, Tang Tianyou's original sad expression immediately turned into a bitter face, and he looked like crying without tears.


Wearing a winter school uniform, Li Shiyin squeezed her fists, gritted her teeth, and stared at this place with very powerful eyes.

"I've said it, don't stick it so tightly." The corner of his eyes twitched, and the boy with a wry face complained with a cry, forced to be dragged by Song Keqing and brazenly greeted him.

"Good morning, Shiyin."

"Well, good morning, chime."


"I was shocked."...

Throwing away Tang Tianyou's arm, Song Keqing wrapped Li Shiyin's arm, and the two small heads were put together, like a close friend in a boudoir, whispering whispers.

Tang Tianyou on the side was instantly dumbfounded, secretly exclaiming: A woman is really an unpredictable animal, and a girl is a little unpredictable animal.

Quietly looking at the chatty girls, Tang Tianyou stood side by side in a harmless manner. They can get along with each other in peace, and he is the happiest one.

Although he was a little unwilling, but in fact he couldn't provoke him on either side. Compared to being angry on both sides in the middle, the grievance in his heart was nothing.

Just as Tang Tianyou was secretly meditating--

With a ‘poof’, the head was hit by the schoolbag.

Rubbing the hit spot, the boy turned around.

Young nurse Song Keqing hugged her arms, with a slight smile on her mouth, looking upright.

The school girl Li Shiyin was holding a schoolbag in one hand, helping Tang Tianyou straighten his hair with an angry expression on his face, and taught, "Huh, why is this sloppy look again?! The messy hair is at least tidyed up after getting up." , It’s because of you that makes people worry."

"It's a special situation today!"

When he was speaking, Tang Tianyou glanced at the little nurse subconsciously, Song Keqing's pink tongue, lightly added red lips, and gave the boy an ambiguous smile.

Fearing to find something abnormal for Li Shiyin, Tang Tianyou quickly removed his eyes, stood there sniffing the girl's natural body scent, and let the girl tidy up his messy hair.

After tidying up, Li Shiyin hugged Tang Tianyou's left arm, and Song Keqing also walked up and hugged his right arm. Everyone thought he must be very happy, surrounded by two beauties like this.

However, how did Tang Tianyou feel that the little movements of the two little nizis kept going?

I don’t know how many times the tender meat on the waist was pulled by black it was pulled horizontally and vertically, needled, the kind that rotated 360°, there were a lot of patterns, and it was still very hard.

All the way to school, Tang Tianyou grinned and sucked in a few breaths. The most tragic thing was that he had to smile to greet him, expressing his happiness.


In the food street, Master Tang’s fast-food restaurant is still bustling, bustling, crowded, and the queue is still a long line.

Although more than a month has passed since the opening time of the branch, it is not hard to find a meal at the beginning, but the business of fast food restaurants is still very hot, and demand exceeds supply from time to time.

With the spread of Master Tang’s food fame, he did not hesitate to publicize the cost and carry out all-weather advertising bombing. People living in H County can see the leaflet of Master Tang’s food in every corner of the street.

Of course, the effect of publicity is unexpectedly powerful.

People in Shixiang Bali under the jurisdiction of H County, the first choice for shopping in the county is no longer shopping, but to go to Master Tang for a delicious dinner.

Not only that, as the head office of Master Tang’s fast-food restaurant, it has undergone extensive renovations during this period, and the decoration is more modern and contemporary.

Therefore, it attracts many young people to dinner, people come and go, and from time to time you can see many couples coming and going in and out of the store, leaving memories of youth.

However, even on the thriving grassland, there will be dead weeds.

Across the street, in a dark corner, a stern and resentful gaze shot at Master Tang's fast-food restaurant from time to time, with a trace of gloomy black air exuding his whole body.

The camera moved to the corner. If Tang Tianyou was here, he would be surprised and inexplicable.

This person is actually Shen Jinxin who hasn't appeared for a long time.

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