Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 173: The mad dog gang perishes

A week later, the First People's Hospital of H County.

Only Tang Aiguo and Zhang Jun were in the ward, they were talking.

"Old Tang, how long will you be discharged from the hospital? Now that the branch plan of the fast food restaurant has been achieved one-third, and the shops are almost found, we will wait for you to make a decision." Zhang Jun laughed.

Tang Aiguo lay on the bed and smiled: "It's coming, it's coming. The doctor said, in another three or four days, after a while, I will be able to be discharged from the hospital. The doctor also said that he had never seen it before. After suffering such a serious injury, he can recover so quickly. The vitality of life cells is higher than that of athletes."

Having said this, he grinned, obviously proud that he could recover so quickly.

In fact, how did he know that if it wasn't for Tang Tianyou to come and massage him every day, to get rid of congestion, increase blood circulation, promote metabolism, and increase cell activity, how could he recover so quickly? You know, it's not a joke to hurt your muscles and bones for a hundred days.

Moreover, Tang Tianyou still mixes the blood tonic pill into his father's meals every day. This is a medical pill obtained from the memory of White Beard, which can quickly replenish the missing qi and blood of human beings and improve the resilience of the human body.

As a result, Tang Aiguo's body recovery speed was even faster, so Tang Aiguo recovered to the extent that he could walk freely in such a short period of time.

"That said, it's great that you will be discharged soon. These days, I am really overwhelmed by all kinds of complicated things in fast food restaurants. Now someone can come back and share some of the pressure on me." Zhang Jun looked at Tang Aiguo cheerfully.

"Lao Zhang, you really are." Tang Aiguo shook his head, "Although I am very happy to be discharged from the hospital so soon, but the mad dog group, there has been no movement until now. It is really not the style of their group. They are slow. If you shoot, I'm not planning something bigger, I'm a little worried now."

Tang Aiguo sighed.

After listening, Zhang Jun looked around cautiously and felt that no one was beside him. He whispered: "Old Tang, the reason why the mad dog hasn't taken any action up to now is not plotting something, but something serious happened to their group. ."

"Something big happened?" Tang Aiguo wondered.

"That's right." Zhang Jun nodded, "A few days ago, the Mad Dog Gang suddenly announced a news that the Mad Dog suddenly went crazy and hacked to death a dozen brothers in the basement. After waking up, he was afraid of being arrested, so he fled in fear of crime. It is said that I fled to Vietnam, Myanmar and other countries."

"Suddenly crazy?" Tang Aiguo couldn't believe it. "How can a good person suddenly go crazy? That guy was so sober that day."

"Of course, these are only their external rhetoric. We outsiders don't understand the details. It is estimated that dogs bite more dogs." Zhang Jun sneered, "It's just that, after this incident, the Mad Dog Gang was in chaos and it has now split into two gangs. One is the Black Shark Gang, super-ruled by Mad Dog’s original bald heads; the other is the Beluga Gang, led by the fierce tiger brother in this area. However, the momentum of these two gangs is far worse than the previous Mad Dogs. It helped."

The reason for splitting the original mad dog gang into two gangs was actually an idea of ​​Tang Tianyou, deliberately.

In H County, the mad dog gang is so powerful that it is almost known to passers-by. It is definitely not a good thing for a small gang to be so famous.

The existence of the mad dog gang is not a comfortable thing for those in power, and it is even a thorn in the stalk. If there is a chance, they will never let the mad dog gang go.

But white and black coexist, just like day and night. The police also know that gangs cannot be extinct. Even if a mad dog dies, other underworld figures will appear. Those in power also know this.

Therefore, they will secretly have a tolerance, as long as you don't hurt ordinary people or cause trouble in the street, you will not be held accountable too much.

Moreover, sometimes, those in power even ask them.

For example, when the police are investigating cases, most of the clues are actually provided by gangsters, because there is no gossip that is clearer than gangsters;

For example, politics~struggle. In many cases, those in power need to do something that is inconvenient for them to get promoted or to keep their black hats. At this time, they will take advantage of the power of the gang.

Therefore, in many cases, the power of the gang and the power of the government coexist, and even mutually benefit each other.

It's just that the underworld cannot stretch its hands too long or do things too much, otherwise it will exceed the tolerance of those in power, and it will be in jeopardy. After all, it is impossible for the gang to oppose the government.

Obviously, the power of the mad dog gang has surpassed this level, and surpassed the tolerance of those in power. It has become famous, unscrupulously wounding people on the street, and even dared to threaten the government.

Gangsters are creatures that live in the dark. They absorb the nutrients of the dark and are only suitable for survival in the dark. But you want to be exposed to the sun, and you want to live unscrupulously in the sun. It's like a vampire exposed to the sun. , It's not far from death.

The previous mad dog gang was like that.

So even if Tang Tianyou does not kill the mad dog, it is estimated that within a few years, he will have to be mopped up by the government to kill the monkeys.

But now it’s different. Because of the sudden escape of the mad dog, the mad dog gang has split into two gangs. Its strength has dropped by more than half, at least on the surface. At this time, those in power will feel that these two A gang is easy to control, at least much better than a mad dog.

Therefore, those in power will be less vigilant. As long as the two gangs do not make trouble, he will turn one eye and close the other to give them room for survival.

For the people, the demise of the mad dog gang is not a bad thing. After all, the mountain that was pressing in their hearts has dissipated, and the sense of security in their hearts is estimated to increase a lot.

This is why Tang Tianyou split the Mad Dog Gang into two gangs.


If he wants to develop his power, he needs to keep a low profile, and he has to shift the attention of the people to other places and the government to other places, so that he can develop his own power slowly without worrying about being discovered.

As for the whereabouts of the mad dog, cut, who cares about it? The boss who has lost his power is like a phoenix falling into the water, not even a chicken.

The police would not take care of this either. Anyway, the people who died were criminals, who had committed numerous crimes, and each of the numerous cases they had committed was taken out individually.

Moreover, mad dogs used to be rampant and domineering. When the sun is in the middle of the sky, it is estimated that there are not a few people who offend, and there may be a company who wants him to die.

Even some high-ranking officials in the H county government would not want him to live. Such people have too many secrets. If they accidentally explode, they may cause a major officialdom earthquake.

Therefore, some policemen who are going to arrest a mad dog will be shot dead on the spot by their bosses, expressly or secretly, if they encounter a mad dog, they don’t need to catch it back.

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