Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 66 Egyptian Pyramids and UFOs!

China, XSBN rainforest.

This is the branch of the Imperial Organization in China.

Dr. Chen came here immediately after returning from country M.

In recent days, she has been searching the database for myths and legends about the Chinese dragon, as well as related historical information.

In front of Dr. Chen, there are several open history books, and she has excerpted important passages.

"Old Book of Tang Dynasty: The Second Annals of Xianzong": "Dinghaishuo in June of the seventh year of Yuanhe, on Meitian Slope in Tongcheng, Shuzhou, there were two yellow and white dragons, leaping up from the slope on the wind and thunder, two hundred feet high and traveling six miles. , into the floating pond."

"History of the Yuan Dynasty. Five Elements Chronicles" says: "In July of the 27th year of the Yuan Dynasty, a dragon was seen in Longshan in Linxiang County, Yidu. A huge boulder weighing a thousand kilograms floated into the sky. In the 27th year of the Yuan Dynasty."

"Manuscripts of the History of the Qing Dynasty" records: "In July of the seventh year of Kangxi's reign, there was a dragon swimming in front of the county office in Xianning. It was raining and could not rise up. People in the city tied it around its neck to swim in the city."

"In June of the 1960s, a dragon hung in front of Jintan Academy. Its smell was offensive to my nose. I burned incense and prayed to it before it flew away in the air."

"In the fifth month of the fifty-fifth year of Qianlong's reign, a dragon rose from Dinghai and Zhoushan, and flooded the fields and huts, drowning the population. Three days later, the dragon was cut into three sections and its tail was missing. Its scales were as huge as a sunflower fan."

"In November of the third year of Xianfeng's reign, a dragon descended from the Xina River in Xining, and the stench could be heard for miles."

It is recorded in the first volume of "YK City Chronicle": "On the afternoon of August 8 (1934), a farmer on the East Xiao Street on the north bank of the Liaohe River discovered a giant animal white bone in a nearby reed pond, about 10 meters long, with one horn on the left and right sides of the head. It is about 1 meter long, with a total of 29 vertebrae..."

While Dr. Chen was busy, a tall and handsome young man in a black suit came to the base. He said anxiously: "Dr. Chen! Something happened!"

Dr. Chen did not panic. She guessed that the international turmoil caused by the sinking of the Pearl in the Pacific had finally arrived.

So, she said calmly: "Assistant Liu, please speak slowly."

"Dr. Chen, Thomas, the Minister of Information Department of Country M, was mysteriously attacked when he held a press conference. Now, all walks of life in Country M are demanding that the military immediately launch a counterattack against the giant beast... The anti-monster sentiment has once again spread to all parts of the world!"

Assistant Liu, a young man, said.

"how so?"

When Dr. Chen heard this, a look of extreme surprise appeared on his pretty face.

She asked eagerly: "Do you have any clues? What kind of entity attacked the press conference?"

"According to the information revealed in the interview given by the survivor, Minister Thomas, to reporters, it was a mysterious monster that attacked him!"

Assistant Liu said truthfully.

"I see!"

Dr. Chen said immediately.

Afterwards, she quickly left the library and came to the branch's underground base.

"Please verify your pass!"

Dr. Chen scanned it with his own irises.

Suddenly, a metal door opened, and the two quickly entered the underground base.

After entering the base, Dr. Chen opened a computer and linked to the headquarters.

"Dr. Mark, what was the scene like when Minister Thomas was attacked this time?"

Dr. Chen and Dr. Mark had a video call.

"Very bad! Journalists from all over the world died in this attack! This incident has had a huge international impact!"

Dr. Mark said solemnly.

Just now, he and his assistant Sam went to the Congress of Country M to attend a hearing.

Several congressmen united to challenge the leaders of the Imperial Organization, demanding that they disclose the hiding place of the giant beast to the military.

When the time comes, the military will launch an attack on the giant beasts!

Originally, the sinking of the luxury cruise ship Pearl in the Pacific Ocean had already caused international turmoil.

At this juncture when the Minister of Information of Country M held a foreign press conference, the mysterious monster attacked the press conference site again, causing hundreds of casualties.

Under the deliberate promotion of some people, anti-Behemoth sentiment is currently very high around the world.

"Dr. Chen, I'll send you the photos I saved when cleaning up the scene. See if you have any clues!"

Dr. Mark said.

The Monarch Organization, which is a United Nations organization, requires every country in the world to contribute its own strength.

China is one of the four ancient civilizations. Dr. Mark hopes that China can provide strong assistance.


Dr. Chen readily agreed.

Soon, Dr. Mark passed on the photos taken at the scene.

Dr. Chen clicked through them one by one, and she found that the scene was extremely tragic.

These dead reporters seemed to have been sucked dry by something!

"Oh my god! This, this couldn't be the work of the rumored zombies, could it?"

Assistant Liu said from the side.

"In my hometown in Shuzhou, a century-old corpse was found. The body was stiff but not rotten. It was wrapped in "zombie cloth". Also found with the corpse were glutinous rice and talismans related to zombie legends (both in the coffin)...

Assistant Liu's full name is Liu Xuanfeng. He is originally from Shuzhou. He is the youngest doctor of archeology in China. He volunteered to join the Imperial Organization three years ago.

In his previous archaeological career, Assistant Liu had seen similar documentary records.

Vampires in Europe and zombies in the East are both able to drain the body of water!

In the video, Dr. Mark continued: "Judging from the damage left at the scene, this strange beast should not be very big, but it is very powerful. Many people were beaten to death!"


Dr. Chen and Assistant Liu took a deep breath when they heard this.

"What about the surveillance situation outside?"

Dr. Chen continued to ask.

"All the surveillance cameras outside have been destroyed. Except for Minister Thomas, there is no one alive at the scene!"

Dr. Mark told Dr. Chen the details.

"Dr. Mark, have you met Minister Thomas himself?"

Dr. Chen suddenly asked.

"Dr. Chen, do you suspect that there is something wrong with Minister Thomas?"

Dr. Mark asked in surprise.

Then, he looked at Professor Holman beside him.

Professor Holman is the candidate to go to the site for investigation this time.

He said: "We have not met Minister Thomas himself. After experiencing this attack, he was too frightened and has been closely protected by the relevant departments!"

When Dr. Chen heard this, he became somewhat thoughtful.

Assistant Liu asked from the side: "Are there any special circumstances outside the press conference? For example, are there witnesses?"

"Yes! A citizen filmed a strange beast leaving the scene!"

Dr. Mark nodded.

Then, he clicked on a picture. Inside the picture was a black alien creature with a hard shell and tentacles all over its body.

"This is not like any known giant beast!"

Dr. Chen observed the picture carefully and then said.

"Has any surveillance captured the whereabouts of this mysterious beast?"


Dr. Mark shook his head.

After a while, he said again: "Dr. Chen, what do you think of the UFO incidents that occurred around the world some time ago?"

"Does Dr. Mark think this is an alien?"

Dr. Chen was surprised.

"Why not? I have seen the crash of an alien spacecraft in the top-secret information of Country M. Also, Dr. Chen, please take a look at this picture!"

Dr. Mark said.

As he spoke, he took out a photo.

In the photo, there is an Egyptian pyramid, and there is a shining UFO parked next to the Egyptian pyramid!

"Dr. Mark, where did this photo come from?"

Dr. Chen asked immediately.

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