It has to be said that Huo Yuanjia has an excellent memory. He still remembers what Lu Fei said, "Say one more word and all your teeth will be knocked out."

This is also a skill.

People with this kind of ability generally won't suffer and live a long life in the world.

Lu Fei shook his head, "You are allowed to speak now."

Huo Yuanjia felt like he was being pardoned. He took a few deep breaths and said, "Muzongbu. I practice the Muzongbu, the secret skill of Jinwu Sect."


It is indeed worthy of its name and can be called a stunt.

Lu Fei said: "Hand over this set of footwork and I will spare you from beating you."

Huo Yuanjia had a grimace on his face, "Boss, I don't have the secret book!"

Think about it, now is not the ancient times, who would carry a martial arts secret book with them?

Lu Fei said: "Go get it!"

Huo Yuanjia nodded hurriedly, "Okay, okay, I'll go get it and deliver it to my eldest brother."

Lu Fei said angrily: "Who is your eldest brother? Go quickly."

"Don't play tricks on me, or I will find you in heaven and on earth, peel off your skin, and tear apart your bones!"

Huo Yuanjia said he didn't dare and ran out of the courtyard in a hurry.

At this time, the [Eighteen Arhats] stood up supporting each other, and each of them looked at Lu Fei in horror, as if they were looking at monsters.

It's unbelievable that there are people in the world who can fight like this.

Lu Fei glared at [Eighteen Arhats], "Who told you to get up? Do you want me to hit you again?"


"no, I'm fine!"


One by one of the famous "Eighteen Arhats" at Jinwu Gate, they all lay down on the ground in a comfortable posture, not daring to express their anger.

Huo Dongjue was so frightened that he curled up on the ground with his head in his hands.

The scene of Lu Fei smashing the marble with one punch really frightened him, and he kept saying in his heart, it's a good thing he slapped me, if he had punched me, I would be cold!

The two beauties making tea were hiding in the corner of the small courtyard, far away from Huo Dongjue. It was too smelly.

Lu Da had a look of fear on his face, "Are you really Xiao Fei?"


Lu Fei replied affirmatively.

Lu Dayou asked in disbelief: "When did you learn Kung Fu?"

"I started learning it after I opened the store, it's just that you don't know." Lu Fei said nonsense seriously.

There is no way, the more secrets a person has, the more lies there will be.

White lies are sometimes life-savers.

Su Zhe curled his lips, I believe you, how many years of learning Kung Fu can you beat [Eighteen Arhats]?

Others don’t know how powerful [Eighteen Arhats] is, but I do.

The [Eighteen Arhats] at Jinwu Gate are all retired special forces, and they can easily defeat ten ordinary people.

For example, Su Lin also likes to dance with spears and sticks, and even signed up to learn Taekwondo, but fighting [Arhat] was just for the sake of torture.

However, Su Lin didn't know Lu Fei well after all, so even though he was suspicious, he couldn't say anything.

Lu Fei said: "Uncle, you take my dad to the hospital to get some medicine first, and I'll wait for the guy to deliver the things."

Su Lin nodded. After seeing Lu Fei's skills, he knew that he would not suffer. There was no point in staying here. It was better to take his brother-in-law to the hospital for a checkup.

Lu Dayou sighed without saying anything and followed Su Zhe to the hospital.


Not only the pain on my face, but also some pain in my heart!

Lu Fei waited in the courtyard for more than an hour, and a tall and beautiful woman in uniform came into the small courtyard.

"Hello, sir, I am Mr. Huo's secretary Yang Mi'er."

"Mr. Huo is feeling unwell. Please ask me to bring you something."

With a charming smile on Yang Miermei's face, she swayed her slender waist and walked up to Lu Fei. She took out a booklet wrapped in silk from the huge space on her chest and held it close to her body. Pass it to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei hurriedly took a step back, took the wooden box expressionlessly, turned around and left, leaving Yang Mier behind. Yang Mier was so angry that she stamped her feet, hum, confused.

I really don’t know how Mr. Huo could value this country bumpkin so much and let him lure him away.

Now it's better, the ditch is exposed and people don't fall into it.

Forget it, this task can't be completed anyway. Go back and serve Mr. Huo well and let him vent his anger, otherwise he will be tortured again.

Lu Fei planned to go back to Su's house after leaving the courtyard, but when he thought it would be okay to go back, he called Mo Mo.

When the call was connected, Momo's hearty laughter came, "Brother, are you done so quickly?"

Lu Fei said: "It's almost done, but the warehouse will still be used for a few days."

Mo Mo smiled and said: "It's no big deal, just use it. Well, by the way, what do you want from me? If you need help, just tell me."

Lu Fei smiled and said, "There are so many things that I need your help with. It's almost night time, so I want to have a drink with you."

"Haha... Okay then, see you at the door of the old place."


After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei hailed a taxi and headed to Guijie Street.

When getting out of the car, the taxi driver's eyes widened.

Damn it...

In the morning, a colleague on the intercom said that he was dazzled and said that a young passenger seemed to get on the bus empty-handed, but ended up carrying a big bag when he got off.

Several colleagues even joked that they had encountered a ghost.

It seemed that the passenger who had just got off his car was empty-handed when he got on the bus, and now he was carrying a big bag...

And he is also a young man!

The taxi driver trembled, "Call 940194, call 940194, I also met a passenger..."

Lu Fei didn't know that he had caused a supernatural incident among taxi drivers, so he came to No. 1999 Gui Street with a large bag of spiritual rice, spiritual meat and spiritual tea for Momo.

Mo Mo was already waiting at the door of [Gengshang Club].

When he saw Lu Fei carrying a big bag, his heart moved. He remembered what Chen Jiahao said and hurriedly came to meet him.

"Brother, aren't you tired of carrying such a big bag?"

Lu Fei smiled and said, "Bring you some souvenirs!"

"Spiritual rice, spiritual flesh?" Mo Mo asked tremblingly.

"Haha, Brother Mo has a very good nose. He can smell it even through the bag!" Lu Fei said jokingly.

Mo Mo smiled coquettishly, "Brother Hao said that all my things are divine! Since they are gifts from me, I will not be respectful!"

Lu Fei said: "That's right. Let's go. I'll help you carry it. It's a bit heavy."

Momo said: "Why are you carrying it up? Just put it in my car."

With that said, he called the driver waiting outside Guijie to come over.

Lu Fei had no choice but to let him go, and after the driver came to move the big bag away, the two of them entered the Gengshang Club.

Still on the second floor.

Momo said: "There is a cocktail party in the public area tonight. There is nothing private to talk about anyway. Let's just stay in the public area. Maybe we can meet some interesting people."

Lu Fei didn't care and nodded in agreement.

Momo found a seat by the window and the two of them sat down.

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