Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 32 Amphibious Vehicles

When asked what Mo Qianji had researched, he seemed a little disappointed.

After being silent for a while, Mo Qianji waved to Lu Fei, "Do you have any cigarettes?"

Lu Fei nodded.

Mo Qianji said eagerly: "Hurry up, get one!"

Lu Fei took out his cigarettes, took one and lit it, then threw the cigarette case and lighter to Mo Qianji, "Take them all!"


Mo Qianji said with a smile, then took out a cigarette, lit it, and took two deep puffs.

He looked like he hadn't smoked one in a long time.

Lu Fei smiled, ordered so many barbecues and beers without even saying thank you, but received a generous comment for giving him half a pack of cigarettes.

Mo Qianji blew out a few smoke rings and said: "Actually, I have developed a treasure. Unfortunately, a key thing is broken. I have no money to buy accessories and can't use it!"

Lu Fei showed an interested expression and said, "What baby?"

Mo Qianji said: "Car!"


Lu Fei was startled, thinking that Mo Qianji had tinkered with some amazing treasure, but it turned out to be just a car. Unavoidably, there was some lack of interest.

But Mo Qianji was very excited and seemed not to notice Lu Fei's change in attitude at all. He said proudly: "Let me tell you, this car I built is extraordinary!"

Lu Fei said casually: "What's so unusual? Let's talk about it."

Mo Qianji said: "Every part of my car is modified by myself. There is no big part, it's all small parts."

"You know what? I used a total of twenty-five thousand parts!"

"With these 25,000 parts, I can assemble it into a top-notch amphibious vehicle!"

Lu Fei was confused when he heard this. He interrupted Mo Qianji and asked, "What is an amphibious vehicle?"

Mo Qianji looked at Lu Fei as if he were a fool and said, "You don't know about Sanqi, but you know about Amphibian! You don't know about Amphibian, but you know about amphibians!"

I see!

Lu Fei finally understood.

However, Lu Fei still didn't know how a car could survive.

Mo Qianji said: "As long as my car is assembled, it can run on the ground, swim in the water, and fly in the sky, so it is called an amphibious car."

Lu Fei almost felt a stomachache from laughing. Can the car still swim in the water? Can you still fly in the sky?

He felt as if he had heard a joke that was not a good one, but he couldn't help but laugh.

Mo Qianji was a little angry and said, "Why are you laughing? Is it funny?"

Lu Fei forced himself to stop laughing and said, "The main reason is that I don't know how a car can swim in the water, let alone how it can fly in the sky?"

Mo Qianji said: "If we replace some materials and solve the buoyancy problem, we can swim in the water! As for flying in the sky, of course it is a bit exaggerated, but flying short distances is still possible."

Seeing that he was serious, Lu Fei couldn't help but become serious and asked, "Are you telling the truth?"

Mo Qianji said angrily: "What's the benefit of lying to you?"

Lu Fei was shocked. If what Mo Qianji said was true, then he was a genius. Asked: "You said your cars are all assembled from small parts?"

"Yes!" Mo Qianji said nonchalantly: "Only small parts can be assembled freely, and they can also be assembled into different models."

"Can it also be assembled into different models?"

Lu Fei was completely shocked.

Mo Qianji said disdainfully: "That's right, otherwise how would it be possible to fly!"

An idea flashed in Lu Fei's mind, and he couldn't help but become excited, and said, "What else do you need? Let me help you!"

"Really!" Mo Qianji shook his head, expressing disbelief. Said: "You looked suspicious before, and now you suddenly said that you want to help me. What is your purpose?"

Lu Fei smiled, "You need my help, that's enough."

Mo Qianji said: "I need your help? I don't even know what you do!"

Lu Fei said: "I am just a fruit and tea seller."

With that said, he handed the two bags he brought to Mo Qianji and said, "This is what I bought, you can try it."

Mo Qianji took it, looked at the tea leaves first, and then put them on the table. He looked at the fruit again, rolled his eyes in disgust, and then shouted: "Aunt Niu, come on, this apple looks very fresh, take it back and eat it."

Lu Fei was completely convinced. This guy was so unsophisticated. How could he give a gift to someone else in front of the person who gave it to him?

But this also just shows Mo Qianji's willfulness.

The proprietress served the dishes with a smile, including grilled mutton skewers, lamb kidneys, leeks, gluten... The meat and vegetables were well matched, the portions were full, and the aroma filled the nostrils, making people's fingers twitch.

After setting up the barbecue, the landlady took the apples away without ceremony.

"Began to eat!"

Mo Qianji shouted, opened the beer and poured himself a full glass, picked up a bunch of lamb kidneys and started eating, completely ignoring Lu Fei.

Lu Fei was too full after eating at night and had no appetite, but he still opened a bottle of beer and ate with Mo Qianji. He ate slowly, savoring the taste of the lamb kidneys.

It tastes great!

It is worthy of the word "cow".

Lu Fei finished one skewer, and Mo Qianji was already eating the third skewer. He wanted to continue asking about Mo Qianji's "three-car", but Mo Qianji was only focused on eating at the moment and had no time to pay attention to him.

Lu Fei smiled bitterly and had no choice but to occasionally invite Mo Qianji to clink glasses and stop talking about anything else.

Not long after, all the dozens of barbecue skewers ordered were eaten, and most of them went into Mo Qianji's stomach. Lu Fei only ate three or five skewers.

The beer was shared equally between the two of them, and Mo Qianji refused to drink more than one glass. It seems like one more sip will cause you to suffer a big loss.

After having enough wine and food, Mo Qianji burped and asked Lu Fei to pay.

The two of them didn't spend much, less than 500 Tang coins. Absolute value for money!

After Lu Fei paid the bill, Mo Qianji grabbed the tea leaves on the table and bid farewell to the landlady with a slightly drunken attitude. He was polite and considerate, just like a primary school student saying goodbye to his teacher after school.

The landlady said with a smile: "Xiao Mo, come to our house for dinner tomorrow!"

The boss, Uncle Niu, smiled honestly, obviously looking forward to it.

Mo Qianji said: "I'll be busy tomorrow!"

Pull Lu Fei and leave quickly.

After the two of them walked more than a hundred meters, Lu Fei asked: "Where are you going now? Do you want me to take you back?"

Mo Qianji smiled and said, "You don't want to send me back, but you want to see my baby!"

When Mo Qianji said it right, Lu Fei was not angry and said with a smile: "That's it, were you bragging before? There is no such thing as an amphibious vehicle, so you don't dare to let me see it!"

Mo Qianji waved his hand, "The provoking method doesn't work on me. I'm drunk now. Let's talk about it another day!"

"What about tomorrow?" Lu Fei said.

"Not tomorrow, I have to go to Uncle Niu's house for dinner!" Mo Qianji said.

Lu Fei was stunned. He had clearly said he couldn't go before, so why did he decide to go to my place instead? Didn't you say you'll be busy tomorrow? Where is your moral integrity?

However, he also knew that telling Mo Qianji all this was nonsense.

Lu Fei had no choice but to compromise and asked: "Then when did you say?"

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