In the melee, almost everyone had an opponent. Lu Fei did not need to fight head-on. He only aimed at the single sword in the hands of those brave warriors and hit them with a stick, then shocked the opponent, and then added another stick when the opponent was dizzy.

Of course, he is generally not needed to mend the stick.

If those villagers are there, just hit them.

In this way, Lu Fei shuttled through the battlefield, fighting in all directions.

Within a moment, all the local heroes were defeated, and only Wang Ping and Wang Ermazi were still fighting on the battlefield.

The villagers who had narrowly escaped death all looked at Lu Fei blankly, with gratitude and admiration in their eyes.

Zhang Bao and Wang Heng, who were originally idle and bored, looked at each other.

How can it be?

Ten local warriors who were second-level warriors were defeated by a group of villagers and a weirdo who was not even a first-level warrior?

That weirdo was really weird, with strange clothes, no beard or hair, and his skin was whiter than the girl in the Spring Breeze and Dry Rain Building in Hailan City.

What's even more strange is that the two sticks in the boy's hands are made of unknown materials, and they discharge electricity no matter what they touch.

Also, that electricity is kind of scary.

If it weren't for the concern about the two strange sticks in Lu Fei's hand, the two of them would have taken action when Lu Fei was killing everyone.

"what to do?"

Zhang Baohan asked in a cold voice.

"Haha..." Wang Heng smiled casually, "Liang Ban!"

"Aren't you going to take action?" Zhang Bao looked at Wang Heng and asked doubtfully.

Wang Heng said: "Why should I take action!"

"Then Wang Er's pockmark is in danger!" Zhang Bao said.

"It's none of my business!" Wang Heng said lightly, and then sighed, "Oh, let's take him back. Everything must be explained personally."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stomped his feet, and his tall body flew up like a giant bird, passing through the air. He crossed a distance of four to five feet in a few steps and broke into the battle between Wang Ping and Wang Ermazi.

He didn't make a move towards Wang Ping, he just reached out and grabbed Wang Ping, and Wang Er's pockmarked child was held in his hand like a little chicken, unable to move.

Wang Heng immediately stepped back and returned to the original place.

The speed was so fast that Wang Ping didn't even have time to react.

"This is a master!"

Lu Fei was stunned. This soldier's martial arts was even more powerful than the special effects in the movie, refreshing his knowledge.

Lu Fei was not excited, but felt nervous. His hands holding the electric baton tightened involuntarily, and he stared at the two soldiers with vigilance.

That's a martial artist from the Third Realm!

A person who can defeat ten second-level warriors at once.

The electric baton in his hand can defeat a second-level warrior, but what will happen against a third-level warrior?

Lu Fei felt unsure!

"who are you?"

While Lu Fei was thinking, Wang Heng shouted at him from afar.

"you ask me?"

Lu Fei felt Wang Heng's eyes staring at him and asked.

"Yes, let me ask you!" Wang Heng said.

"Lu Fei!"

Lu Fei's face was calm and he answered casually, but he was even more wary in his heart.

"I remember you!"

Wang Heng glanced at Lu Fei again, said lightly, and then shouted: "Let's go!"

After saying that, he turned around and strode away.

Zhang Bao smiled, glanced at Lu Fei, and left.

Wang Er Mazi, who had not yet come to his senses, was startled when he saw it, and hurriedly left.

"Leaving now?"

Lu Fei was puzzled. He did not feel relaxed because of the departure of Wang Heng and Zhang Bao, but became more solemn.

Wang Heng's words "I remember you" were definitely not said casually.

Being cared about by such a master, Lu Fei felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

Unless he huddles on the east side of the ravine, he will inevitably face the masters of the Han Dynasty.

It’s not easy to mess around in this world!

"Mr. Lu!"

"Mr. Lu..."

Several villagers gathered around and greeted each other respectfully.

Lu Fei came back to his senses, glanced at the villagers, and said: "Clean up the scene first and treat the injured!"


"Listen to Mr. Lu!"

The villagers were busy everywhere, and Lu Fei was not idle either. He ordered Wang Ping to find a place to place the wounded, and asked the women in the village to prepare hot water and so on.

The battlefield was quickly cleaned up and the battle damage was recovered.

Twenty-two villagers of Wangjia Village were killed in the battle, 17 were seriously injured, and more than 30 were slightly injured. Except for Wang Ping, almost everyone was injured.

Wang Ping felt heavy. These villagers were all the strong labor force in the village and were the backbone of each family. The sudden loss was so great that life in Wangjia Village would become even more difficult in the future.

The entire village was immersed in great sadness.

Lu Fei tried his best to treat the injured, first treating the seriously injured, and then applying medicine and bandages to the lightly injured. It took more than ten hours to finish the task.

Lu Fei was very tired.

He walked to a big tree outside the house and lit a cigarette against the tree.

Wang Ping came over, saluted Lu Fei, and said, "Thank you so much this time, Mr. Lu!"

Lu Fei said: "You're welcome!"

He habitually took out a cigarette and handed it to Wang Ping.

Wang Ping took it, turned it over in his hand and looked at it for a while, wondering: "What is this?"


Lu Fei replied casually, and then remembered that the ancients had never seen cigarettes, so he demonstrated the action of smoking.

After finishing, he took out his lighter and lit Wang Ping's cigarette.

"Is this getting angry?"

"Is it that easy to make a fire?"

"Don't you need to hit it hard with flint and steel?"

Wang Ping's eyes were as wide as a copper bell. Mr. Lu was so amazing. The little green thing in his hand would spark a flame when pressed lightly, and the flame would not go out. It was not like a flint and steel. The spark disappeared accidentally.

But when I think about Mr. Lu's ability to discharge electricity, it seems normal to set it on fire.

With an expression of great admiration, Wang Ping imitated Lu Fei and took a puff of cigarette.


After swallowing a puff of cigarette into his lungs, Wang Ping coughed violently and almost threw the cigarette away.

Lu Fei laughed from the side.

After calming down, Wang Ping looked at Lu Fei. Mr. Lu held the cigarette between his fingers. His movements were indescribably graceful. He smoked the smoke in his mouth like a god. He was not as embarrassed as himself. He couldn't help but admire him even more.

If Lu Fei knew that he could make people worship him even if he smoked a cigarette, he would probably die laughing.

After laughing for a while, Lu Fei taught Wang Ping how to smoke.

Soon, Wang Ping got used to the smell of cigarettes, he no longer choked the smoke into his lungs, and his movements were normal, that's all.

"How do you feel?" Lu Fei asked.

"Very good!" Wang Ping replied, blowing out a smoke ring.

As a result, Lu Fei also had his first smoking friend in the spiritual world.

Wang Ping handed half a pack of cigarettes to Lu Fei, but he was holding a lighter in his hand and wanted to give it to him but was reluctant to give it to him. He looked like he was hesitating to speak.

Lu Fei laughed loudly, "Why don't you just return half a box of cigarettes and a lighter to me?"

Wang Ping smiled honestly, "These are all good things!"

"Give it to you!" Lu Fei said generously.


Wang Ping was surprised. He couldn't believe such a good treasure. Lu Fei gave it away as soon as he said it would.

"Really, I'll give it to you." Lu Fei said.

Wang Ping was very happy and kept the lighter close to his body. It was so precious.

After putting it away, Wang Ping said: "Mr. Lu gave me a treasure, and I will also give you a precious gift!"

Lu Fei was happy and thought: Are you the only one who still has precious gifts for me? Pull it down!

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