The person standing at the door is none other than Yao Yao.

In fact, Lu Fei didn't want to have anything to do with Yao Yao anymore, so it was best not to meet.

But he couldn't stop going to the store just because Yao Yao was standing in front of the store.

Of course, if he hadn't made an appointment with Wang Santong to come to the store to pick up the goods, Lu Fei would probably leave directly.

Shaking his head, Lu Fei parked the car on the side of the road.

The brand new Daowei W600 caught Yao Xiao's attention. After all, the Daowei W600 is already a luxury car in Bazhou.

"Lu Fei..."

It seems that he didn't expect that Lu Fei came out of Daowei W600. Yao Yao's beautiful eyes flashed with surprise, showing an unexpected look, and his voice was a little unnatural.

"How will you be here?"

Lu Fei asked casually as he took out the key and opened the door.

"I...I came here specifically to find you!"

Yao Yao stared at Lu Fei with her beautiful eyes, biting her red lips with her teeth, as if she had made great determination before saying this.

Lu Fei was slightly stunned. To be honest, he didn't expect Yao Yue to come specifically to see him.

The door opened and Lu Fei said: "Come in and sit down!"

With that said, he entered the store first.

Yao Yao clearly felt Lu Fei's alienation from her. This feeling made her crazy and difficult to accept.

She didn't want to go in, but she didn't want to go in, so she finally followed in.

"It's not open these days. The store is a bit chaotic. Please sit down for a while."

"I'll go to the warehouse at the back first. Someone will be coming to pick up the goods soon."

Lu Fei said casually.

After saying that, without waiting for Yao Yao's reply, he ducked into the warehouse.

Lu Fei stayed in the warehouse for four or five minutes before walking out.

When he came out, Wang Santong drove his pickup truck to the door, and Lu Fei ignored Yao Yao.

Wang Santong entered the store and threw a red envelope to Lu Fei. It was the red envelope Lu Fei secretly stuffed under the seat of the pickup truck when he returned the car. "What are you doing, kid, and you do this to me!"

Lu Fei smiled awkwardly and said, "Uncle Wang, I know you always take good care of me, but the courtesy cannot be discarded!"

With that said, he put the red envelope into Wang Santong's hand.

Wang Santong took the red envelope and said angrily: "Our two families are so familiar, why are you talking about these false etiquettes!"

Lu Fei said: "It's just because we are familiar with each other, and we can't be rude because of familiarity!"

"How many people just think they are acquaintances and lack the etiquette, but this is not good!"

"Is it because we are familiar with each other that we are not as good as an outsider?"

"You can't tell anything once or twice, everyone takes care of each other!"

"As time goes by, it will inevitably become chilling!"

"Relationships will slowly get worse!"

"Besides, if you don't accept it, how can I dare to ask you for help in the future? Isn't it clear that I want to take advantage of you?"

Wang Santong sighed after hearing this: "You are the only one who has so many principles!"

"Okay, if I can't convince you, I'll give it up shamelessly!"

"However, on this trip today, please don't settle money with me again, otherwise you will take it back!"

Lu Fei said: "Okay, okay, today's trip doesn't count. Your help to the head office will be in vain!"

"That's pretty much it!"

Wang Santong grumbled, "I'll move whatever you want."

Lu Fei did not refuse, and he and Wang Santong went to the warehouse to carry one hundred kilograms of tea leaves and two hundred kilograms of spiritual fruits onto the pickup truck.

Wang Santong went to start the car, and Lu Fei entered the store again.

He looked at Yao Yao who was sitting alone and said, "I'm going to make a delivery. Do you want to sit here for a while? Or should we make an appointment next time?"

Yao Yao was stunned for a moment and said, "Go and do your work first. I'll wait for you to come back!"

"Okay, then sit down for a while and make yourself some tea!"

Lu Fei was a little helpless, thinking that since he said he wanted to go out, Yao Xiao should leave.

The meaning is so obvious, can't you hear it?

Also, the phrase "I'm waiting for you to come back!"

It always sounds a bit weird, I don't like it.

He shook his head, forget it, don’t think about it so much, just go and do what you have to do.

I went to the warehouse and came out with a bag in my hand. There were about ten apple spirits in the bag.

Without saying hello to Yao Yao again, Lu Fei went out. Got on Wang Santong's car.

The county government compound is also on the Pakistan Highway, only a two-minute drive away.

Lu Fei and Wang Santong delivered the tea and spiritual fruits to the reception office. After Su Yan received them and signed the delivery note, they left.

Wang Santong sent Lu Fei to the door of the store. Before Lu Fei got out of the car, he handed the bag containing apples to Wang Santong and said, "Uncle Wang, take a few apples home and give them to Auntie to try!"

"You! You agreed that I won't pay you this time, so you can do this for me!"

Wang Santong scolded Lu Fei, but still took the bag.

A few apples are not worth much money.

Such a small bag weighs three to four kilograms, and the market price is less than ten yuan. If Lu Fei purchased it himself, it would only cost six or seven yuan.

Well, it’s not good if you don’t accept it!

Wang Santong accepted the spirit fruit and drove away in the pickup truck.

Lu Fei went into the store with his head down.

"So fast?"

Seeing Lu Fei come back so soon, Yao Yao was slightly surprised. She thought it would take a while for Lu Fei to come back after going out to deliver goods, and judging from Lu Fei's attitude towards her, she might be delayed a little longer.

“Just send it to the county government, it’s very close!”

Lu Fei sat down, made tea, lit a cigarette, and asked, "What do you want from me?"

"Yes..." Yao Tiao paused, "I have nothing to do, I just want to see you!"

He hesitated to speak, but it seemed like something was going on.

Can't even lie.

Want to meet me?


Didn’t we meet that night? Didn't he say a word?

"If you have something to say, just say it!"

Lu Fei sighed in his heart, why should I care about a woman? It's better to talk about something.

Yao Yao looked at Lu Fei, but there was no emotion on his face, no enthusiasm for meeting classmates, no excitement for seeing a beautiful woman.

Some just looked indifferent.

It was as if this man had long since cut off his seven emotions and his six desires.

Mature and steady, which is very inconsistent with his age.


"Lu Fei, can you help me?"

After a fierce inner struggle, Yao Yao gritted his teeth and said.

Lu Fei raised his eyelids, here he comes!

Sure enough, he would go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing!

Yao Yao looked at Lu Fei nervously, with anxious eyes and expectation...

It is not the manner of a gentleman to refuse a request from a beautiful woman.

But Lu Fei is not a gentleman.

"Probably not!"

Lu Fei said expressionlessly, almost cruelly, without even asking what was going on.

"But, I really have no other choice, so I came to find you!"

Yao Yao's face suddenly turned pale and her eyes were full of disappointment. She came to Lu Fei for help. She had thought that Lu Fei would refuse, but she never thought that Lu Fei would refuse without even asking what the matter was.

Is this still the boy who responded to my every request in high school?

People's hearts are prone to change, but this change happened too quickly and too completely!

Even if things have changed, there should always be sympathy and affection.

Lu Fei didn't pay attention to Yao Yao's words and ignored Yao Yao's demeanor. He stood up and said, "Okay, let's go. I'm going to Jiangcheng!"

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