Disaster Shelter

Chapter 206 Don't be afraid, I'm a good person

Li Dazhuang cleared his throat and said with a slight trembling: My uncle is a teacher in Luyuan Middle School, and he has always...

Wen Wen stopped Li Dazhuang: Wait, stop the long talk first, and just tell me what he did. I will first judge whether this matter should be handled by me.

He behaves normally in front of others, but I can often see him being nervous and saying some inexplicable things. Li Dazhuang said some of his uncle's problems.

Maybe your uncle is just...childlike, maybe you should take him to a psychiatrist. Wen Wen tentatively said.

It's not like that. At first I thought it was, and took him to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist didn't find any problems, so I didn't take it seriously until one day...

Li Dazhuang shivered for a while, and then continued: Until one day, I saw him bite a mouse to death!

The corner of Wen Wen's mouth twitched and said, The smell of mice is fishy and offensive. I really don't know how your uncle got it...but it tastes good when you sprinkle it with cumin and roast it.

Detective Wen, what did you say? Li Dazhuang trembled again. Now he was a little suspicious, should he call this inexplicable number.

Ah, I didn't say anything, are there any other clues? Wen Wen said haha.

Back then, when Wen Wen was an ordinary detective, he once chased a criminal into the deep mountains and old forests, and then he got lost in the mountains for more than ten days.

In the past ten days, Wen Wen has tasted all the living things that Wen Wen can catch, including dung beetles...the kind that pushes shit balls.

But this kind of thing cannot be said to the customer, otherwise the customer will be regarded as a pervert.

Li Dazhuang shook his head and said, It's gone.

Wen Wen narrowed his eyes and secretly summed up.

Whether it is nervousness or killing a mouse, it cannot prove that supernatural forces are responsible, but this is enough to arouse Wen Wen's interest. He is a person who can't sit still.

He has been idle at home for too long these days, and it's time to go out and find something to play.

Tell me a place, I'll go find you, let's meet and talk. After confirming the meeting place, Wen Wen hung up the phone.

I'm leaving first, there are some things to deal with. Wen Wen said goodbye to everyone, and drove to the place where Li Dazhuang was.

When Wen Wen arrived, Li Dazhuang was sitting on the curb, hugging his clothes tightly, shivering from the cold wind.

Seeing Wen Wen in a white coat get out of the car, Li Dazhuang's eyes straightened immediately, and a horrible memory came to his mind, he jumped up on the spot, turned and ran.

Wen Wen once rescued him in Furong River Paradise, but his memory of Furong River Paradise has been washed away by the Hunter Association.

The Wen Wen he remembered now was the pervert who held the chainsaw that night.

So, when he saw Wen Wen, he immediately wanted to run away.

Hey, hey, don't go, didn't you ask me to help you solve the problem?

Wen Wen took two quick steps, grabbed Li Dazhuang by the back of his neck, and dragged him back like an eagle grabbing a chicken.

you you……

Li Dazhuang pointed at Wen Wen and was speechless, he was almost scared to cry.

Wen Wen lifted his clothes, and said to Li Dazhuang fiercely: What are you, I am a good person.

Li Dazhuang: ...

Inside the clothes, there are short swords, daggers, and two guns...

After a while, Li Dazhuang's mood was slowly (forced) to stabilize. Even though Wen Wen didn't look like a good person, he could only rely on Wen Wen now.

Looking at the bear you scared, do I really look like a bad guy? Wen Wen sat next to Li Dazhuang and asked cursingly.

Li Dazhuang was about to nod his head, but when he saw Wen Wen's sullen eyes, he quickly shook his head: No, you don't look like a bad person at all.

That's right. Come on, tell me about your uncle.

Li Dazhuang organized his language and said: I lived with my uncle for a few months, so I have a good relationship with him. Two months ago, I went to his house to play and found that my aunt had moved out of his house, and He looked emaciated.

Maybe it's because your aunt left him, so he was very sad...

I was like this at the beginning, but when he was chatting with me, he behaved well. As soon as I looked away, he started talking to himself, and sometimes he would do some weird things.


The house in more than 100 square meters was cleaned and spotless.

A pale, haggard, but not scruffy man sat on the floor, covering his head with his hands, with an empty expression.

His name is Zheng Feng, and he has a very regular schedule. He goes to bed at 9 o'clock in the evening and wakes up at 6 o'clock in the morning. He has a very regular schedule for eating, exercising, and working.

Moreover, he has mild cleanliness and obsessive-compulsive disorder, so he always cleans the house.

But now, he has not cleaned the house for two months, he has not even taken a bath or eaten on his own initiative.

However, everything is still so tidy, as if he is still living as before.

Not only that, he hadn't been to work in the past two months, but his boss didn't come to inquire.

Because, in the eyes of his boss, he still goes to and from get off work on time as before.

It all started with an accident. When he came home from get off work that day, there was a thin mist in the air, and then he was hit by something and passed out.

Since then, exceptions have started.

That day, he obviously came home late, but his wife turned a blind eye.

It was nothing, but later, it was obvious that his work and rest schedule had been completely disrupted, and he didn't participate in anything, but it seemed that there was another person who looked like him, and completed his life for him.

This person will work for him, will eat for him, will clean his room for him...

And this person, except himself, can be seen by others.

At first, Zheng Feng just felt terrified. At that time, he was very flustered, so he tried his best to appear abnormal and wanted to attract others' attention.

But later, Zheng Feng found that his sense of existence seemed to be gradually disappearing, and finally he himself seemed to become a transparent person.

Only then did he realize that it was himself who had the abnormality.

His wife may have noticed some problems, so she went back to her mother's house.

Of course, Zheng Feng knew that her wife didn't go back to her mother's house, but was lying in his refrigerator...

Every day, some flesh and blood will be lost on her body...

Unfortunately, Zheng Feng couldn't pass on this news to anyone.

What frightened him recently was that his nephew Li Dazhuang seemed to have discovered some abnormalities in him.

Will something happen to him too?

If so, I don't know what he smells like...


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