Divine Child System

Chapter 1340: Long-lost shameless flattery

A little kid actually plots Mi Lianxing and even controls this technologically advanced planet. I am afraid no one can believe this.

Shen Hongye was already enthusiastic and couldn't help but dance.

The little brother is so awesome, he just controlled Mi Lianxing in his hands so quietly.

"Little brother, are you going to Xiaoyuexing, Baoguxing?"

After a while, Shen Hongye couldn't help but ask, with a look of expectation.

"Old Shen, you are still quite smart."

Ye Meng nodded when he heard the words, and said approvingly.

"That's what you taught me, little brother. Since I met my little brother, and listening to your teachings every day, my old Shen's head seems to have become alive!"

Shen Hongye was shameless and flattered. He didn't even blush as he spoke.

When Nice and other members of the Death team saw this, they were all awed.

This old man is really a talent, no wonder he is so favored in front of his master, and takes him wherever he goes.

However, this kind of talent is not something that everyone can learn, at least Nice and others can only worship Shen Hongye, and they can't learn the essence.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining shameless flattery and triggering the lucky aura for 1 minute."

When Shen Hongye's words fell, Ye Meng's brain suddenly rang the electronic sound of the system.

"Yeah, it's a lucky baby talent, but it hasn't been triggered for a long time!"

Ye Meng was extremely surprised when she heard it.

Since leaving the league, this talent has hardly been triggered, so that many times, Ye Meng almost forgot that there is still this talent.

But this time, Shen Hongye's flattery caused the aura of luck to be triggered again.

"It seems that no matter where the baby goes, he will have to carry more old Shen, otherwise such a good talent will be wasted!"

Ye Meng grinned Xiaohu's teeth and thought to himself.

Speaking of, the talent of this lucky baby is still awesome, but the trigger conditions are somewhat harsh, and it must be touted by the shameless class to take effect.

But it's a pity, how can there be so many flatters like Shen Hongye in the world?


While Ye Meng was still thinking, there was a sudden loud noise in the void.

After hearing the sound, everyone looked up.

But unfortunately, they were blocked by the roof of the Assembly Hall, and they couldn't see anything.

The loud noise seemed like a thunderbolt, which exploded one after another.

Immediately afterwards, there was a faint dragon-like voice, coming from the void.


The sound rolled from far to near.


The next moment, the roof of the council chamber burst instantly and turned into fly ash.

The void of lightning and thunder suddenly jumped into everyone's eyes.


After seeing the scene in the void, everyone couldn't help but took a breath.

In the midst of the thunder and lightning, there was actually a dragon, roaring from itself, swooping down.

"Ancient Dragon Race!"

Nice waited for the members of the Death Team, and couldn't help but exclaim.

But Shen Hongye on the side had already laughed.

"What ancient dragon clan, this is clearly one of the four mythical beasts!"

Although the names are different, in fact, what Nis et al. and Shen Hongye said is the same creature.

Azure Dragon, one of the four sacred beasts, is called the ancient dragon clan in the ten thousand realms.

"Little brother, don't I remember that you sold a blue dragon to Liu Jin's old man?"

At this time, Shen Hongye turned his head to look at Ye Meng with a little surprise, and asked.

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