Divine Child System

Chapter 1400: So cute

Zitong is a special name for the emperor of the palace in ancient times.

Ye Meng wiped a trace of surprise on her small face when she heard it.

"Could it be that this young lady is the Queen Mother?"

There are many versions of the story about whether the Queen Mother is the Jade Emperor's wife.

But in this world, the Queen Mother seems to be the wife of the Jade Emperor.

"Zitong, come and taste it, this KFC is really amazing!"

Seeing that the person in front of me was the Queen Mother, I was afraid of the Jade Emperor, and immediately started talking as if to please.

"It's better for your majesty to enjoy it for yourself, but the concubines don't have this good fortune."

Upon hearing the words, the queen mother showed a smile on Qiao's face.

Upon seeing this, the Jade Emperor suddenly shook his heart. For a moment, he was stunned on the spot.

"Yeah, this young lady is a queen mother?"

At this moment, Ye Meng's childish voice of milky milk sounded instantly.

The Queen Mother heard the reputation, and the next moment, her eyes lit up.

"What a cute little doll!"

As far as women are concerned, basically no one can resist Ye Meng's cute appearance, and Queen Mother is no exception.

"Miss Sister, this baby has KFC here, come, this one for you!"

Seeing that the other party was indeed the Queen Mother, Ye Meng grinned her little tiger's teeth and said milky voice.

"Oh, what a lovely little cutie!"

After hearing Ye Meng's words, the Queen Mother's eyes narrowed.

Being called an older sister by such a milk doll made her feel so happy and refreshed.

Immediately, she stopped paying attention to the Jade Emperor and walked over to Ye Meng on her own.


The Queen Mother hugged Ye Meng and kissed her fiercely. She really liked Ye Meng the more she looked at her.

The immortals around were stunned and the wind was messy.

The Jade Emperor himself was even more gutted, with a husky expression.

This...Is this a queen mother like a tigress? Am I dreaming?

Since Ye Meng was just a little kid, Wang's mother dismissed Ye Meng, but she didn't make the Jade Emperor feel jealous.

On the contrary, he was shocked by the queen mother's look. How could the queen mother at this time be as cold and fierce as before?

"Miss sister, eat quickly, it's still hot!"

Ye Meng grinned her little tiger teeth with joy and handed KFC to the queen mother like a treasure.

"Okay, my little brother is so good, sister will eat it!"

The Queen Mother said with a smile, without noticing the slightest ambiguity in her words.

After speaking, the Queen Mother pinched the orchid finger and gently picked up a chicken wing.

The next moment, her eyes widened in an instant, and there was an exclamation in her mouth.

"Little brother, you KFC, too delicious!"

Savoring the taste of KFC in her mouth, the Queen Mother only felt that no matter what flat peaches or Qiongzhiyuye were, they couldn't compare to this thing called KFC.

"Miss Sister likes to eat it!"

I have to say that Ye Meng will please the young lady, looking at the queen mother in front of her, she seems to be eating him.

After destroying a box of KFC, the Queen Mother finally understood the cause and effect.

So she stared at the Jade Emperor with round eyes.

"Your Majesty, my little brother, regardless of the barriers between the world and the earth, will offer such a peerless delicacy to you, don't you have a point to express?"

When the Jade Emperor heard the words, he smiled and roared silently in his heart.

"You prodigal girl, I don't have a hard time living in the Heavenly Court, but you still think about turning your arm out? It's really annoying to me!"

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