Divine Child System

Chapter 1595: I'm Ye Meng, I'm back

"Olufi, look here!"

While Olufie was still wondering, Ye Meng's voice suddenly came from her ears.

He raised his head and looked over.

The next moment, Olufy felt a trance, and he couldn't even stand still!

When he regained his clarity, he knelt down with a loud noise.

"Olufi has seen the Lord!"

Olufie surrendered, he was completely controlled by Ye Meng's contemplation!


Dismask on the side saw his scalp numb, and couldn't help taking a breath!

This kid is so terrible, a look in his eyes will take control of the strongest silver saint, Olufie!

Such an unpredictable method is comparable to the gods!


Lida was even more stunned, looking at a loss!

"Little Lida!"

At this moment, Ye Meng smiled and looked at Lida again!

Seeing this, Lida was frightened.

He doesn't want to be controlled and lose himself like Olufie.

But it's a pity that what should come is always here!

When his eyes touched Ye Meng's eyes, he fell down with a grunt!

Seeing Ye Meng's contemplation again, Dismask was still shocked.

At this time, his fear of Ye Meng had already reached the extreme.

"All go with this baby!"

Seeing Lida had woke up faintly, Ye Meng waved his small hand and said milky voice.

The surrounding Lai Xinwen and others were amazed.

Ye Meng is indeed Ye Meng, as long as he takes action, there is nothing that can't be solved!

Su Xiaotian, Zhong Hao, and Fang Rui were already overjoyed.

This crisis in Nanjiang Mansion was resolved by Ye Meng!

"Teacher, it's really a **** and man!"

Su Xiaotian couldn't help but give a secret compliment.

Since the invasion of the Saints, the entire nebula galaxy has fallen to more than half.

Regardless of whether it is a blue star warrior or a Mi Lian star mecha fighter, facing the Saint Seiya, they are all defeated and never won.

But now, such a terrifying Saint Seiya was easily subdued in front of Ye Meng!

What does this prove?

It proves that Ye Meng is awesome!

In addition, Su Xiaotian could not find any words to describe Ye Meng!

After returning to Su Mansion, the entire Su Mansion was lit up with lights and bright gongs and drums!

Naturally, this scene cannot be concealed from the interested people in Nanjiang Mansion.

Nanjiang Mansion Shangjia.

Shang Yuanliang, the head of the Shang family, Huo Ran stood up after hearing the news from his subordinates.

"What are you talking about? Wei... The Blue Fairy is back? Did you solve the intruder for Su Xiaotian?"

"Lord Homecoming, it's true that many local residents watched Su Xiaotian and others who were surrounded by Xiaoxiantong enter Su Mansion with their own eyes!"

The subordinate of the Shang family quickly replied.

As he spoke, his face was full of admiration.

Ye Meng, the blue fairy boy, can be said to have shocked the entire league.

Especially when he was alone, reaching Xiaoyue Star, reaching Mi Lian Star, and howling ghosts and wolves that beat the two planets. So far, he must be frightened to hear the name of the Blue Fairy!

What a demeanor this is, the subordinate of the Shang family naturally admires this!

"Quickly, prepare the car, I'm going to meet Little Fairy!"

Shang Yuanliang was already excited and ordered to his subordinates.

This scene not only appeared in the Shang family, but also in other families.

The patriarchs of these families were either excited or shocked, and some of them turned pale with fright.

None of them were old foxes who stood opposite Su Xiaotian again after Ye Meng left!

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