Divine Child System

Chapter 1624: Go with this baby to fight the Saint Seiya


The big brothers and gods all around heard the murderous voice of Zhao Yun and the other four generals, and they all took a breath!

This is definitely going to fight, and I don't know which guy who doesn't open his eyes actually provokes the little devil in front of him!

Ye Meng waved his small hand and motioned to the Fourth General Zhao Yun to wait.

Immediately, he turned his head, his eyes swept across all the gods present.

"You guys, who wants to go out with this baby?"

The sound fell, and the audience fell silent for an instant.

After a few breaths, the gods exploded like a fryer!

"Taozu, Xiaoxian Nandou Siming, I am willing to go with Daozu!"

"We Jiuyao, also willing to go to the battlefield with Daozu!"

"The Twenty-Eight Sustained Dao Zu Ma is looking forward, going through water and fire, and will not hesitate!"

"Thirty-six heavens, seventy-two earth evils, please fight!"

The star monarchs from all sides are passionate, and they are asking for battle!

When the remaining gods saw this, they looked at each other and knelt down!

"Six Ding Liujia, Five Star Lord, willing to fight with Dao Ancestor!"

"Emperor Wuyue is willing to lead his subordinates to help Daozu!"

"Sifang God, please fight!"

"Five senses emperor, please plead with Zunzhun!"

As more and more gods asked for the battle, except for Yuan Shi and other saints, almost everyone in the audience had made it clear that they were willing to go with Ye Meng!

They are so anxious to express their stance, except that Ye Meng is too terrifying, and they feel awe from the heart!

Another willingness is that Ye Meng holds countless Magnificent Purple Qi in his hands!

Therefore, these gods naturally hope to win Ye Meng's heart, and then they can be rewarded with a great purple spirit!

"Well, well, follow this baby!"

Ye Meng was overjoyed when he saw this, he waved his small hand and said milky voice!

The rest of Yuanshi and other saints, seeing this scene, naturally did not dare to neglect anymore, and quickly learned from other gods, and expressed their views to Ye Meng!

Ye Meng was not afraid, as long as he was willing to follow him, he accepted them all!

With so many gods, and their respective soldiers and horses joined.

The number of troops under Ye Meng's command has reached hundreds of thousands!

These hundreds of thousands are not a cat or a dog, but a stern soldier of heaven!

"set off!"

Ye Meng waved his little hand vigorously, and set off on a horse riding a horse!

Thus, a shocking scene appeared!

Hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals, plus various gods, and even saints!

Along the way, the flags spread out, covering the sky and the sun, with great momentum!

"Go to the fairy world first!"

After Ye Meng gave out the general order, the army immediately smashed towards the immortal realm!

People who don't know, I am afraid that Ye Meng wants to unify the immortal world!

Such a massive action has already shocked the entire world of immortals!

The demon kings and the little demon on all the hills shuddered and squatted on the ground!

They thought that Heavenly Court was preparing to send troops to wipe out these monster forces!

Ye Meng led everyone on a rampage!

He went to Huaguoshan first!

Therefore, Sun Wukong's Huaguoshan forces also joined the army!

Then ran to the Thunder Mountain of the Bull Demon King!

Therefore, the forces of Mount Thunder Mountain, as well as the Bull Demon King, all joined the army without hesitation!

In just a few hours, all the demonic forces in the earth fairy world were absorbed by Ye Meng!

But Ye Meng was still not satisfied!

Immediately, he targeted the Dragon Race!

After a while, the four dragon palaces ignited countless shrimp soldiers and crabs and joined the army!

After almost integrating 80 to 90% of the forces of the Three Realms, Ye Meng waved his small hand and shouted with milk!

"All go with this baby to fight Saint Seiya!"

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