Divine Child System

Chapter 1783: Different universe

Just when Shen Hongye and Su Xiaotian arrived!

The reminder of Ye Meng's ear system has counted down to zero!

The next moment, a white light instantly fell from the sky, covering Ye Meng!

"It's too late to say more, this baby is going to a place this time, and I don't know when to come back!"

"Here, everything is up to you..."

Ye Meng spoke extremely fast, and confessed to Su Xiaotian!

Su Xiaotian was stunned when he heard this!

But Liu Feifei pounced at Ye Meng.

"Ye Meng, where would you go?"

Liu Feifei was naturally reluctant to leave Ye Meng, so she had to ask to understand!

However, with her move, Liu Youyou, who was holding hands with her, was unconsciously taken a few steps forward!

Then, even the dignified corner of Liu Youyou's clothes rushed forward involuntarily!

In this way, Bai Guang instantly enveloped the three Liu Feifei!

When Shen Hongye on the side saw this, he was very happy!

He stepped out and rushed into the white light!

And at this time, Ye Meng's figure has begun to gradually become empty...

"Wait for us..."

At the moment when Ye Meng and others were about to disappear, the four Lai Xinwen, who did not know where they came from, rushed towards the white light in an instant!

"What's happening here?"

Su Xiaotian watched this scene blankly, and the whole person suddenly became messy in the wind!

Among the four Lai Xinwen, Lai Xinwen was the fastest, rushing into the white light in one step.

The other three people are a step slower!

When they just rushed past, the white light had completely disappeared!

At the same time, Ye Meng, as well as Liu Feifei, Liu Youyou, Tangtang, Shen Hongye, Lai Xinwen and others, have completely disappeared without a trace!


Su Xiaotian looked stupidly at the place where Ye Meng and others disappeared!

However, the three of Gu Jiahao are like a concubine!

"It's over, let Fatty Lai follow along!"

"It's a pity, I'm just one step away, just one step away!"

"Hey, who's called Fatty Lai? That guy doesn't look like a fat man with agility!"

The three sighed and wailed!

Everyone knows that every place Ye Meng goes is absolutely fun!

But this time, they couldn't follow, naturally they were extremely frustrated!

When I thought that Lai Xinwen, the little fat man, would follow Ye Meng to drink spicy food, the three of Gu Jiahao suddenly became jealous!

"Curse Fatty Lai, went there and got struck by lightning!"

"No, it's not enough just to be struck by lightning, but also... to be chased by an ugly girl!"

"It's better to be forced to marry an ugly girl, hahaha!"

As the three of them talked, they all became happy!


I don't know how long it took, Ye Meng's eyes lighted up again!

What leaped into his eyes was a strange sight!

For this, Ye Meng is naturally not surprised!

Since it was the system that sent him to some other universe plane, it was natural that strange scenes appeared!

"Wait, why is this baby alone?"

At this time, Ye Meng suddenly discovered that he was the only one around him!

But Liu Feifei, Liu Youyou, Tangtang, and Shen Hongye, Lai Xinwen, and others are all missing!

"Is it lost?"

Upon seeing this, Ye Meng scratched his head!

He just came to this plane, he himself was still at a loss!

Where can he find Liu Feifei and others?

"Ding! The transfer is successful, and the host has successfully reached the plane of the different universe!"

Hearing the electronic sound that suddenly sounded by his ear, Ye Meng suddenly slapped his head.

"This baby is really confused, there is a system, what are you afraid of!"

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