Divine Child System

Chapter 2219: He is the Ye Family

Ye Meng can even eat the universe, let alone the trivial γ God?

The other party, to put it bluntly, is just an energy body.

Therefore, claiming to be a great γ god, he was eaten cleanly by Ye Meng.

Outside Zhitian Mountain, the main body of γ Great God and the main body of Bie Chantong roared together.


But the next moment, their faces showed fearful expressions again.

If they hadn't made a clone before, I'm afraid they would have completely fallen.

"Γ God, what should I do now?"

Don't Song Tong's face was full of panic.

"Escape, the farther you can escape, the better, this kid is too abnormal!"

γThe great **** is also in a panic, he can't care about the majesty of the **** at all at this time, and he yells at Don Chantong in shock.

"Great God Wise!"

Don't recite the Tongwenyan, and I'm overjoyed.

He wanted to escape long ago, but he was afraid that γ God would disagree.

Now, the great **** actually had an idea with him, and that naturally couldn't be better!

Immediately, don't chant and arrange it.

There are not many gamma people left now.

Counting him and γ God, there are only 10 if you are full.

Among them are Abrabuda, his **** henchmen.

A moment later, a transspace airship broke through the air and left in a hurry.

At the moment the airship started, Ye Meng raised his head, and a look of surprise was wiped across his small face.

"Hey, this group of guys actually played a clone tactic!"

Ye Meng's figure disappeared in an instant.


"Finally left this terrible place!"

Don't Song Tong looked at the vast universe, and said with a look of fear behind him.

Hearing the words, his confidant Abrambuda nodded in agreement.

"What the big boss said is that although this place is a low-level universe, he didn't expect such terrible children to be there!"

"In terms of strength, I am afraid that the opponent can already reach the level of an intermediate cosmic power!"

Abrabuddah's voice fell, and the voice of γ Great God rang.

"No, you are wrong. This kid is probably already at the intermediate level of the universe gods, and he has a very familiar smell, like...like..."

γSpeaking of this, the great **** paused, as if he was thinking about who he was like!

"Ye Xuan, by the way, the aura on this child is exactly the same as Ye Xuan!"

Don't recite the Tongwenyan, and suddenly exclaimed.

Hearing his words, γ God and Abra Buda were shocked.

"Yes, Ye Xuan!"

γThe Great God nodded, and he agreed with the analysis of Doe Songtong.

Seeing that the two most powerful people in the γ universe mentioned Ye Xuan, Abrabuda on the side shivered suddenly.

"ΓGod, big boss, I remember this kid seems to have the surname Ye, listening to the news from the aliens, it looks like this kid is called Ye Meng!"

"He and Ye Xuan, aren't they relatives?"

When Abrabuda said so, God γ and Bey Songtong suddenly screamed.

"It's very possible, it must be so, only this explanation will make sense!"

"When they were in the γ universe, there was a buzzword among the Eastern Dragon Star people, called "Hang Bi!"

"So this kid must be the Ye family's attack!"

"Oh my god, why are we so unlucky that we ran into two Ye Jiaguo forces one after another, how can this make us live?"

The more I guessed Ye Meng's identity, the more miserable the expressions of γ-God and Bie·Changtong became!

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