Divine Child System

Chapter 2238: Whoever you are, smash it with one hammer

Just when Gong Qibin claimed to be able to block Ye Meng, the opposite Ye Meng suddenly flipped his wrist, and Lei Gong hammered him suddenly!


In the thunder of thunder, Gong Qibin, who thought he was powerful, instantly turned into a pile of fly ash!

What if your body is strong?

Under Thunder's hammer, you will still be wiped out!

Upon seeing this, the prince was shocked!

"Don't... don't come over!"

Although the realm of the prince is similar to Lao Li and Lao Gong!

However, in terms of strength, it is not at the same level!

Because the prince’s cultivation base was piled up by his father Wusheng Emperor and his mother Fengzi Empress.

Otherwise, how could he reach the level of Lao Li and Lao Gong at a young age?

Now, Ye Meng's ferocity obviously exceeded the prince's expectations!

Some self-aware princes were shocked immediately!

"Don't come if you say don't come? Wouldn't it be shameful if this baby listened to you?"

When Ye Meng heard the words, he curled his small mouth and said with milk.

With that, Ye Meng stepped forward and continued forward.

Seeing Ye Meng coming with a small hammer, the prince was so scared that he almost peeed...

No way, this small hammer can knock Lao Gong into a terrifying existence of powder.

You know, Gong Lao's defensive power is really amazing to the extreme.

Even his father Wusheng Great Emperor's stunts could resist and suffered only minor injuries.

One can imagine how terrifying this old Gong's body is!

But now, such a terrifying old man, Gong did not even take a hammer from Ye Meng!

How can this not let the prince feel appalled?

"I...My dad is Li Gang, the Unborn Emperor, you... don't come over!"

The prince tremblingly said, the whole person began to tremble!

He is now scared, but his previous intention to kill people and win treasures was not at all soft-hearted!

Ye Meng curled his lips when he heard it.

This kind of **** prince is obviously used to evil.

It's strange that he would let this dog prince go!

Immediately, he stepped out and the Thunder hammer crashed down!


There was a thunder, and it sounded suddenly!

In the next moment, the dog prince instantly turned into flying ash, and he didn't even have time to scream!

"What Wusheng Emperor Li Gang, this baby is afraid of him!"

Ye Meng curled his lips, and murmured with milk.

Immediately, he turned around and glared at the ink.

"You old guy, it's not a good thing, you know you are watching the show!"

"Where is it? It's not that the old man is afraid of sweeping you. Besides, the old man's cultivation base, don't show it ashamed!"

When the ink spot heard the words, he smiled.

"Okay, hurry up and find the god-level system, this baby has a hunch that some Li Gang may appear soon!"

Ye Meng waved her little hand, and said milky voice.

After hearing Mo Dian, he nodded.

Immediately, I began to recite the words and calculate.

This is one of his abilities, being able to quickly sense the accurate position of all god-level systems.

Because, as the witness and recorder of the god-level system, if he doesn't have such ability, he would still testify as a fart!

After a while, Mo Dian looked forward with joy and said, pointing to the front.

"right here!"

Ye Meng heard the words and followed the ink dotted finger.

In front is a boundary monument at the junction of the Heaven Realm and Yuanhuang Continent.

However, this boundary monument looks extremely weird, saying that it is a seal can be justified!

"Is it this?"

Ye Meng looked at the boundary monument and asked with milk.

"Yes, that's it, this blank god-level system is sealed in the boundary monument!"

Mo dot nodded slightly and said in a deep voice!

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