Divine Child System

Chapter 2290: This kid is so scary

Mochizuki's four little dragons' voices just sounded, and Ye Meng's figure appeared in front of them.

"Hahaha, I still want to catch Laozi, come here!"

Seeing Ye Meng's little hand, grabbing towards him, Qiang Dao burst into laughter immediately.

He didn't pay attention to the little boy in front of him at all. Although the little boy was young, he was already the duality of Yuan Ying, which really surprised him.

However, the second layer of Yuanying, compared to him, the powerhouse of the seventh layer, is undoubtedly not enough.

What kind of attack can a cultivator with dual Yuan Ying have?

Qiang Dao looked up to the sky and laughed, and Wu Lai and others beside him looked overwhelmed with joy.

Obviously, they were amused by Ye Meng's innocence.

Well, in their eyes, Ye Meng, a little kid, is naive and overpowering.

But the next moment!

Qiang Dao's laughter stopped abruptly, as if he had been chopped off.

"what's the situation?"

The smiles on Wu Lai's faces instantly solidified.

Soon, they all looked up.

Then a cold breath immediately rose from the soles of their feet and rushed straight to the forehead!

What did they see?

Seeing the Qiang Dao of Tangtang Yuanying Seventh Layer, it was like a little chicken, held in the hand by that little kid, unable to move.

And the original flying sword at his feet had fallen into the other hand of the kid.

The little kid's face was full of joy, and he didn't know what he was happy about.


After a few seconds, Wu Lai and the three were stunned, and they all started to shout.

But as soon as their voices sounded, they interrupted again.


Immediately, a chill unstoppable hit all of them.

Because, when they saw this little kid, they even bit off the flying sword of the Qiang Dao!

Click, click!

A crisp chewing sound came from Ye Meng's mouth.

The three of Wu Lai had numb scalp and cold hands and feet.

Rao is that all of them are powerful men of Yuan Ying Seven Layers, but seeing such a horrible and weird scene, they are also horrified to sweat!

Under the world, there are still people who can eat flying swords?

This kid, isn't he the incarnation of a monster?

The three Wu Lai had to think so.

As for the disciples of Ancient Lianxian Clan, they grinned.

They saw the scene of the Eighth Elder eating Feijian again.

To be honest, they were also shocked.

For fear of this flying sword, accidentally cutting the Eighth Elder and piercing his stomach!

Of course, this scene will never happen.

No matter how terrible the flying sword was, it was nothing but food in Ye Meng's mouth.

It's like chocolate, like biscuits, like pastries!

"You...you ate my flying sword!"

The voice of Qiang Dao rang, terrified!

Ye Meng was eating Huan, and suddenly heard the nasty voice, suddenly furious.


He muttered vaguely.

The next moment, a small hand wave!


Qiang Dao was instantly thrown out by Ye Meng!

His figure flew out quickly!

Boom! Boom!

Ye Meng's strength is so great!

This throw directly caused Qiang Dao to break two mountain peaks, and finally stuck straight and diagonally on the half-cut mountain peak.


When Wu Lai and the three people saw this scene, a huge sense of fear, after they surfaced, made their teeth rattle, and they couldn't stop shaking!

This kid is so terrible!

They blackmailed to such a person, aren't they looking for death by themselves?

The three of Wu Lai thought so much, and immediately wanted to cry without tears!

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