Divine Child System

Chapter 2297: Asking Daozong is not at peace


Just when these Dao Sect disciples were about to move towards Ye Meng and the others, a loud shout suddenly came!

The next moment, a figure walked slowly!

This person is surprisingly Zhu Yaozhi who came to the ancient immortal gate to send a message, with a piggyin face!

Zhu Yaozhi asked the elders of the outer door of Daozong, and he had reached the stage of transforming gods.

He is specifically responsible for interrogating Daozong and communicating matters related to major sects.

After all, he was in the questioning sect. Although he was not highly powerful, he still had a certain status.

Therefore, these disciples of Asking Dao Sect, after seeing that it was Zhu Yaozhi, stopped immediately, turned around and bowed to Zhu Yaozhi.

"I have seen Elder Zhu!"


Zhu Yaozhi waved his hand and said casually.

Immediately, his gaze turned to Ye Meng, with a smile on his face, but in his eyes, he couldn't help but wipe the look of surprise.

This child, when he was in the ancient immortal gate, only had the first level of Yuan Ying, why has it suddenly become the fifth level of Yuan Ying?

For a moment, Zhu Yaozhi almost wondered if he was stunned.

"Little friend, let's meet again!"

After looking closely, he found that Ye Meng was really the fifth layer of Nascent Soul. He immediately suppressed the surprise in his heart and said hello to Ye Meng.

"It's you, your sect disciple is so cruel, and you want to touch us!"

Ye Meng curled his lips when he heard the words, and said with milk.

As soon as he said this, the Dang Jian faction waited to ask the Dao Zong disciples, and anger came from his heart.

You little baby, shameless, even the wicked sued first?

"Huh? There is still this thing?"

Zhu Yaozhi's face became ugly upon hearing this.

He had already heard of all the arrogant and arrogant impetuous emotions in the sect.

Although most of the elders don't think it matters, Zhu Yaozhi's thoughts are the same as those of Zeng Haoren, the master of the Taoist Sect.

However, although Zeng Haoren applied for five orders three times, the effect was not obvious.

Because there were various elders who asked the disciples of Dao Sect to protect them, they didn't really care about the command of Sect Master Zeng Haoren.

Therefore, when Zhu Yaozhi suddenly heard Ye Meng's complaint at this time, he was naturally very angry.

He turned around and looked at the party leader.

"Party healthy faction, what's the matter?"

There was a trace of dissatisfaction in his voice.

As an elder of the Sect Master faction, he was very displeased with the other elders who were rebellious and domineering in the sect.

The strong party faction in front of him is the disciple of the elder of the outer door, Gan Huai.

And Master Gan Huai, as the name suggests, most likes to do bad things that bully others and bully.

"Elder Zhu, do you come to accuse me without investigating anything?"

"Your elbow is crunching too hard, right?"

In the face of Zhu Yaozhi's questioning, the Dangjian faction was not timid, on the contrary, it looked confident.

In fact, the same is true. His master is the real power elder Gan Huai of the outer sect, and he has extremely high prestige among the outer disciples.

Because this guy controls the promotion and assessment rights of all outer disciples.

Therefore, in the minds of the Party's health faction, an elder who is only responsible for running errands, he really looks down upon.

Just now, he just bowed to the elder's sake.

But now, this Zhu Yaozhi actually questioned him indiscriminately?

Who lent him this courage?

The Dangjian faction, which relied on the support of Master Gan Huai, looked at Zhu Yaozhi with a sneer, he wanted to see how this Zhu Yaozhi would end up next!

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