Divine Child System

Chapter 2299: Outer door treasure, Feixia mirror

With an angry look, Zhu Yaozhi snapped it out!

At this moment, the Party Jian faction had just climbed up from the ground, suddenly the sky seemed to be blasted by the sound of rolling thunder.

When he looked up, he was so horrified!

This Zhu Yaozhi was ruthless?

He is too shameless, he is vicious!

In fact, the Party's healthy faction does not even know that Zhu Yaozhi's hand is in vain.

Even if he was really slapped by Zhu Yaozhi, it would be nothing more than a fall.

After all, Zhu Yaozhi is an elder, and he is not a cruel and vicious person.

How could he be ruthless because of such a thing?

But the Party Jian faction didn't know, he subconsciously thought that Zhu Yaozhi was going to kill him to establish his prestige, and his heart suddenly became cruel!

"You forced me, don't blame me for being rude!"

While the thoughts were flashing, the Party Jian faction suddenly sacrificed something!

In the next moment, the sky shines!

Xiaguang carried it, destroying the decay and bursting out!

"Feixia Mirror!"

When Zhu Yaozhi saw this, the look on his face suddenly changed.

Feixia Realm is the treasure of Wendaozong's outer gate, and has always been in the hands of the chief elder Gan Huai of the outer gate.

Since it is the treasure of the town, it is natural to never move lightly on weekdays.

Because this Feixia Realm is said to be a magic weapon from ancient times, and its power is extremely terrifying!

The monks who were irradiated by the sun's rays were either physically destroyed or lost in spirit.

In the past few days, sects have come to ask Dao Zong one after another. Master Gan Huai is afraid that these sects will cause trouble with each other, and that the cultivation base of the Party's strong sect is not high, and they cannot suppress these other sects!

Therefore, he handed Feixia mirror to the Dangjian faction to frighten the disciples of the major sects.

But who would think that this strong party faction, regardless of it, directly used such a treasure!

Immediately, countless rays of light swept across, asking Daozong's mountain gates to be in a mess!

There were even a few disciples of Asking Daozong who were affected by the rays of light, their bodies were instantly destroyed, and they uttered screams!

In the face of such a magic weapon attack, Zhu Yaozhi didn't dare to neglect, and quickly wrapped his whole body with his flying fairy robe.

As for the others, he is no longer able to take care of it. Now that he can save himself, it is pretty good!

Xiaguang soon shot in front of Ye Meng and the others, and they naturally saw the tragic situation of the few Daozong disciples who had just asked!

Therefore, when they saw the rays of light hitting, the disciples of these ancient immortal gates were all horrified!

Only Ye Meng didn't panic.

He stepped forward, and his small body suddenly stood in front of Xia Guang!

"Are you tired of your life?"

Upon seeing this, the Party Jianpai wiped out a sneer in his eyes.

He has used Feixia Jing, and his own sect's disciples have also affected several. In this case, would he care about killing one more kid?

But unfortunately, the development of the next thing completely exceeded his expectations!

The Feixia Mirror can be called terrifying, the indestructible sunlight, when it hits Ye Meng's body, it seems like a stone sinking into the sea, without any reaction at all!

Not to mention the destruction of the body, the soul is scattered, I am afraid that even Ye Meng's hair has not been injured!


Seeing this scene, the look of the Party's strong faction suddenly became confounded!

The treasure of the outer door, why can't this kid be?

If not, he had just seen the power of Feixia Mirror with his own eyes, I am afraid he would still think that this is a knockoff!

Ye Meng's figure twisted amidst the stunned look of the Dangjian faction, and the next moment he appeared in front of the Dangjian faction!

His little hand suddenly stuck out!

The Fei Xia Realm in the hands of the Party Jian faction fell into Ye Meng's hands instantly!

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