Divine Child System

Chapter 2317: Set off, target Daoganshan

Asked Daozong and became Ye Meng's back garden.

The disciples of the ancient immortal sect were praised and complimented no matter where they went.

This made the disciples of Ancient Lianxian Clan feel proud.

Of course, they all know who all this comes from.

Ye Meng, the eighth elder!

If it weren't for this little elder who they had despised at the beginning, one person would ask Daozong forcibly.

I am afraid that their status at this time is the same as before, being squeezed out and discriminated against everywhere?

But now, who would dare to do this?

A few days later, the elites of all major sects gathered at Wendaozongshanmen.

Zeng Haoren, the suzerain of the Dao Sect, and some of the elders also all appeared on the stage.

Now they are ready to explore the dry mountain.

After all, isn't it just for Daoganshan's affairs to convene the major sects?

"Mister, do you think you can go?"

Zeng Haoren looked at the time, turned his head and asked Ye Meng.

"lets go!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Meng waved his hand casually, and said milky voice.


Zeng Haoren responded, and then set off with a soft drink.

In the next moment, countless monks burst into the air.

Thousands of flying swords appeared in mid-air instantly, and at a glance, they were densely packed and terrifying.

Here, gathered here are the most elite group of disciples from the major sects of Donglin Palace, which is naturally no small thing.

Inside the ancient immortal gate, only Bei Guoxia and Jie Pan Xia were taken to Daogan Mountain by Ye Meng.

The other disciples' cultivation is too low, and it's useless to go.

It might as well simply let them stay in Wendaozong and enjoy the blessing.

Facing Ye Meng's obvious selfish act, the major sects dare not say anything at all.

Thousands of monks, with astonishing aura, headed towards Daogan Mountain all the way mightily.

Such an astonishing movement naturally alarmed some casual cultivators and the demon kings scattered everywhere.

"My God, what is going on, why are all the major sects of Donglin Mansion dispatched?"

"I see, this is Daogan Mountain. It must be the magical energy of Daogan Mountain. It is about to explode again!"

"No, I remember the last time the devilish energy erupted, it didn't take long. It seems to be a hundred years ago, why is it going to erupt again?"

"Who knows, but the eruption cycle of Daogan Mountain's devilish energy is obviously getting shorter and shorter. If this continues, after all, it is no way!"

The crowd of casual repairers looked up at the sky and talked a lot.

And those demon kings only took a look, then withdrew their gazes.

Human matters are not their business.

Anyway, any magical energy is useless to them.

Over the years, their monster race has finally reached an agreement with humans to coexist peacefully.

They don't bother to participate in human affairs.

Immediately, the major demon kings dispersed.

It has to be said that compared with humans, the vision of this group of demon kings is obviously lower by several grades.

They didn't even think of the truth in their lips and teeth.

The human forces of Donglin Mansion, if there is any accident, can their demon kings be spared?

I'm afraid it will be too late for them to do anything by then.

About an hour later, people from all major sects arrived at the outskirts of Daogan Mountain.

"Little sir, this is Dao Gan Shan!"

Now, although Zeng Haoren is the leader of various schools in name, in fact, he has already seen everything.

"This is Daogan Mountain!"

Ye Meng gritted his teeth when he heard the words.

Immediately, his gaze turned to the front.

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