Divine Child System

Chapter 2326: Sovereign, please abdicate

"what sound?"

The loud noise entered the room, and Dan Xiaogui's face showed a look of surprise.

Asking Daozong's VIP Pavilion dignifiedly, is it noisy to this level?

"It should be a sect who doesn't understand etiquette, it's really a bunch of buns who are bluffing!"

The second elder Jian Polan shook his head and made a comment.

The other elders also laughed.

But Jayaba, who has always been known as a fake mute, suddenly spoke up.

"The mediocre will step down, the capable will be on top, the ancient immortal gate, and move forward bravely! Sect Master, you are in luck!"

Jayaba hasn't spoken for a hundred years, even if he speaks, he always speaks concisely and cherishes words as gold.

But now, he was talking a long series, obviously he was scared.


Dan Xiaogui heard this, and Huo stood up with a cry.

The other elders were also surprised.

At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open with a bang.

Immediately, dozens of disciples of ancient refining immortals entered in file.

Fortunately, I asked Daozong’s VIP Pavilion, the room area was quite large, otherwise, dozens of people would come in at once.

I'm afraid that it may not be able to squeeze so many people.

"Sect Master, please abdicate!"

Among the disciples, one person stood up.

This person is surprisingly the previous disciple.

This disciple was called Fan Guzai, and he was also an inner disciple, and he was the third person behind Bei Guoxia and Ji Pan Xia.

His prestige in the sect is far beyond what Feng Zijun and others can compare.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to instigate so many disciples to come to force the palace on his own!

"what did you say?"

Dan Xiaogui was shocked when he heard this.

Although, Jayaba has already repeated the slogans shouted outside just now.

But Dan Xiaogui didn't take it to heart. Maybe it was just the great elder who heard it wrong.

After all, Dan Xiaogui felt that his abilities were not bad, and he had even paid for the ancient immortal gate. How could this group of disciples oust him as hard-working and tender?

Under the world, there is no such reason.

"Sect Master, please abdicate!"

Fan Guzai repeated, his expression extremely serious.

The disciples around heard the words, and they all opened their mouths.

"Sect Master, please abdicate!"

This time, everyone's voices were uniform and aura.

Obviously, this group of disciples is determined to let Dan Xiaogui step down.

Dan Xiaogui stood on the spot in such a daze, all the elders around were dumbfounded, and the wind was messy.

The unprecedented disciple forced the palace lord to be touched by them?

What a shame this time.


After a long time, Dan Xiaogui reacted. He waved his hand to signal the crowd to leave.

He can only do this, can he still hold these disciples accountable?

Isn't that tantamount to making things worse?

"Sect Master, why should you be greedy for power? You usually stay in the cave, you don't manage the sect, let alone teach your disciples!"

"Once something goes wrong, you will retreat faster than anyone else!"

"Our ancient immortal sect was originally considered a first-line sect, and its reputation is not small, but why has it fallen to such a level that everyone can be deceived over the years? Don't you know yourself?"

Seeing Dan Xiaogui's intentions, the big things were turned into small things and the small things turned into small things.

His voice fell, and the disciples behind him suddenly agreed.

"Yes, today you must abdicate the sect master and let the capable generation take charge of the sect!"

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