Divine Child System

Chapter 2362: New abilities, open

"Ding! The Emperor Super Dimensional chat group system is detected, is the host swallowed!"

"Ding! The Emperor dungeon creation system is detected, is the host swallowed!"

Two consecutive electronic sounds sounded in Ye Meng's ears.


Ye Meng didn't even think about it, so he swallowed silently.

The next moment, the power of the god-level bear child system surged out instantly.

However, this force had just appeared, and the devouring force in Ye Meng's body had already suppressed it suddenly!

"Dare to grab food with my baby? Tired of living?"

When the voice fell, the power of the god-level bear child system gave a slight pause.

Immediately afterwards, it retreated like a tide.

No way, since Ye Meng swallowed part of the essence of the system and asked him to transform the greedy baby talent into his own power!

The system can no longer fight Ye Meng.

Even now, it depends on Ye Meng's expression.

Because it was afraid that Ye Meng would be unwilling, so he swallowed it last.

Click, click!

Bai Guang was chewed happily by Ye Meng.

At the next moment, two warm currents formed in Yemeng's body.

"What is the function of super-dimensional chat groups?"

Ye Meng felt the warm current in his heart, and a look of surprise was wiped across his eyes.

He didn't feel any chat groups existed?

However, just when he was surprised, a chat box popped out instantly.

The above is empty, nothing.

At the top of the chat box, please name the three characters, which will appear in Ye Meng's eyes.


Seeing this, Ye Meng was slightly startled.

Soon, he suddenly came over.

"Then name it Billion Universe Chat Group!"

As soon as this statement was made, the chat box changed instantly.

Hundreds of millions of cosmic chat groups, a few gilded characters, folds are brilliant!

The next moment, the sound of Ding Ding Dong Dong came over.

Ding! You have become the owner of the chat group of billions of universes!

Ding! The villain Ye Xuan joins the group chat!

Ding! One Punch Man Saitama joins the group chat!

Ding! Pea shooter join the group chat!

Ding! Nezha, the magic boy, join the group chat!

A series of ding, ding, dong, dong, Ye Meng instantly focused on the chat group.

"Brother Ye Xuan?"

The first thing that caught Ye Meng's attention was Ye Xuan.

No way, who called them brothers?

However, Ye Meng was not surprised at Ye Xuan's appearance in the group.

The god-level system was originally created by Ye Xuan's mind!

Ye Xuan could immediately feel any changes on his side.

"Moe Bao!"

Ye Xuan's voice sounded.

What Ye Meng didn't expect was that this chat group was all conducted in voice, not text!

"Brother, it's this baby!"

Ye Meng grinned her little tiger's teeth with joy.

Their brothers would meet in such a way.

"Be busy first, I will find you later!"

Ye Xuan replied, concisely and concisely.

Immediately, his voice disappeared, and even the group chat portrait went dark.

It seems to be offline?

"Tsk tusk, this group chat is really interesting!"

When Ye Meng saw this, a look of surprise appeared on his small face.

Since Ye Xuan was no longer there, he had no choice but to focus his gaze on other people.

"One Punch Man Saitama?"

When she saw the second name, Ye Meng's eyes wiped out a look of surprise.

One punch man!

Of course he had seen it, but he didn't expect that even he could appear in the chat group of billions of universes.

Shaking his head, his eyes continued to turn four times.

The next moment, Ye Meng smiled directly.

"Pea shooter? What the **** is this?"

The pea shooter is a gadget in Plants vs. Zombies, and it can also appear grandiosely!

It's just funny!

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