Divine Child System

Chapter 2562: It’s been a long time

In fact, although the five-color light is scary, it is not without rivals!

The golden-winged roc bird is not afraid of the five-color light!

However, today's Peng Demon King is not a golden-winged big Peng bird.

Although he is the heir of the Golden-winged Roc, he is much worse than the Golden-winged Roc.

You know, the golden-winged roc bird is no ordinary person.

Like Kong Xuan, he also learned the way in the famine years.

Compared to Kong Xuan, it was a little worse and lost.

Therefore, the Golden Winged Roc Bird could not be afraid of Kong Xuan's five-color light, but Demon King Peng couldn't stop it at all.

"This person is too terrible, we are not an opponent, we should retreat first, please let the leader take action!"

The demon kings looked at each other and unified their opinions.

Immediately, the demon kings immediately turned around and ran.

"Want to run?"

Kong Xuan sneered when he saw this.


The five colors of light behind him kept flashing.

The next moment, the demon kings who ran away in a hurry, suddenly felt black in front of them and lost consciousness!

When they woke up again, they had all fallen beside Kong Xuan.

None of the six demon kings are spared!

Even Yuan Tianyu, the Void Demon Ape, has not escaped the terrifying five-color light.

"Where is the culprit, dare to capture this baby's subordinates?"

At this moment, Ye Meng's milky childish voice suddenly came over.

"Huh? There are still missing fish?"

When Kong Xuan heard the words, his eyes shot at Ye Meng.

The next moment, his pupils shrank suddenly.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a little faint in his heart.

It was as if he and the child in front of him were fateful enemies!

"Are you Kong Xuan?"

Ye Meng glanced at Kong Xuan up and down, and said suddenly.

This Kong Xuan, from the outside, looks exactly the same as in the copy of Journey to the West, and even looks the same in character.

However, in the copy of Journey to the West, Kong Xuan is his loyal subordinate.

But here, the two became hostile.

This made Ye Meng feel a little absurd.

"Since it is Kong Xuan, the baby will forgive your previous rude sin!"

"Don't hurry down and surrender to this baby!"

Ye Meng said milkily, his words sounded naive.

But after Kong Xuan heard it, he didn't know why, and his heart was suddenly shaken.

His knees actually knelt down involuntarily.

"No, this is impossible!"

Upon seeing this, Kong Xuan's indifferent face revealed a look of astonishment.

He desperately wanted to control his legs, but his legs didn't let it go!

"How can I, Kong Xuan, kneel and surrender?"

He suddenly shouted, and the five-color light behind him instantly lit up!


The five-color light, brushed towards Ye Meng!

"Ah, it's been a long time since I played Shua Shua!"

Upon seeing this, Ye Meng curled his mouth!

Immediately, behind him, there was also a colorful divine light!


The colorful divine light and the five-color divine light collided in the air instantly!

At the next moment, Kong Xuan suddenly felt dizzy in his head.

After that, the whole person has completely lost consciousness!

Demon Kings such as Bull Demon King and Peng Demon King were all shocked to see!

Especially Peng Demon King, even more stunned.

"Gosh, it's incredible!"

"The five-color divine light has always been only Kong Xuan's magical powers, but I didn't expect the leader to have it, no, he is more advanced!"

Hearing this, the demon kings who had been so surprised at first became more and more shocked.

In the heart of the bull devil, a huge wave appeared.

"Young Master Ye knows not only the advanced version of Samadhi Real Fire, but also the advanced version of Five Colors of Light? What is his background?"

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