Divine Child System

Chapter 2732: Not found

Jiuyin and Zhunti were so depressed to be scolded!

At this moment, from the corner of his eyes, he inadvertently swept the gloating expression of Yuanshi Tianzun!

They almost vomited blood!

"These are two slip-through saints, you can't let them hide!"

Ye Meng grinned her little tiger's teeth, and said secretly!

The next moment, he suddenly drank softly.

"Quickly mention, take the lead, go and find out the old thief and the fearful grandson, otherwise don't blame this baby for being rude!"

Hearing this, Zhun said and received tears without tears.

However, they dare not disobey Ye Meng's words!

When even the only promise came down!

"Deserve it!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun silently opened his mouth when he saw this!

Although, now all the teachings have been submitted to Ye Meng!

But their internal fights still did not stop!

Ye Meng didn't bother to bother about it!

Anyway, if they want to fight, then fight!

"Strange, why can't I feel their breath?"

Zhun mentioned the divine mind of the saint, sweeping the entire heaven, but still did not find the aura of burning lamps and fear of leaving the grandchildren, and he was suddenly surprised!

The sage on the side has a solemn expression on his face!

"It's like disappearing out of thin air, this... how is this possible?"

The two have displayed all kinds of magical powers, but they can't find the aura of burning lanterns and fear of leaving their grandchildren!

"How to do?"

Lead, Zhunti glanced at each other, cold sweat dripping on his forehead!

If you can't find the two anti-bone boys, I'm afraid the little ancestor will beat them!

"Please teacher!"

Suddenly, it seemed to remember something to attract the saint.

Immediately, he walked quickly to the front of Hongjun, who was sitting cross-legged in the corner, who seemed to be asleep!

"Teacher, please save the disciples!"

"It's no use begging me!"

Upon hearing this, Hongjun slowly raised his head.


Following the quote, Zhi Dao Hongjun was unwilling to make a move, and suddenly knelt down in tears, repeatedly kowtow!

Seeing this scene, Hongjun sighed!

"It's not that Poor Dao is unwilling to take action, but Poor Dao can't find the aura of burning a lamp and being afraid of leaving his grandchildren!"

As the Taoist ancestor, although Hongjun seemed to be dozing off just now!

But in fact, how could Ye Meng's dialogue with Xiuying and Zhunti escape his ears!

Moreover, he also searched curiously just now!

But the result is the same as quasi mentioning and receiving, in vain!

After receiving the quote, I was shocked!

"You two, have you found it?"

Ye Meng's milky voice sounded!

Upon hearing this, Jiuyin and Zhunti gave a shock!

"Back... back to Ye Dong, no... not found!"

After the two said, they closed their eyes to death!

Ye Meng frowned upon seeing this!

He just said that he would beat the lead and quasi mention, naturally just to scare them!

These two guys are veteran saints anyway, they will be very useful in the future!

Ye Meng wouldn't kill them for no reason!

"Strange, you are all saints, you can't find the old thief and the fearful grandson?"

Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth, and a look of surprise was wiped across her small face!

Burning the lantern and fearing to stay with the grandchildren, although they are only Hunyuan Saints!

But Ye Meng had already decided that when he left the heavens, all the saints would be taken away!

If so, leave these two scourges behind!

I am afraid that in the future, no one in the heavens will be able to suppress them!

The people around also quieted down!

"Strange, is it because burning a lamp and being afraid to stay with grandchildren have blocked my breath?"

"That's not right, even Dao Ancestor said that he couldn't find it. Can they still hide Dao Ancestor?"

In the hearts of everyone, they are secretly strange!

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