Divine Child System

Chapter 2740: Different settings, different power

Of course, whether it is a strong **** or a saint of heaven.

Their cultivation system is completely different. It is not easy to force a distinction between who is high and who is low!

It's just that the heavenly saints are already the supreme masters in the universe!

And the powerhouse of the gods, even at the level of the **** emperor, cannot dominate a universe!

This is the difference between the two!

But now, Mo Dianyi actually said that the God Realm of Fei Liu Universe is going to invade the Shu Ling Universe, isn't this really looking for death?

"Xiao Yemeng, things are not as simple as you think!"

Seeing Ye Meng's expression, the ink dots hesitated for a moment, and he had already guessed what he was thinking.

"How to say!"

Ye Meng heard the words and asked milky voice.

Mo Dianyi didn't answer directly, but glanced at Brother Ding Chunqiu!

Upon seeing this, the Ding Chunqiu brothers knew immediately.

The two hurriedly bowed and retired!

Duobao was also an obedient person, and when he saw Ye Meng and the strange scribe, he seemed to have something to say, and he quickly retired!

Avoid suspicion, he still understands!

"Xiao Yemeng, do you know why the people from Taoyuan Immortal Mansion can't beat the powerhouse of the gods in Feiliu Universe?"

When everyone left, Mo Dianyi said with a solemn expression!


Ye Meng was curious about this!

It stands to reason that the saint of heaven can definitely hang the gods!

"The root is in the setting!"

"set up?"

"Yes, setting, the world we live in now is all created by rule writers, should you know this?"


Ye Meng nodded.

The rule writer and the like, he naturally knows!

Moreover, he also knows that billions of universes are created by rule writers!

"Since all universes are created by rule writers, but rule writers are strong and weak!"

"and so……"

"Therefore, the set level of Feiliu Universe must be stronger than Shuling Universe, so that the Divine Realm will be stronger than the Saints of Heaven?"

Ye Meng was slightly surprised when he heard the words.

Hearing this, Mo nodded.

"Yes, the Shuling Universe was created by most fan rule writers. Most of these people are not strong, although the heavenly saints in their settings are supreme beings!"

"However, this supremacy is relative. If it is converted to other universes, the strength will not be great!"

After listening to this, Ye Meng's heart was completely clear!

The heavenly saints in the Shuling universe are supreme beings!

But because of the lower level of the Shuling universe itself!

Therefore, the supreme ruler here may not be in other universes!

"From your judgment, the saint here is equivalent to what kind of existence in the flying universe?"

Ye Meng curled his mouth and asked with milk.

"Emperor Realm, Hunyuan Saint, equivalent to the immortal emperor level, Heavenly Dao Saint equivalent, between the Quasi-Divine Realm and the First Entering God Realm!"

Mo Dian said in a deep voice.

As soon as this remark came out, Ye Meng frowned!

"Cai Emperor Realm?"

He is a little dissatisfied!

The Emperor Realm, placed in the Ten Thousand Realms, is extremely powerful!

But in the hundreds of millions of universes, they are like pawns!

Because of him, he still wanted to bring a large number of saints to conquer hundreds of millions of universes.

"However, it is not absolute. There are also strong and weak emperor realms!"

"At least those emperor realms under Brother Ye Xuan's can compete with ordinary **** realms!"

When Mo Dian saw this, he said with a smile.

Ye Meng nodded, for this, he didn't doubt it!

However, there is no doubt that the saint of Shuling Universe is not the opponent of Feiliu Universe Divine Realm!

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