Divine Child System

Chapter 2745: Bone shrink

"Die, old woman!"

Dongbulasila sneered, and the big hand like a fan, patted it again!

The top of Mother Rong's head was suddenly covered by a huge shadow!

"Finished, this old woman must be dying!"

"Who said no, although this old woman looks fierce, she has no momentum at all. I am afraid it is a mortal. What can she use to resist the demon?"

"Would you like to take action together to save this old woman?"

"What do you think, can we be opponents of the demons? If others didn't save it, they got in instead!"

Everyone around, whispered!

No one is optimistic about Mother Rong!

No way, who told Mother Rong to look like ordinary people, without the slightest momentum?

Seeing the huge palm fall, the corners of Mother Rong's mouth suddenly gave a sullen smile!

The next moment, she raised her wrist lightly, and spit out a few words gloomily in her mouth!

"Rong's Golden Needle-Stabbed the small watch to death!"

The sound fell, and the sky filled the sky with golden light shining instantly!

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless golden needles burst out like raindrops!


Seeing this, Dongbulasila was shocked!

He didn't expect that a dead old lady who was about to die could issue such a terrible attack!

"Yes, not bad, Mother Rong's strength has improved again!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng nodded in satisfaction!

Mother Rong is a summoner, the higher Ye Meng's realm, the stronger her strength!

After all, these summoned characters have inherited 80% of Ye Meng's strength!

What a terrifying Ye Meng 80% strength!


In the intensive burst of fire, Dongbulasila has already screamed!

His body is filled with densely packed golden needles, it looks like a hedgehog, it is creepy!

"Hey hey, you dare to offend Young Master Meng, silly big man, let you die today!"

Mother Rong smiled again and again, her old face was full of vicious expressions!

When everyone around saw this, they all shuddered!

They were scared by Mother Rong!


The huge body of Dongbulasila has collapsed, and the surrounding dust is full of mess!

He curled up, tumbling and wailing again and again!

"Hey, Sister Rong, why is his body shrinking?"

Seeing Dongbulasila wailing, Ye Meng was surprised!

Upon hearing this, Madam Rong immediately showed a flattering smile on her sinister old face!

"Master Hui Meng, this is the new comprehension of the slave servant!"

"As long as he is hit by the servant's constrictor, even if he is a giant, he can quickly become the size of an ant!"

Hearing this, Ye Meng was suddenly surprised!

"There is also this kind of stitches. It's not bad. Let's take a look at that baby. How this stupid big man became an ant!

The voice fell, and everyone around shuddered again!

Is there such a vicious magical power in the world?

In the next moment, everyone looked at Dongbulasila!

Sure enough, Dongbulasila, which was originally more than ten meters high, was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye at this moment!

Eight meters, seven meters, six meters...

In just a moment, Dongbulasila's body had shrunk by more than half!

Seeing this scene, let alone everyone, even Mo Dian Yi was shocked!

"It's a violent system, terrible, really terrible!"

Mo Dian couldn't help muttering to himself!

As the only owner of the parallel import system in the god-level system, Mo Dianyi naturally admires Ye Meng's BUG-level system!

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