Divine Child System

Chapter 2748: Really vulnerable

"Oh, you guys are really cheap!"

"One Dongbula wants to go to Shiraz, the other does not vomit in the South, but wants to go to the north. How can there be such a strange name?"

Ye Meng grinned her little tiger's teeth when she heard it, and looked disgusted!

"Xiao Yemeng, this is actually a transliteration. In Feiliu's language, it should be called nanbutubeitu!"

When the ink spot heard the words, he explained.

He is a master of the universe, for these things, he is very clear!

Ye Meng curled his mouth when he heard it!

He was too lazy whether the other party called Nanbu Tubei or Nanbutubeitu!

Anyway, he will be trampled to death in the end!

"Sister Rong, turn him into an ant!"

Ye Meng waved her small hand and shouted with milk!

"Yes, Master Meng!"

Mother Rong replied gloomily, and immediately raised her wrist!

On the opposite side, the south did not vomit and the north vomited, but after seeing Mother Rong, he showed a look of disdain!

"Sure enough, it is a native, and even the old and weak remnants were sent out, ridiculous!"

"I don't spit in the south, I never beat the old..."

His words are not finished yet, Mother Rong raised her wrist!

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless golden needles are coming!


In the next moment, the south did not spit and the north screamed, and fell to the sky!

This guy, just separated by the boundary wall, did not see the situation clearly at all!

So, how did he know that Mother Rong would be so scary?


Seeing this, Ye Meng clapped her hands with joy!

Another ant is about to appear!

However, Ye Meng is not satisfied!

He raised his head and asked at the ink dot!

"Lao Mo, is there any way to bring in all the remnants?"

"It's difficult, this place is small, and the remnants of the flying universe don't dare to swarm in. If this is the case, I am afraid that the space here cannot bear many terrifying powerhouses!"

When the ink point heard the words, he explained!

Because these remnants of the Fei Liu universe are all strong in the gods!

If you enter the Wuming Fairy Island in large quantities, it will directly cause the space of Wuming Fairy Island to collapse instantly!

Therefore, for the sake of safety, they always come in one by one!

"Forget it, my baby stepped on slowly!"

After listening, Ye Meng waved her small hand.

The space collapsed, although for Ye Meng, it did not cause harm at all!

However, other saint-level natives may not be able to bear it!


The screams are more stern than one!

The south does not vomit, the north vomits curled up, rolling constantly!

The scary thing is that the more he rolls like this, the power of the golden needle will be amplified by one point!

Therefore, in just a few moments, the south is dying without vomiting and the other is already painful, and even the screams can't come out!

"That's a good boy. The name is so ugly just now. People who don't know think that the baby is killing pigs!"

Upon seeing this, Ye Meng curled his lips, contemptuously!

The natives of Fairy Island in the surrounding area have already seen such a scene!

However, when they saw the body that did not vomit from the south and shrank quickly, they were still shocked in a cold sweat!

No way, the golden needle of Mother Rong is really weird!

Although, there are various magical skills in the heavens, which can make people smaller!

But the effects of these spells are temporary!

What is like the golden needle of Mother Rong, that can make people permanent the size of an ant!

So, in comparison, it is natural that Mother Rong’s golden needle is more terrifying!

"Lao Mo, didn't you say that this guy is a **** general, why is it so vulnerable?"

Ye Meng glanced at the south without spitting out the north, and curled his mouth in disdain!

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