Divine Child System

Chapter 2782: Only 86,000 years old

It's not that Ye Meng didn't want to use the law of space, to tear the space directly, and arrive in one step!

Rather, this Xuanyuan universe is, after all, a super martial universe!

At this moment, Ye Meng's eyes on Xuanyuan Universe are even black!

Use the laws of space hastily, if you are sensed by the heavens here, there will be more troubles!

"Yeah, it turned out to be a town!"

After a while, Ye Meng appeared outside a small town, grinning her teeth in surprise!

Just looking from a distance, this small town looks like a small village!

But who thinks, it is a town one level higher than a small village!

"Let's go shopping first!"

Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth and stepped into the town!

The small town is only a few hundred meters long, and you can see the end at a glance!

But there are many pedestrians in the small town!

"Huh? This pig slaughter can actually be comparable to the **** king?"

"Wow, even a hawker who sells cakes has the power of a god?"

"And this big beard, actually comparable to a god?"

"Sure enough, it is a Super Martial Universe, the top existence of the pyramid!"

"I'm going, this old grandma with a cane, is only one step away, can you step into the level of the **** emperor?"

Ye Meng looked around, really taken aback!

Although he knew that the Chaowu-class universe was far beyond the previous continents, realms, and universes!

But this scene is too exaggerated, right?

You know, this is just a small town!

But it is the ordinary residents of this small town, whose strength is terrifying to the extreme!

How can this not surprise Ye Meng?

"No, these people seem to be only the power of energy and blood, reaching the level of the gods. In terms of real combat power, I am afraid that they may not have the level of the gods!"

However, Ye Meng soon discovered some clues!

The hawkers, pig-killers, and grandmothers in the small town are full of energy and blood, which can rival those of the gods!

But between their gestures, there is no fluctuation in mana!

Obviously, this is a group of ordinary people who can't fight!

But even so, it is shocking enough!

After all, the power of qi and blood often represents longevity!

An ordinary person whose strength of qi and blood can be comparable to the realm of gods can live for hundreds of thousands of years without any problem!

"Uncle, where is this place?"

Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth, walked to the butcher who killed the pig, and asked with milk!

Hearing this, the butcher stared!


"Little Wawa, what do you think? My Lu Da is only 86,000 years old this year, and I have just been crowned as an adult. Don't call me old!"

Hearing what the butcher said, Ye Meng stuck his tongue out!

Nima, an old guy who is over 80,000 years old, turned out to be just an adult here?

The crowning means that this butcher, who has just grown up, may be only sixteen years old when he is replaced by another universe!

However, in this Xuanyuan universe, this butcher is already 86,000 years old!

"Brother, where is this?"

For an ordinary butcher, Ye Meng naturally didn't care about anything, and immediately followed his kindness and called him the little brother!

Hearing the words, the butcher Lu Da, who was three-and-a-half thick, narrowed his eyes!

"Oh, baby, my mouth is so sweet!"

"Here, it is Manshan Town!"

Hearing what the butcher said, Ye Meng felt speechless!

Nima, how does he know where Mangshan Town is?

"Brother, where is Manshan Town?"

"Mangshan Town? Manshan Town is Manshan Town, what else can it be?"

Hearing this, the butcher scratched his head and said with a silly smile!


Ye Meng looked helpless!

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