Divine Child System

Chapter 2795: Two new god-level systems

Although they have changed their bodies, there is no barrier between Ye Father, Ye Mother and Ye Meng!

When the three talked about the past on the earth, their hearts were filled with warmth!

When they were on Earth, their family of five had no superpowers, but their life was flat and warm, far beyond what a different world can compare!

Fortunately, now Ye Meng, the son, has returned to them!

This makes Ye father and Ye mother feel sad and gratified!

Ye Shishi on the side couldn't even cut his mouth!

Her eyes were full of envy!

"Shishi, come and see your brother!"

"Yes, haven't you been arguing to see your brother before?"

After talking for a moment, Ye Wenyi and Su Quan turned to look at Ye Shishi!

Ye Shishi heard this, with a helpless look on her face!

A good younger brother has become an older brother!

However, in essence, Ye Shishi is a good girl, and her personality is completely different from the Ye family brothers!


Ye Shishi yelled her elder brother sweetly, and Ye Meng's eyebrows were grinning!

"Yeah, I didn't expect this baby to have a younger sister!"

As far as Ye Meng was concerned, the little sister became a real sister, and she didn't care at all!

Isn't it the little sister? There are so many around him!

"Little girl, come, this is my baby's meeting gift for you!"

Ye Meng grinned her little tiger's teeth and said something!

At the next moment, he stretched out his little hand, and there was a dark thing in his palm!

"what is this?"

Ye Shishi, Ye Wenyi, and Su Quan all were taken aback!

Especially Ye Wenyi and Su Quan, they both have their own systems, and they are also very knowledgeable!

But I've never seen anything in Ye Meng's hands!

"This is the essence of the system's life, the little girl eat it quickly, maybe it can activate the system!"

When Ye Meng saw this, he explained!

He swallowed so many systems, the essence of the system at hand, naturally a lot!

Nothing more than that, this natal essence is not just a god!

"The essence of the system?"

Ye Wenyi and Su Quan looked at each other when they heard the words, their eyes were full of shock!

Although what the essence of the system is, they don't know much about it!

But they are very clear about the word system!

"Moebao, do you have a system too?"

Ye Wenyi and Su Quan asked in unison!

Ye Meng and Ye Shishi in front of them are the closest people to them, so there is nothing to hide between them!

"Yes, this baby is bound to the system, by the way, father, mother, what system are you bound to?"

Ye Meng grinned her little tiger teeth when she heard the words, and said milky voice!

He remembered that his parents had also bound the system, so he asked!

Upon hearing this, Ye Wenyi and Su Quan were shocked!

The couple understand how powerful the system is!

Right now, Ye Meng, the youngest son, is also bound to the system!

This God is too good for their Ye Family, right?

"My is a god-level dad system!"

"Your mom is bound to the god-level hot mom system!"

Ye father and Ye mother did not hide anything.

Ye Meng nodded when he heard the words, resting his chin, secretly thinking!

He found that his parents only had less than 10% of the system's development level. No wonder they were weak and pitiful!


Baoliu universe, imperial palace!

The star map in Ye Xuan's body suddenly burst into radiance!

"Huh? What's the situation?"

Ye Xuan was slightly startled when he sensed the abnormality of the star map!

Soon, his mind entered the star map!

Now, Ye Xuan's villain system has long been killed by him!

He has all the functions of the system, so the star map is still there!

"Huh? Two more god-level systems, this is..."

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