Divine Child System

Chapter 3610: Who is the murderer

As Murong Guang's words fell, some of the people present at the scene all expressed their opinions, expressing that Murong Guang's words are absolutely true!

Duan Rong also nodded reluctantly.

"Mr Murong didn't lie, we just came down from the top of the light at the time!"

Qiao Feng's eyes swept across the Beggar Gang.

"According to this statement, Mr. Murong can get rid of the suspicion. I wonder brothers, do you have any objections?"

What he said was to everyone in the Beggar Gang.

In the North Beggar Gang, many people suspect that the death of Ma Dafang was related to Gusu Murong!

Therefore, now that Murong Guang has alibi, it naturally proves that the claim that the murderer is Gusu Murong within the Beggars can be overturned!

The children of the beggar gang who suspected Murong Guang as the murderer were all silent!

When the facts are in front of them, they naturally have no objection.

"From late May to mid-June, Hong and his disciple Guo Jin have been in Lin'an Mansion and have not left the south of the Yangtze River for half a step!"

Hong Jiugong also spoke slowly and said.

"Who is the proof?"

Qiao Feng looked at Hong Jiugong and asked.

"Huang Rongrong, the daughter of Dongxie, Ouyang Zhi, the nephew of Xidu, the Seven Devils of the South of the Yangtze River, and Quanzhen Qiuzhi are all evidences!"

Hong Jiugong said in a deep voice, with a calm expression!

Although, none of his witnesses were present!

However, just by relying on a true Qiu Jiu Ji, it can prove that Hong Jiugong's words will not be falsified!

Quanzhen Qiu is extremely good, although martial arts are not top-notch!

But the reputation in the arena is very outstanding!

Everyone knows that he is a hero who hates evil and can't tolerate sand in his eyes!

The beggars can only send someone to confirm it on Qiu Chuji's side to get the truth!

With Hong Jiugong's status in the arena, it is not worthwhile for him to lie on this point!

Therefore, the gang of beggars, as well as the people in the arena, have no doubt about Hong Jiugong!

At this point, the scope of the ten suspects has been reduced to only two people!

Of these two people, one is Mingjiao leader Ye Meng, and the other is Beigai Gang leader Qiao Feng!

It stands to reason that the murderer who killed Ma Dafang should not be accidental, and it should be one of these two people!

Qiao Feng frowned!

Qiao Feng knows best if he himself killed Ma Dafang!

The death of Ma Dafang has nothing to do with him!

So here comes the problem!

This murderer should be Mingjiao Ye Meng!

However, Qiao Feng did not think so!

He could never think of Ye Meng's motive for killing Ma Dafang!

As for Mingjiao's intention to unify the martial arts, Qiao Feng didn't believe it at all!

"Master Ye, what do you want to say?"

Qiao Feng took a deep breath and looked at Ye Meng.

"This baby has nothing to say!"

Ye Meng grinned her little tiger's teeth and said milky voice!

As soon as he said this, all the children of the beggar gang frowned, looking at Ye Meng's eyes, gradually becoming uncomfortable!

Even Qiao Feng's expression changed.

"So, do you want to admit that you are the murderer of Deputy Ma's gang leader?"

Qiao Feng's voice fell, but Yang Yao beside Ye Meng laughed loudly.

"Lead Qiao, I wonder if you know the battle of Guangmingding?"

Hearing Yang Yao's words, Qiao Feng frowned.

"The battle of Guangmingding has spread all over the world. How did Qiao not know?"

"Then, dare to ask the leader of Qiao, when is the battle of Guangmingding?"

"The fourth day of June!"

"When was the death of the deputy leader of your horse?"

"The seventh day of June!"

"Very well, Lord Qiao, can you rush to the general rudder of the Junshan Beggar Gang from Guangmingding within three days?"

When Yang Yao said this, he stopped, with a smile on his face!

Qiao Feng fell silent.


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