Divine Civilization

Chapter 27: Fighting for My Lord All My Life

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at the same time.

Sleeping in the stables, Abelon, a young man in civilian clothes who was wrapped in straw and hay, curled up and slept, with a deep sleepy snoring sound coming from his nose and throat. The two ordinary soldiers who were in charge of and supervised him glanced at him from time to time, and mocked in a lewd tone: This useless man, how can he still be able to sleep at this time? His new wife is serving the Lord Baron. .”

Hey, what can I do if I don't sleep? Do you still expect to get a share of the pie? The soldier mocked, Today, her newlywed wife won't have a chance to sleep even at dawn.

Poor guy, you will know the result when you see his bride tomorrow. Even if her beautiful bride has a month, she won't be able to recover.


The two soldiers laughed loudly at the groom, venting their anguish. Because they are just ordinary soldiers, that beautiful bride is not their turn to enjoy anyway.

The only thing they can do is fantasize in their minds. Or work hard to climb up. After becoming the baron's confidant, you will have the opportunity to join the ranks.

Just as the two soldiers were thinking wildly.

In the room at the top of the watchtower, a sacred light burst out from the window, and a miserable voice came faintly.

The two soldiers looked up in astonishment, wondering what happened.

But at this time.

Abraron, who was lying in the stable, opened his eyes suddenly, burst out two excited and fanatical lights, and the saint started.

Now, it's his turn to act.

He rolled over, his movements were as light as a fox and as fast as a cheetah, he touched the edge of his old carriage, and stretched out his hand to buckle and twitch in the gap of the carriage base.


A sharp cold sword appeared in his hand.

The brilliance of our lord is bound to shine on the earth again.

The eyes of Aberron became extremely frenzied in an instant, and he rushed towards the two ordinary soldiers like a tiger.

In his fanatic-level consciousness, anyone who dares to block the path of the Holy Light of our Lord is an enemy and a heretic.

His sword, he only fights for my lord all his life!

That's right, this so-called groom Aberron is none other than Langdon, one of the Templars under Wu Hui's command!

As a fanatic, Langdon's strength has reached the peak of level 2.

Under the commoner's single sword, his speed was extremely fast, and the long sword was covered with a layer of white and holy fighting spirit.

The sword glow flickered, and in just two or three breaths, it stabbed the two ordinary soldiers who were still in astonishment to death. Until the two soldiers fell to the ground and died, their eyes were still wide open, dazed and restless.

After killing the two guard soldiers, Langdon didn't stop, and continued to rush towards the castle gate. He pretended to be Aberron, and the biggest purpose of lurking into Gruberg was to launch an internal attack, lower the drawbridge and open the city gate.

Of course, it is impossible for the Holy Maiden of Light and Langdon to participate in military activities such as the capture of Fort Gru.

From time to time.

The defenders in the castle were already in a commotion.

Clang clang clang!

On the other side of the bell tower, a thick and rapid bell rang. The torches were lit one by one, and there was the sound of boiling soldiers everywhere, and the shouts of sergeants rang out in disorder.

But Langdon didn't care about other things, but continued to rush towards the castle gate.

If he couldn't lower the drawbridge and open the city gate, not only would the entire military operation fail, but he and the saint would surely die as well.

The gates of any castle are heavily guarded.

There are two stone arrow towers standing on both sides of the city gate, each of which has five archers stationed there all year round. Not only can they attack the enemies coming from outside, but they can also shoot into the castle.

Fortunately, at this time, the entire Fort Gelug was not under martial law. The soldiers were lax, and the archers in the arrow tower were just guards on duty.

At the beginning of the design, Gruberg also considered strengthening the castle, and it was a wise saying that it was broken from the inside.

As for the drawbridge winch room and the city gate iron gate winch room, these two most important facilities are specially separated under the two arrow towers, and are fully exposed to the best view and range of the archers.

In addition, each winch room is intercepted by an iron gate, and two guards are stationed at the gate.

It can be seen from this that even if you want to launch an attack inside and break through the gate of the castle, it is definitely not an easy task.

But Langdon also had his advantages.

This time the raid was very fast, the distance from the stable to the winch room was only forty or fifty meters, and with his full speed, he could reach it in just five or six breaths.

In such a short period of time, it is impossible for the enemy with loose defenses to fully react.

The biggest difficulty facing Langdon was that the two winch rooms were more than 30 meters apart. After he was able to break through one with a surprise attack, the difficulty of breaking through the second would be doubled.

no doubt.

Before implementing the entire military plan, the Saintess and Langdon and other high-level officials had already gone through rigorous calculations. Every step is a part of the established plan.

Langdon's first goal was to control the winch room of the suspension bridge.

It is also the first obstacle in the entire castle.

In a short time, as the castle became more and more chaotic, Langdon rushed to the winch room.

Stop! There are enemies, there are enemies!

The two soldiers stationed in the winch room, growling sharply, drew their weapons and lunged at Langdon at the same time.

Lax defense does not mean no defense.

Time is life, and to Langdon, every second counts. Facing the two soldiers who rushed forward, not only did he not retreat in any way, but on the contrary, he exploded a bit faster.

Holy Light Slash!

The holy light was burning in his body, and the white glow on the long sword was shining, as if a layer of white flame was burning. With the momentum of his own speed, he slashed at the soldiers with a sword.

The soldier showed fear, and instinctively raised the wooden shield a bit.


The wooden shield and the soldier's left hand were cut to pieces by a sword, and the sword's power remained undiminished, and it slashed down along the soldier's chest leather armor.


The long sword under the blessing of the power of the holy light easily broke through the soldier's hard leather armor, drawing a huge wound on his chest, and blood spurted out.

The soldier looked at his severed left hand and broken chest in pain and horror, and after a miserable scream, he fell limply to the ground.

Langdon, who had slashed the enemy with a single strike by the momentum and the holy light slash, didn't stop, and turned around and slashed at another soldier.

In just a few seconds, Langdon, who was only attacking but not defending, beheaded another soldier, and the price he paid was an extra sword wound on his chest.

He must race against time.

Every second of delay could lead to the failure of the entire operation.

At this moment, the archers on the arrow tower also reacted, and two or three scattered arrows pierced the air and came with a sharp roar. Regardless of his injuries, Langdon rolled forward to avoid the arrows. At the same time, he charged up and unleashed a Holy Light Slash. He directly violently broke the iron door lock of the winch room, and rushed in as fast as he could.


At the same time Langdon rushed into the winch room, two more arrows shot in, the arrow cluster and the iron door made a crashing sound, and two small sparks splashed.

The scene where it all happened.

It all fell into the eyes of Wu Hui, who was far away in the kingdom of God, and Wu Hui was also in fear during the whole process. If Langdon fails and dies, Wu Hui's loss will be too great.

Wu Hui was still thinking of helping him at a critical moment.

Fortunately, Langdon was extremely brave, fanatical and decisive, and occupied the winch room of the suspension bridge in a sudden attack. This made Wu Hui, who was in the Kingdom of God, heave a sigh of relief, but also secretly admired Langdon.

Langdon is brave and calm, and he is a subordinate worthy of training.

As the God of Light, Wu Hui certainly hoped that all of his subordinates would be capable of acting on their own. It's not the kind of waste that needs to pray to the gods for help whenever it encounters a crisis or difficulty.

If that's the case, wouldn't Wu Hui, the god of light, become the believers' nanny instead?

With this kind of thinking, Wu Hui especially admired Langdon, a warrior who would do whatever it takes for his lord.


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