Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1526: Huge explosion!

"There is no problem with my injury, and there is nothing wrong with dealing with such an idiot!" The boy's tone was very arrogant, but from the boy's mouth at this time, no one felt uncomfortable, but felt what the boy said. Not arrogant enough.

The boy's words are not only uncomfortable, but also full of persuasiveness. After hearing the boy's firm words, Hecilia glanced at the boy, then with a cold murderous gaze, she glared at Bai Qi, then nodded and said, "Well, then you be careful!"

In fact, no one knows that Bai Qi's heart was a little bit timid after the boy blocked his blow. He certainly understood how terrifying his attack just now was. Because of his anger, he didn't keep his hands at all. It can be said that he used two hundred percent of his full strength.

Even he himself may not be able to block that move, but he was still blocked by the boy, and he was blocked by the boy even in the case of his own sneak attack. In his heart, he made a reassessment of the boy, and felt that he had to use all his strength to attack the boy.

And when he knew from Hecilia that the boy was still injured in his body at this time, there was already a tremor in his heart... But when he saw Hecilia's worried gaze, when he looked at the boy, his heart was once again replaced by anger.

Hecilia’s murderous gaze is more like a catalyst for Bai Qi, making the anger in Bai Qi’s heart, like a ignited bomb, exploded quickly, making his entire body at this time complete. Replaced by anger, in front of him, only the enemy boy and Hecilia were left!

Nothing else is in his eyes!


Bai Qi shouted vigorously, and the whole person was like a big Peng bird spreading its wings, quickly sprang up and flew away into the air. Looking at the boy in a condescending manner, there was a trace of disdain in his eyes, but his disdain, in the boy's eyes, seemed to be disdain for Bai Qi himself.

Standing in the middle of the air, Bai Qi gave the boy a cold look. Suddenly, for a moment, Bai Qi suddenly slammed into the boy with a fearless force. The flying sword in his hand danced into one in the air. Flowers, countless sword shadows, shot at the boy.

But the boy's expression did not change at all, he still looked at the sky faintly, countless sword shadows, just when the first sword shadow was about to touch him, suddenly the figure moved, and the dagger in his hand quickly stabbed, only to hear "ding". After a bang, countless sword shadows in the sky disappeared.

Only the dagger in the boy's hand was left, and it was once again clicked on the tip of Bai Qi's flying sword.

The boy held the dagger in his hand and kept moving around. The countless shadows of the hands were dazzling. Suddenly the boy whispered: "Shadow cut..."

The whole person turned into countless shadows, waving countless daggers, and attacking Bai Qi.

Bai Qi's expression changed. The boy was able to find his flying sword among countless sword shadows, but he couldn't. In these countless shadows, he found the boy's real body. In desperation, Bai Qi's face changed, he took a step back, and also shouted in his mouth: "Imperial wind protector..."

In an instant, the silent breeze rushed towards Bai Qi's body, and a whirlpool continued to appear around Bai Qi's body. The whirlpool continued to strengthen, driving the surrounding air, causing the surrounding air to produce a burst of turbulence, and at the same time, Bai Qi His body is protected.

The whirlwind that wrapped around Bai Qi's body could not protect him, and it also produced a strong suction force, as if to **** everything in. With this coexistence of offense and defense, I have to say that Bai Qi is quite clever and can think of this.

The boy looked at Bai Qi's moves, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Countless shadows waving daggers suddenly spread out, surrounding Bai Qi, stretching out the daggers neatly and uniformly, and attacking the whirlpool surrounding Bai Qi's body. A dagger, a mark, these daggers in the boy's hand, as if not affected by the whirlpool, made a mark on the whirlpool.


With the boy's low drink, countless shadows once again stretched out their daggers and pierced the whirlpool around Bai Qi's body.


At the same time, the boy released the dagger that had been pierced into the whirlpool. I don't know if it is real or an illusion. The daggers in everyone's shadows seemed to have suddenly become real at this moment, and they began to rotate in the opposite direction against the direction of the vortex.

At the beginning, the whirlpool that wrapped Bai Qi didn't receive any influence, but as the speed of the dagger inserted in the whirlpool continued to increase, the whirlpool seemed to have a little effect. From the rapid rotation at the beginning, the speed became slower and slower, and finally, directly abandoned Bai Qi, and slowly turned in the direction of the dagger's rotation.

Seeing such a scene, a smile appeared on the corner of the boy's mouth.

Don’t you make a turtle shell? I'll let you do it, but from now on, this tortoise shell is no longer under your own control, and the master who controls it will become me... The boy looked at the whirlpool that the speed of reversal began to accelerate, and the corners of his mouth gradually showed a trace of evil. laugh.

Standing in the middle of the vortex, Bai Qi started to feel something wrong after the vortex changed. But when he wanted to stop the coexistence of offense and defense, he suddenly found out in fear that not only could he not control this move, but he also wanted to be trapped by this move.

It turned out that the boy began to use a dagger to make marks on the whirlpool, not for fun, but for his own convenience, to control the whirlpool and trap Bai Qi in the whirlpool.

"No, you can't be trapped..."

Feeling the strange Bai Qi, his face was already dark, and he murmured in his mouth without paying attention to anything. The flying sword in his hand pointed directly at the sky, and he yelled, "The stars are falling..." Suddenly, above his head , There are countless stars-like bright spots, and they continue to flash.

Then these stars seem to have consciousness, and they continue to gather together. From the size of the needle eye at the beginning, they continue to merge with the surrounding bright spots, and then gradually become bigger, glass balls, ping pong balls, basketballs... to the horror with a radius of one meter later. The round ball hurriedly towards Bai Qi's head and shot past.

The speed of the orb is very fast, originally in Tianlan Palace, this world is all water, there should be no such thing as fire. However, after the falling ball, friction with water, directly evaporates the water, and then rubs against the air again, and then the ball becomes a fireball...

After a loud bang, a huge fireball hit the reversing vortex, the two touched, and a huge explosion was emitted.

When the fireball appeared, the surrounding group of people had already backed hundreds of meters away. The boy looked at the fireball in the sky, his expression changed a little, but in the end he was still pulled by Hecilia and backed a long way. There, looking at the huge fireball, it slammed into the whirlpool that wrapped Bai Qi.

After the two collided, the vibration produced seemed to destroy the entire Tianlan Palace. But everyone didn't pay attention to this, because Bai Qi, who was in the center of the explosion, at this time, because of the thick fog, didn't know what happened to him!

Although Bai Qi asked for this, it is still from their Tianlan Palace, so even those who are gloating and want to see Bai Qi being abused by boys and Hecilia are worried in their eyes. Look at the center of the explosion!

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