Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1644: within Temptation!

Thinking of this, Wendy suddenly became nervous.

The girls in love are all very fragile. Lu Chen stood there stupidly, without answering for a long time, Wendy suddenly misunderstood: It turns out that Brother Lu Chen didn't want to be his wife at all!

Am I too young? (Don’t be crooked, readers! I'm talking about age here!)

Or am I not pretty at all?

Wendy was a little bit self-satisfied, and finally, she wiped out tears with some sadness.

When Lu Chen finally digested the meaning contained in Wendy's words, he finally looked down at Wendy in surprise. Unexpectedly, she saw Wendy's cute face with rain.

Lu Chen suddenly felt distressed. Wendy, a cute little loli, always makes people feel distressed, especially when she sees her tears, she can always arouse the trace of pity in Lu Chen's heart. .

"Wendy... why are you crying again?" Lu Chen bent down slightly and wiped away two tears from Wendy's face.

"Brother Lu Chen...are you unwilling to be your wife?" Wendy wiped her eyes with embarrassment. Why was she crying again...like a child.

Seeing Wendy's grievances, Lu Chen couldn't help but smiled, and then said: "Why! Wendy is willing to be my wife, I am too happy to be too late! It's just that Wendy, you are still too young now Oh, you are only fifteen years old now, wait until you grow up! Okay?"

Lu Chen actually likes Wendy very much. This little girl is cute, sensible, and well-behaved, but as he said, she is still too young and not an adult, and she has always been in the mountains since she was a child. When I grew up, I was still ignorant of this kind of thing. Lu Chen knew that Zi Xin'er must have taught this little girl to say these things today. That girl was simply afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

"Hee hee! That's good!" Wendy suddenly turned to sunny, he laughed happily, and said: "Wendy will definitely grow up soon!" With that, Wendy hugged Lu tightly. Chen's arms, the small **** that had not yet fully developed, made Lu Chen's arms itchy.

Lu Chen touched Wendy's nose, and said, "What did Xin'er tell you before? Is it something that is rarely inappropriate?"

Wendy's face turned red, and she squeezed: "Sister Xin'er didn't say anything!"

"Really?" Lu Chen looked at her suspiciously, and said, "Don't be a lie! Xin'er must have taught you something unsuitable for children... The things you just said must have been taught by Xin'er!"

"Nothing!" Wendy shook Lu Chen's hand and said: "Sister Xin'er said, I don't understand anything, and I will definitely suffer in the future, so I just leave it to me with common sense... Sister Xin'er also said... Brother Lu Chen is a big pervert. If you don't learn these things, Brother Lu Chen will be unhappy..."

"Big pervert? Me?" Lu Chen said dubiously, "What has Xin'er taught you! What else does it mean that I will be unhappy if I don't learn these things? Xin'er is too good at fooling people?"

"Oh! Don't ask about this! Sister Xin'er is very good to me!" Wendila Lu Chen sat on the bed and said: "We have been lingering for so long, so we should treat my sister quickly Right! My sister has been in a coma for so long..."

Seeing Wendy's tendency to become sad, Lu Chen quickly said, "Alright, alright! I will detox Elisa! She will wake up soon!"

"Yeah!" Wendy nodded, and said, "After my sister wakes up, we will go back to find the master! Okay?"

Seeing Wendy's hopeful eyes, Lu Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry! I will definitely cure your master!"

While talking, Lu Chen had already opened the medicine jar, and a fresh smell came out. Lu Chen looked into the medicine jar, and there was some blue-gray paste inside the jar made of white jade.

"Well, Wendy... or let Xin'er come over!" Lu Chen felt a little embarrassed.

"Hehe!" Wendy smiled and said: "When I came, sister Xiner told me! She was asleep, but come!"

"I wipe it!" Lu Chen rolled his eyes. Is this also a reason?

However, Lu Chen was ashamed to take off Elisa's clothes in front of Wendy, and could only let Wendy do it herself!


"Okay, okay... don't play!" Lu Chen stopped Wendy, and said, "What about that... Take off your inner and clothes too! Ge Yun said that, you must paint all over your body. ..."

"The whole body must be painted..." Lu Chen has said similar words N times today, but in fact it was just hiding his guilty conscience...

"Brother Lu Chen will come by himself!" Wendy smiled slyly.


Lu Chen hesitated for a moment, but did it himself.

Elisa wore a very old-fashioned kind of underwear. There were only two layers of cloth on the top and bottom. Lu Chen pulled it off easily, when the last piece of cloth was torn from Elisa’s chest. At that time, her **** and parts, which were like two porcelain bowls, swayed tremblingly, dangling a shadow of white flowers, dazzling Lu Chen's eyes.


Lu Chen swallowed a mouthful of water, and forcibly resisted not focusing his gaze on the white flowers. It's not that Lu Chen didn't want to look at it, but... can't stand it!

Just watch, Lu Chen's little Lu Chen has grown so much that he can't grow any longer... If you want to watch it again, he really can't stand it, and he will inevitably become a beast by then! Moreover, the most important thing is that there is an innocent and cute little loli behind herself supervising it! If I really did any animal behavior... my first fame would be ruined.

"Calm! Calm! Be calm! Isn't it a beauty! I haven't seen it before!"

Lu Chen muttered in his heart, and picked up the medicine jar. After swallowing, he pulled out a small piece of bluish-grey ointment from the medicine jar, and wiped it off towards Elisa's white and flawless chest...

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