Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1681: Strong corpse king!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" There was a loud noise after another.

There are a total of twelve corpse kings raised by Huang Teng, and each one is a big man with a height of three meters. His small basement can't accommodate so many corpse kings.

So the violent corpse kings began to violently demolish them.

The partition walls made of rocks collapsed one after another, and a group of zombies covered in black robes, just like that, Lu Chen surrounded them.

"Tsk tusk, this is your corpse king?"

Lu Chen sat on the big iron gate and looked at Huang Teng who was under the door and said, "It doesn't look like dripping!"

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Huang Teng gritted his teeth and did not speak, but he had secretly given orders in his heart.

Suddenly, the group of corpse kings surrounded Lu Chen one after another.

The twelve zombies are quite flexible in their movements. Under Huang Teng's control, they cooperate very well. Almost at the same time, they punched Lu Chen with their twelve fists. There are almost no loopholes.

Jiang Mei'er was so scared that she closed her eyes, hugged Lu Chen's arm tightly, and buried her head in Lu Chen's arms.

Lu Chen was a little helpless, I said grandma, you are cheating, you are holding me like this, it is difficult for me to move!

However, Lu Chen took out a flying sword from the space ring in the first time. He waved his hand twice and blocked the dense shadows of fists.

Immediately, Lu Chen was a little surprised to find that although his flying sword blocked the attacks of the corpse kings, his own flying sword did not cause any harm to the corpse kings. It just enveloped the body of the corpse king. Which layer of black robe was cut to pieces.

"Hahaha! Have you seen it, my corpse king, I have been tempered with secret methods for several years, and the body is countless times harder than steel. It is impossible for you to cause any harm to them... you just wait. Die!"

Hearing Huang Teng Xiaoren's Dezhi version of laughter, Lu Chen curled his mouth and said: "Come on, stop bragging, you really think I can't hurt these walking corpses!"

As he said, Lu Chen waved the flying sword in his hand, and suddenly, an invisible sword aura shot out from above the sword's edge and cut straight to a dead corpse king.


Suddenly, a wave of air rolled up in the basement, and the broken sword energy flew around, carving out countless gullies and gullies on the wall, and the corpse king, hit by the sword energy frontally, was even more miserable. It doesn't matter if he flew out, the black robe on his body was also torn by sword energy. The naked body, covered with black bulging blood vessels, looked extremely hideous. And in his chest, he was even more exposed by sword energy, and a wound nearly five or six centimeters deep was exploded, revealing the dark flesh and blood inside, and some thick black liquid flowing over the wound.

how can that be?

Huang Teng was shocked to death when he saw his disappointed and miserable look.

What kind of cultivation is this person, and how can he cause his corpse king to suffer such great damage? You know, with the strength of the corpse king, even the strong of the Mahayana period will be difficult to break through his defense!

Thinking of this, Huang Teng did not hesitate to communicate with the corpse king with mental power, and broke a crystal on the corpse king's chest.

This fast crystal seals this kind of strange energy inside. This energy can stimulate the corpse king and detonate the energy flowing in the corpse king, so that the corpse king's combat power and defensive power will increase by more than three times.

However, once this crystal is broken and the Corpse King’s fighting power is bursting, the Corpse King’s body will also suffer a lot of damage. In the future, the Corpse King will basically be considered abolished.

However, Huang Teng had to do this. After all, these are just corpse kings. How can his life matter? If these corpse kings are reimbursed, they can do it again in the future with their own financial resources, but if they die by themselves, there is really nothing left!

At the moment when the crystals in the body of the corpse kings shattered, the bodies of the twelve corpse kings suddenly swelled with a fierce aura. These auras turned into a storm, which took them Their black robes were all cut to pieces, revealing their disgusting bodies covered by the black robes.

The bodies of these corpse kings are different from ordinary zombies. Their bodies are not shriveled at all, but bulging, as if something was poured into their bodies.

On their reddish skin, a series of black blood vessels were stretched high, and the black blood vessels jumped and jumped like insects, surging inside.

And after the crystal burst, the blood vessels of these corpse kings bulged higher and throbbed faster and faster. These corpse kings roared hoarsely while their bodies slowly expanded. In the end, it turned out that The body was about three meters tall, and he was stunned again by half a meter, and his head almost reached the ceiling of the basement.

And as their bodies pulled up, their waists gradually bent down, and finally, their upper bodies were about to stick to the ground. Not only that, they actually grew like wild beasts with sharp claws and fangs, and finally These zombies all crawled on the ground, becoming half-human and half-beasts.

"Wipe, it's getting disgusting!"

Looking at the evolution of these zombies, Huang Teng was heartbroken and wanted to be proud of him. He wanted to see Lu Chen astonished. However, just a word from Lu Chen made him half dead.

Got it! Didn't you mean disgusting? When I kill you, I will transform you into something more disgusting than this.

Huang Teng cursed Lu Chen while giving battle orders.

Suddenly, these beastly corpse kings rushed towards Lu Chen.

Because of the size of the basement, many corpse kings cannot reach Lu Chen, but it does not prevent them from attacking. After being beasts, they can actually climb on the wall without regard to gravity. And because of this, Lu Chen can't Do not face the twelve-headed corpse king, three hundred and sixty degrees of attack.

"Go! Ten thousand sword style!"

Lu Chen was held by Jiang Mei'er with his right hand and could only hold the sword in his left hand, but this did not prevent Lu Chen from attacking. I saw Lu Chen holding a flying sword in his hand, and while the true essence was poured into it, there were sword shadows flying out.

It is said to be the ten thousand sword style, but in fact, there are only hundreds of sword shadows.

However, these are enough.

These sword shadows condensed by the true essence are very sharp. Each one is defending the enemy alone, just like a kendo master holding them. Between the sword shadows flying, those disappointments are stopped at a distance of five or six meters. The place. Can't make progress at all.

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