Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2050: intelligence!


Lu Chen sighed and said, "I know, you are for my good! But I have a reason why I have to go... If you really don't want to tell me the various assessments, then I can only change to another city and find another Saint League point. The Ministry asked..."


Jiang Xinxin narrowed her mouth in anger, and pointed at Lu Chen angrily. Finally, helplessly, she said, "Yes! No matter what you do! Go if you like!"

Jiang Xinxin also knew that she couldn't stop Lu Chen, and now she could only do her best to help Lu Chen. In other places, I may not be very good at it, and I can't help him, but at least, there is still a lot of news about the assessment of the inner door here, and I can always avoid some dangers for Lu Chen and gain some advantages.

"Presumably, you know the news about the inner gate assessment of the Holy League. Actually, the inner gate assessment is very simple and straightforward. As long as you find a token hidden in the forest of the source gods, You can get qualifications! Of course, it's just qualifications... However, if you have the strength to get tokens in so many competitions, excluding the factor of luck, there will be basically no difficulty in the assessment after passing..."

Jiang Xinxin paused, and then continued: "Participating in the token contest, there is absolutely no threshold... as long as you are a disciple of the Holy League... Even if you are not a disciple of the Holy League, you are winning the token. There is no problem joining afterwards... This is also the difficulty of the token competition. There is too much competition!"

"If you want to qualify for the assessment, then you can start to act now! As usual, at this time, Shengmeng has already placed ten tokens, right..." Jiang Xinxin said, turning over the table. Flip, find a map, expand it.

"In the Forest of Origin God, the most lacking are various secret places and dangerous areas, and usually, the probability of tokens in these places is also the highest!" Jiang Xinxin said as she stretched out her slenderness. 'S little hand moves on the map.

"For the previous token competitions, I have also done research and some speculations. If I guess it is good, this year, the place where the token is located will basically be in this piece... and this piece..."

Lu Chen's eyes moved with Jiang Xinxin's fingers, and Lu Chen's eyes were caught in the circled area.

Lu Chen was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, Jiang Xinxin actually did so much research on Shengmeng’s token scramble. Looking at the dots on the map, you would know that there is a very detailed analysis on every circled map. .

"There are many researches on Shengmeng token scramble. I have also synthesized news from many sources and made some analysis to exclude those secret places with a relatively low risk rate, and some places that have been searched. This year's token Where, I have almost been locked in these two dozen secret places..."

"There are only two dozen places? Isn't the probability very high? On average, one place has a token for every two places?" Lu Chen wondered.

"Yeah!" Jiang Xinxin nodded: "After all, this move of the Saint League has been carried out for many years, and most of the secret places have been turned over by those crazy monks! There are more than twenty left The secret place is already a miracle...but don't think that the difficulty will be reduced in this way. The fewer secret places, the more cultivators will compete. Those crazy monks are much more dangerous than secret places! "

Jiang Xinxin frowned and thought for a while, and her pink fingers moved gently to a corner of the map, pointing to a very abrupt and dark place, and said: "Judging from the information I have collected for such a long time, The Dark Forest, located on the westernmost side of the Yuanshen Forest, should be the most promising place to find a token..."

"Dark Forest?"

"That's right!" Jiang Xinxin nodded and said: "In the Forest of Origin God, there are countless secret places, and the Dark Forest is just one of them. However, because the environment of the Dark Forest is bad and there are not too many treasures to cherish. The resources have never received the attention of the monks. Even in the token competition once every ten years, it is the most unpopular place. Although the environment in the dark forest is harsh and dangerous, but At least, there will not be too many competitors. Compared with other secret places, it is still a safer place!"

Jiang Xinxin's analysis was eloquent. Lu Chen glanced at the map casually and agreed to her suggestion.

Originally, Lu Chen had no idea about Yuanshen Forest. The only source of information was the silly big man Komori, but obviously, Komori was half puzzled, so if Lu Chen wants to find Ling smoothly now The cards are absolutely inseparable from Jiang Xinxin's help.

Fortunately, a long time ago, Jiang Xinxin also wanted to participate in the token competition. For so many years, she has been studying this aspect, and she is also very talented in collecting intelligence. For so many years In summary, the understanding of token competition is naturally not comparable to others.

However, after gaining some understanding of this token scramble, Jiang Xinxin began to fear it instead.

Judging from the various information she has collected, it seems that it is too difficult to get tokens. It is a bit too difficult. The token scramble every ten years is like a giant meat grinder, frantically strangling those A monk who has hope for the inner door to join the Holy League.

Over the years, I don’t know how many monks have died in the token scramble once in this decade. Jiang Xinxin is certain that if he joins in... There is no doubt that he must be involved in this huge vortex. Can't get out.

The intelligence gathered over the years was originally to be burned when Jiang Xinxin was discouraged. Unexpectedly, now, it actually came in handy again.

Since Lu Chen is so resolute to make a kick in this huge vortex, Jiang Xinxin can only help him as best as he can. This information, at least, will enable Lu Chen to see clearly some directions on the unknown forward path.

Jiang Xinxin thought, with a complex expression, turned his hand and took out a purple spar, and handed it to Lu Chen's hand.

"This is?" Lu Chen felt the rounded feel of the spar.

"The information about the token scramble... is all inside, and I can only help you so much..." Jiang Xinxin replied, biting her lip.


Lu Chen didn't pay attention to the complicated look on Jiang Xinxin's face. He had already focused his attention on the thing that Jiang Xinxin had spent a lot of effort on.

But it was Fenghe, who was standing aside doing nothing, his eyes lit up and he caught the strange emotion in Jiang Xinxin's eyes.

Feng He curled his lips and didn't say anything, just a few words in his small mouth. Look at the mouth shape, it should be a pervert...birds, beasts, etc.?

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