Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2086: It hurts to death (2 bursts on)

Suddenly, a little bit of pain was lighter than after the mosquito bite, and it slowly spread from Lu Chen's shoulder.

But Lu Chen showed a painful look on his face, and shouted: "Oh, it hurts to death, it hurts to death, Fenghe, you...you are too cruel!"

When he heard Lu Chen's words, Feng He quickly let go of his small mouth in fright, looked up at Lu Chen's face, and found the disguised pain on Lu Chen's face. For a while, he was a little panicked. Without going up to take a look, Lu Chen said with a hint of crying on his undamaged shoulder:

"Lu Chen, I...I didn't mean it, you...are you alright! I...I really don't...not intentionally!"

Lu Chen also knew that he had done a little too much. Seeing Feng He's touch, he was extremely moved, and quickly put Feng He in his arms and said, "Little silly girl, I lied to you! You don't want to think about it, I Who is it, you didn't exert any effort just now, how could I be so painful!"


Feng He had already recovered, and patted Lu Chen's chest with annoyance, and asked with some worry on his face, "Really?"

"Fenghe, obviously you go and stay in Hongmeng Zhu!" Lu Chen said after thinking for a long time.

"Why?" Feng He didn't open his eyes either. He rubbed his head gently on Lu Chen's chest twice, found a more comfortable place to lean against, and asked directly.

"You also know that the transfiguration ability of the source insects, I am worried that tomorrow, after the source insects discover your existence, they will be transformed into yours, so that I will be confused for a while..."

Feng He was quite moved by Lu Chen's words. She knew what Lu Chen meant. Although she wanted to help Lu Chen solve some of the difficulties, Lu Chen had already said this. If she disagreed, she would really be a little bit Sorry Lu Chen.

So Feng He nodded and said: "Okay! I can enter the Hongmeng Pearl, but you must let Xiaoling minimize the time difference. I hope that I will only stay inside for a second, and then I can come out and see you triumphantly. Go!"

The corner of Lu Chen's mouth bends, and he smiled and said, "Well, no problem! Okay, you were so tired just now, so you should take a good rest! In a moment, maybe, I want to go out!"

"Yeah!" Feng He didn't say anything, his little face blushed slightly, he closed his eyes again, and started to sleep with a happy face.

After Feng He had really fallen asleep, Lu Chen slowly got out of bed and got up.

"Xiao Ling, is there a specific way to deal with the Origin Insect family?" Lu Chen sat on the side of the bed with a bottle of beer in his hand, drank slowly, and asked silently in his heart.

"Sorry, Master, I don’t have any information about the Origin Insect family, so I can’t answer your question, but if you look at what Cao Liliang said, Master, you don’t have to worry about those at all. Your mind has gone through too many illusions. For the test, I won’t be afraid of those Primordial Insects who tightly possess only a small ability to transform!"

"Really don't need to worry? But why? I always feel that if I go like this, something bad will happen tomorrow!" Lu Chen poured all the beer in his hand, frowning tightly. Together, said worriedly.

Xiao Ling was silent for a while when he heard Lu Chen's words, and said, "If that's the case, Master, you are absolutely necessary to go tonight!"

The thought in Lu Chen's heart was that tonight, I would quietly visit the settlement of the source insect clan to see in detail what kind of creature the source insect clan was.

In the past, Lu Chen didn't have much worry about these unknown creatures, but this time, he always felt that there was a lingering sense of crisis in his heart, and the source of the crisis was the origin insects. This Lu Chen was even more worried.

Therefore, Lu Chen originally asked Cao Liliang for a quiet room to cover people’s eyes and ears. Then, when people were not paying attention, he went to the night to check out the settlement of the source insect family. Can you deal with it.

But later, the result was another battle with Fenghe, which made Lu Chen's sense of crisis even stronger.

This time, Lu Chen, who had not made up his mind to explore the settlement of the Origin Insect family at night, was reminded by Xiao Ling that he had to go there for a while.

Because it was too early, Lu Chen decided to wait a little longer, after all, the spirit of the Black Mountain Clan Mieyan was too terrifying.

Lu Chen was not like the people of the Black Mountain A clan of Mieyan, knowing his actions tonight, otherwise, they would look down on himself even more.

Although he, the previous battle in front of the Mieyan Heishanjia Hall, made the elites of Mieyan Heishanjia quite admire on the bright side, but Lu Chen could clearly feel that their admiration was great. The degree was pretended to be pretended, and the only ones who could truly admire him were Cao Liliang and the patriarch of Mieyan Heishanjia.

Lu Chen, who didn't want any accidents to happen tomorrow, could only hide the information from the members of the Black Mountain Clan Mieyan.

To explore the source insect family at night, it is naturally impossible for Lu Chen to put Fenghe directly on the site of Mieyan Heishanjia. Although it is very safe here, who knows, after he leaves, nothing will happen. Things.

In addition, Feng He had already fallen asleep because of exhaustion. She didn't know that she had left, so her alertness must have been reduced. Therefore, whether it was for Feng He or for other reasons, Lu Chen naturally could not take Feng He Putting it on the site of Mieyan Heishanjia, he directly brought Fenghe into the Hongmeng Pearl, and let Xiaoling settle her carefully.

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