
A loud noise instantly sounded in the entire cave. At the same time, the collision between the rules caused the air to tremble, causing the entire cave to sway, and countless stone fragments fell from the top of everyone’s heads. People couldn't help being frightened.

But none of the people present were ordinary people, and they couldn't help being surprised at this shock, but they still showed shocked expressions one by one.

At the same time as the loud noise, he was already approaching the man in Lu Chen's yellow robe. He suddenly flew out under the purple-gray luster. At the same time, in mid-air, like golden raindrops, one after another disturbingly floated down. Those are the blood of the man in the yellow robe.

Since the man in the yellow robe can speak here, he is naturally the one with the most powerful cultivation among all the people present.

But the problem is that now among them, the one with the strongest cultivation base, facing the stranger in front of him, has not seen the stranger, and hasn’t seen any actions. As a result, the yellow-robed man flew out directly, and he seemed to suffer. Caused a very serious injury.

The expression on Lu Chen's face at this time became even more disdainful, "Before I came here, I had promised someone from your clan that I would leave as long as I got what I needed, and it would never hurt. Any one of your origin insect family.

I did this before I got the things, but some people didn’t know what was good or bad, they wanted to cause me trouble. By the way, I forgot to tell you. Don’t look at me with that kind of eyes, although I promised you The person at will not hurt you, but I also have a premise that you will not provoke me!

Now that guy has turned into that look. Don’t blame me. It’s all his own troubles. Of course, if you want to avenge him, I don’t have any opinion. Hurry up. It’s better to be together. I don’t have much. Time, wasted here! "

Lu Chen’s words make people feel arrogant, extremely arrogant, but if Lu Chen knows other people’s thoughts, he will be very helpless, "It’s not that I’m arrogant, but the facts. I really don’t have much time to waste. Here, I am still anxious to rush back to accompany my wives!"

Although everyone at the scene knew that none of them was Lu Chen’s opponent, but thinking about Lu Chen’s arrogant appearance and after Lu Chen took away the things that belonged to them, they felt very uncomfortable, so Glancing at each other, he took up his weapon without hesitation and rushed towards Lu Chen.

As for the man in the yellow robe who fell to the ground, he seemed to have died, but he was not taken seriously by anyone. It was not that they did not care about it, but because of Lu Chen’s "provocation", he directly gave the man in the yellow robe to Neglected.

Seeing a large swath of saints rushing towards him, Lu Chen still didn't take it seriously.

Originally, Lu Chen was still a little worried about these Origin Insect family members, but now with the attempts of the Origin Insect family's great elder and the yellow-robed man, Lu Chen already knows that even if the Origin Insect family can illusion all power and everything , But his Hongmeng rules, they still can't turn it out.

Moreover, the Hongmeng rules are more powerful than Lu Chen imagined. Speaking of which, it should be the first time that Lu Chen has officially used his Hongmeng rules.

The power of the rules, logically speaking, should only be possessed by the saint's cultivation base.

But Lu Chen, with the help of Hongmengzhu, has already begun to comprehend the rules of Hongmeng, but at that time, Lu Chen's cultivation base was still very low, and he could not use the power of the true rules of Hongmeng, at most When attacking, from time to time, it brought out a trace of Hongmeng's rule. Although there was only a trace, it was still not ordinary people and could resist.

But now, Lu Chen’s cultivation base has finally reached the sage. Lu Chen can already use the rules of Hongmeng that had been understood by Lu Chen a long time ago. Although the power is still impossible, he has not reached the sage. Sages at the monarch level are still more than enough.

The fighting of the saints is not to say that the number of fights is large, it can make up even the gap of even the first level. Although Lu Chen's cultivation base is lower than the people in front of him, but in fact, he is more powerful than these people, so Even if these many people rush to Lu Chen together, Lu Chen is not afraid.

Lu Chen Xiexie sneered, waved his hands, and drew strange pictures in the void in front of him. After a short while, a transparent wall shining with purple-gray luster, like a starry sky, appeared on In front of Lu Chen, Lu Chen was tightly covered behind.

After doing all of this, Lu Chen only spent less than a second of effort, and then he was like a young boy visiting Qing-lou, choosing an oiran, holding his hand, looking at it leisurely, and rushing to his own source insect A family of people.

But at this moment, the grass curtain Lu Chen had just entered was pushed aside again.

"Stop it all!"

The great elder of the Primordial Clan, as soon as he came in, he saw the tense atmosphere in the cave. At the same time, lying on the ground, the man in yellow robe, who was reluctant to live, naturally appeared in his eyes for the first time, and the old man’s eyes were like bloodshot. , Became red and red.

The expressionless face was murderous by the way, but he still resisted his killing intent, gave the leisurely Lu Chen a fiercely, clenched his fists, and yelled at the crowd.

After the great elder of the Primordial Clan came in, Lu Chen had already discovered his existence. Lu Chen didn't care about the expression he stared at him with murderous eyes, but Lu Chen took a subconscious look and lay down. The man in the yellow robe on the ground glanced, his eyes rolled around, and suddenly understood something.

Just now, he felt a little familiar with the man in the yellow robe, as if he had seen him somewhere, but Lu Chen himself hadn't seen a few people in the Yuanshen Forest, so this person shouldn't have seen it himself, Lu Chen I thought I had read it wrong, knowing that it should be impossible to know this man in yellow robe.

So Lu Chen didn't think of it at all. After that, the yellow-robed man directly acted on himself, and Lu Chen didn't care about this issue. Now, after seeing the great elder of the source insect clan, Lu Chen suddenly guessed something, I'm afraid this yellow The robe man should be some relative of the Great Elder of the Origin Insect Clan!

But even if it’s a family member, Lu Chen doesn’t care. Although he promised the old man not to hurt any member of the Origin Clan, who would let the yellow-robed man voluntarily run over to provoke him, not to mention that he didn’t even agree. Yes, help Mieyan Heishanjia clan and fight against their source insect clan together!

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