Around Cao Liliang, everything began to burn with the appearance of the Flame Extinguishing Flame.

Whether it’s the ruined building, the illusory air, or the underground ordinary people of the innocent Mieyanheishanjia clan next to them, as long as they are 100 meters away from Cao Liliang, they start to burn themselves. .

And anything, the burning time, absolutely no more than one second, directly turned into nothingness.

With this alone, hundreds of innocent people of Cao Liliang's own tribe disappeared in an instant.

If it hadn't been for someone to see the opportunity early and retreat quickly, I am afraid that there would be more of the Mieyan Black Mountain Clan A who died!

"Lu Chen, the deaths of my people are all your fault. I don't protect this enmity today, and I will not be reconciled to death!" Cao Liliang had also discovered at this time that the flame of extinguishing flame he released was accidentally killed. I feel a little guilty after seeing so many of my own people, but I can no longer take care of so much.

"Hmph, your own fault is actually on my head, people like you, no, you beasts, it seems that you really can't stay!" Lu Chen said coldly.


Lu Chen's words made Cao Liliang quite angry. Opening his mouth was a group of red and black flames that shot directly at Lu Chen.

"Lu Chen, be careful, never touch this kind of flame!" Jiang Xinxin reminded behind him.

"I know!" Lu Chen nodded, but he was disdainful in his heart, "Could this flame of extinguishing flames be more powerful than my fire of the Great Mengmeng?"

Although Lu Chen was not particularly proficient in the use of Hongmeng Fire, his terrifying power made Lu Chen not dare to look down upon it.

Lu Chen decided to pay attention today and would kill Cao Liliang severely.

Are you playing with fire? OK, then I will play with you with fire!

Lu Chen slowly turned his right hand in the air, and a purple-gray flame appeared directly in the palm of Lu Chen's right hand.

This is the fire of Hongmeng!

The great fire in the palm of Lu Chen's right hand looked very weak, like a candle flame lit in the wind, trembling, and might be extinguished by the wind at any time. There is no power at all. It seemed to people that Lu Chen was too reluctant to summon such a flame.

"What? Lu Chen, do you still want to play with me? Just rely on your flame that can be extinguished by the wind?" Cao Liliang also saw the flame in Lu Chen's hand, and laughed disdainfully.

And the fire of Hongmeng, as if he had intelligence, heard Cao Liliang’s disdainful ridicule, struggling, and flew directly out of Lu Chen’s hands, facing the flame of extinction that flew towards Lu Chen, as if to Let Cao Liliang open his eyes quietly, what kind of flame he is.

The size of the Hongmeng Fire is only the size of a table tennis ball, but the flames that it faces are the size of several basketballs. The two are simply incomparable.

It looks like an adult, and a "tadpole" that has not yet combined with a...

The two flames approached quickly, and soon they came into contact. Not surprisingly, the flame of extinguishing flames directly turned into a blood basin, swallowing the flames of the grandiose, and after swallowing it, it seemed unsatisfactory. Tsk mouth, then turned into a fire ball again, rushing towards Lu Chen.

Cao Liliang laughed loudly again: "Lu Chen, how is it? Have you seen how powerful Laozi is? Today, you will definitely die!"

"Really?" Lu Chen sneered, looking at Cao Liliang with contempt.

As if to match Lu Chen’s contemptuous gaze, he quickly approached Lu Chen’s Flame of Extinguishing Flame, and suddenly stopped his figure. In Cao Liliang’s puzzled eyes, he seemed to have gone crazy, jumping up and down in mid-air, as if There was something dirty inside him that made him a headache.

"What's going on?" Cao Liliang was dumbfounded.

But there is something behind that makes Cao Liliang even more dumbfounded.

After the Flame of Extinguishing Flame jumped up and down in mid-air for a minute or two, he stopped his movements again, and...then it was like a vacuum cleaner appeared in the center of him. It swished him and sucked it. Going in, the whole group of Flames of Extinguishing Flames just disappeared inexplicably.

And just when Cao Liliang wondered how his flame of extinguishing flame disappeared suddenly.

The air in the place where the flame of extinguishing flame disappeared vibrated twice, and suddenly remembered with a faint "puff" sound.

This sound is too smiling, but the people present are not ordinary people. The "swish" is very neat. Everyone's eyes, in an instant, looked at the place where the sound was sounding.


There were two more sounds, followed by a purple-gray light, which flickered twice, and after that, a small circle of Hongmeng fire appeared again, like the little fire that Lu Chen had summoned just now. The child is like, very proud of it in the air, beating and flashing.

"What kind of flame is this?" Cao Liliang couldn't help asking.

At this time, Cao Liliang naturally understood how his flame of extinguishing flame disappeared.

It turned out that the purple-gray flame that was swallowed by his own flame just did not disappear at all. Instead, he completely swallowed his own flame from the inside of the Flame of Extinguishing Flame. He couldn't feel it at all now. Because of the existence of my own flame, I didn't expect that my own flame could be the same as Lu Chen's purple-gray flame, and then swallow the purple-gray flame from within.

"Kill your flame!" Lu Chen snorted and shouted directly: "Go!"

After receiving Lu Chen's order, Hongmeng Fire appeared directly beside Cao Liliang with a "swish".

Then, like a greedy snake, Cao Liliang's surprised eyes turned into a small mouth, and he began to **** and **** the flames of extinguishing flame burning on him.

The flames of extinguishing flames are constantly disappearing, and the small body of the fire of the great monstrosity is constantly getting bigger, but its appearance that seems to be extinguished by the wind, still has no change, even now his figure is already It was several times the size when Lu Chen was summoned, but it was still the same.

In Cao Liliang’s eyes, more and more fears radiated. This flame of extinguishing flame was originally the power of his life to burn, and the flame released. It can be said that the flame of extinguishing flame was in his life, without a trace of extinction. Flame of Flame, his vitality is reduced by one point.

As the Flame of Extinguishing Flames diminished, Cao Liliang's vitality continued to decrease. He also knew that this time he was really planted in Lu Chen's hands.

At this time, Cao Liliang's heart couldn't help but feel a little sad. Looking at Lu Chen's eyes, there was a hint of regret!

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