Takayoshi Tanaka couldn't help but admonish again.

"Zhou Weiguo, this guy is extremely cunning, we only have one chance, so we must be cautious and strive to hit one hit. "

Yoshiko Kawashima hurriedly replied, "Hayi, please rest assured." The humble duty is determined to fulfill the mission and complete this mission. "

"Kill Zhou Weiguo and get rid of this henchman for the empire. "

"Yo Xi!"

Takayoshi Tanaka nodded with satisfaction and said, "I believe in your ability, as long as you concentrate on serving the empire, the empire will never treat you badly." "

"Hay, thank you for cultivating Your Excellency Nakasa!" replied Yoshiko Kawashima respectfully.

"Hmm!" Tanaka Takayoshi nodded slightly and said, "Okay, you go down and prepare! I hope to learn of Zhou Weiguo's death as soon as possible!"

"It would be even better if you could cut off Zhou Weiguo's head and bring it back. "

"Hay! I will do my best. Yoshiko Kawashima replied respectfully, then turned and left.


Early the next morning, Zhou Weiguo came to a forest next to the station.

The woods were silent, silent, except for the occasional pleasant birdsong, and nothing else.

Zhou Weiguo glanced around and nodded with satisfaction.

I saw Zhou Weiguo raise his hands, "Bang~!Bang~!Bang~!"

Three high-fives in succession, three applause.

I saw a commotion around me.

On the trees, on the ground, in the piles of leaves, among the dead trees, those places that seemed to be calm and empty.

Suddenly, a series of figures burst out, and there were dozens of people.

These people are all fully armed and well-armed, wearing camouflage uniforms, helmets on their heads, and camouflage on their faces, all of them are full of energy and murderous faces, and they look like the elite of a hundred battles.

Dozens of people quickly ran in front of Zhou Weiguo and lined up in a neat square.

"Report the number~!"






Then a man walked out of the group and stood upright.

"Bang~!", and gave a standard military salute to Zhou Weiguo.

"Report, the Snow Leopard Special Combat Team has all been assembled, and it should be fifty people, but it is actually fifty people. "

"Snow Leopard Special Combat Team Captain Li Jian!

Zhou Weiguo raised his hand and returned a military salute and said, "Take a break!"

"Huh~!" everyone took a breath.

The fifty soldiers in front of him were the special forces summoned by Zhou Weiguo, and Zhou Weiguo reorganized these fifty people into a special combat team, which was called the Snow Leopard Special Combat Team.

and appointed the current Li Jian as the captain, responsible for commanding the Snow Leopard Special Combat Team.

Fifty is not much, but judging from the current situation, it should be enough.

After all, these are not ordinary soldiers, but special forces who can be used as ten.

There are not many soldiers, but refinement.

If these fifty people can be used well, they can also play unexpected results.

Zhou Weiguo glanced at these iron-clad special combat team members, smiled and nodded.

"You are all the best fighters, you are all special forces. I hope that you will also be able to play the role of special forces. "

"Become a sharp blade for the whole army, an indestructible blade!"

"Destroy all enemies for me!"

"Swear allegiance to the commander!" shouted the fifty soldiers in unison.

This is the biggest benefit of the system warriors, they will only be loyal to Zhou Weiguo alone.

And he is only loyal to Zhou Weiguo, and he will not betray for life.

There are many heroes in history who died not at the hands of their enemies, but at the hands of their own subordinates.

For example, if Lu Bu hadn't been betrayed by his subordinates and tied up to Cao Cao, he might not have died tragically in Baimenlou.

Zhang Fei, also in his sleep, was cut off by two of his betrayed subordinates, and the generation of fierce generals who were about to die can be described as quite aggrieved.

Another example is Guan Yu, who was also pitted by his subordinates, so he was defeated and took Maicheng, and finally was defeated and killed.

But Zhou Weiguo doesn't have to worry about this problem, these system warriors are loyal to Zhou Weiguo and will never betray.

Although there are ordinary people in Zhou Weiguo's team, Zhou Weiguo mixed these people with the system soldiers, so that the system soldiers can monitor these ordinary people.

If any of them have any different intentions, Zhou Weiguo can also be notified in time.

And the people who usually follow Zhou Weiguo, except for a few people who are completely trustworthy such as Liu Yuan, are basically system warriors.

Zhou Weiguo waved his hand and said, "You can call me Captain Zhou in the future, just use this title for now!"

"It's Captain Zhou!" shouted in unison from the fifty special combat members.

Zhou Weiguo nodded with satisfaction and said: "The Japanese invade my Huaxia, our main task at present is to defeat the little devil and drive the little devil out of Huaxia completely!"

"I hope that you, the Snow Leopard Special Combat Team, will be ready to fight at any time, wait for orders, and be ready to go to the battlefield at any time. "

"Report to Captain Zhou, we, the Snow Leopard Special Combat Team, are in a state of combat readiness twenty-four hours a day, accept your call at any time, and can enter the battle at any time. "

Zhou Weiguo nodded with satisfaction and said, "In the past two days, there may not be any combat missions, but you should not take it lightly." "

"It's time to train and train, it's time to prepare for war! Specific things will be arranged by captain Li Jian!"

"Yes!" replied the fifty team members in unison.

Zhou Weiguo nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand and said, "Okay, you guys are busy! I'll take a look over there!"

Later, Zhou Weiguo went around in his own defense area, and each unit performed its own duties in an orderly manner.

In the past two days, the army has been rapidly expanding, like blowing up balloons, and the strength of the original 2,000 troops has gradually increased to 5,000 or 6,000.

When he saw the roster of the troops, Zhou Weiguo couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Among them, there are 3,000 people, who are system fighters, but the other 3,000 or so people are ordinary people.

In the past two days, many people have come to join Zhou Weiguo and join the army to fight devils.

This is also one of the reasons why Zhou Weiguo's troops have developed so rapidly.

In the afternoon of the same day, Zhou Weiguo was checking the defense map in the headquarters when an operational staff officer came over.

Zhou Weiguo raised his head and glanced at the staff officer, and asked casually, "Is there something wrong?"

"Captain, there's one thing that seems suspicious. "

"Oh?" Zhou Weiguo raised his eyebrows and said casually: "Then let's hear it." "

Sixth Update!

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