It turned out that the two of them staggered just now, and Zhou Weiguo first blocked the second senior brother's nirvana with a knife, and then cut it on the second senior brother's chest with a knife.

Zhou Weiguo's speed was too fast, and the second senior brother couldn't dodge it at all.

This knife was extremely fast, cutting a slender cut in the chest of the second senior brother.

And this knife is also extremely ruthless, penetrating deep into the body, and has already injured the vital point.

So the blood didn't spurt out in time, and Zhou Weiguo's knife wasn't even stained with blood.

The second senior brother can be said to be dead, and before he died, he deliberately suppressed the wound, and hung his last breath before he said those two sentences.

However, it was only a few more seconds to live.

The strength of this second senior brother is indeed not weak, and the master of the eighth stage of kendo is extremely rare even in the Wa Kingdom.

However, Zhou Weiguo is a god-of-war existence, not only proficient in various martial arts in Huaxia, even if it is the sword path that the little devil is proud of, Zhou Weiguo is also very proficient, and he is a master of super nine sections.

The highest level of kendo is the ninth dan, but Zhou Weiguo is a master of the super ninth dan, which means that he can easily defeat the master of the ninth dan.

What's more, it's a kendo master who is only eight dans.

And Zhou Weiguo's blow seems simple, but in fact it is infinitely mysterious.

It not only shows the essence of Chinese martial arts, but also combines some of the skills of Japanese kendo.

"How is this possible?"

"How so?"

"Second Senior Brother is defeated! I'm not mistaken!"

"The second senior brother was defeated by this kid, and he was defeated by one move, this is incredible!"

"No way, this kid must have cheated!"

"Even if you are a ninth-dan master, you can't be so strong!"

The little devils present were all stunned.

Zhou Weiguo sighed softly, and said with some disappointment: "It's too weak, bullshit eight-stage master." "

"What a knife of bullshit, it's really a knife hanging!"

Zhou Weiguo said, glanced at it coldly, and the little devils present said in a cold voice: "It's your turn, do you apologize with your own death, or do you have to force Lao Tzu to do it himself!"

Those little devils were all frightened and stupid, and they all looked at Zhou Weiguo with frightened faces, as if they were looking at a monster.

Zhou Weiguo's strength has completely exceeded the imagination of these little devils, and in their opinion, Zhou Weiguo is a monster.

Zhou Weiguo sneered and said, "What's the matter, if you don't speak, you just want me to do it myself." "

Zhou Weiguo said and strode over, the little devils were so frightened that they retreated, Zhou Weiguo suddenly accelerated, rushed over, waved the knife in his hand, and slashed left and right.

"Puff~!Puff~!" Two streams of blood shot out, and a terrible scream sounded, and the two little devils who couldn't dodge were killed on the spot.

"We fought with him!"


"There are so many of us, I don't believe we can't beat him alone. "


The little devils gritted their teeth and rushed towards Zhou Weiguo with a roar.

There was a faint sneer on the corner of Zhou Weiguo's mouth, and he didn't pay attention to these miscellaneous fish at all.

The knife fell, one by one, and in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen little devils had been cut down.

At this time, the little devils were finally scared, Zhou Weiguo was so terrifying, and it was useless to have a lot of people.

They simply can't get forward, whoever comes forward will die!

Although these little devils are all outlaws, no one is willing to give their lives in vain.

was so frightened that they retreated, but Zhou Weiguo didn't plan to let them go so easily, wherever the little devil retreated, Zhou Weiguo chased after him.

Everywhere he passed, a bloody storm was set off, and the little devils were chopped to the ground one after another, all of them were killed with a knife.

Since all exits were blocked by special combat personnel with guns, the little devils couldn't escape at all, and no matter how they escaped, they just wandered around the hall.

In the blink of an eye, most of the little devils have all become the ghosts of Zhou Weiguo's knife.

In the end, there were only four guys left, and all four guys were stupid.

They all knelt on the ground, kept kowtowing and begging for mercy: "Please, spare us!"

"It's none of our business!

"Be merciful and forgive us!"

"Drink~!phew!" Zhou Weiguo spat and threw the knife on the ground casually.

I really didn't have any interest in killing these cowards anymore, so I turned around and strode out.

"Deal with them, cut off all the heads for Lao Tzu, and hang them outside the gate. "

Before going out, Zhou Weiguo commanded in a cold voice.

Zhou Weiguo was too lazy to kill these four little devils himself, but he didn't plan to let them go.

If you cut down the weeds, you have to eradicate the roots! In particular, when dealing with these little devils who have lost their conscience, we must cut down the weeds and eradicate the roots, so that there will be no future troubles.



Early the next morning, as soon as the morning dawned, the whole Shanghai beach was in a sensation.

Outside the Consulate General of the Japanese People's Republic of China in Shanghai, a large number of onlookers gathered, and many reporters rushed to hear the news, constantly holding their cameras to take pictures.

I saw bloody human heads hanging on the outer wall of the building of the Consulate General of the Japanese People's Republic of China.

There's also a line of blood writing on the wall!

"If anyone does not offend me, I will not offend anyone!

In addition to this line of writing, there is a pattern painted in blood on the wall.

The motif is a leopard's head with its mouth open and roaring, only the head.

"I heard that the entire consulate has been killed, not a single one is left, and the heads are all hung up. I don't know who these guys have offended, and they have really been wiped out. "

"It must be someone who shouldn't be offended, according to me, these little devils also deserve it, these guys are too arrogant. "

"Do you see that pattern, it's supposed to be the logo of an organization. "

"I've never heard of that organization using this pattern!"

"That's a leopard!"

There was a lot of discussion in the crowd, and there were also many opinions about this matter.

The situation on the side of the Beichen Yidaoliu Martial Arts Hall was also extremely similar, with dozens of heads hanging outside the gate.

The same line of words is written on the wall, and the same pattern is drawn.

This time, Zhou Weiguo did not identify himself, but also to avoid causing some unnecessary trouble.

After all, Zhou Weiguo's limelight is big enough now, and Zhou Weiguo also wants to keep a low profile, if it weren't for these people assassinating Zhou Weiguo, Zhou Weiguo would not have done these things.

Anyway, everyone has already been killed, and Zhou Weiguo doesn't want to cause himself some unnecessary trouble.

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