With the order of Xia Yuan Xiong Mi, the landing craft quickly left the fleet and headed towards the shore at the fastest speed.

A sinister smile appeared at the corner of Xia Yuan Xiong Mi's mouth: "Hmph! This time, I want to see how these hateful people can resist the attack of my Imperial Army of the Great Japanese Empire." "

"The Imperial Army is invincible in the world, how can these people resist it, and I believe that under the wise command of His Excellency the General, we will be able to defeat them quickly. "

"It is impossible for a mere 19th Route Army to stop us, and the day when the Imperial Army occupies Shanghai is just around the corner. "

"Now that our army has been dispatched, how can the imperial army be satisfied with occupying a small Shanghai!"

"Yes, the occupation of Shanghai is only a small goal at present, and we also want to occupy East China, and even the whole of China. "

The devil officers present shouted one by one, their arrogance is unstoppable.

Xia Yuan Xiong Mi smiled and nodded and said, "What you have said is very true, I believe that today will be a day that will go down in history, and we will become heroes of the entire empire." "

"Haha~!" said Shimoto Kuami and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Haha~!" The other little devils also laughed one after another, as if they had seen victory.

Unbeknownst to them, the stupidity of these fools has gradually led them to hell.

"Little devil~!"

"Little devil sneak attack!"

"Prepare to fight!"

"Concentrate your firepower on Lao Tzu and fight hard! We must stop the little devil from landing!"

"Immediately reported to the division headquarters, and a large number of devils attacked the Wusongkou position. "


The position of the Huaxia Army on the shore was suddenly in chaos, and the soldiers rushed to the position one after another, ready for battle.

With the commander's order, the soldiers aimed at the little devil on the river and pulled the trigger.

"Da da da~! bang bang bang ~!" A dense burst of gunfire rang out, and the bullets swept towards the little devil as if splashing water.

"Puff puff~!" The bullet hit the devil's body with a muffled sound, and the little devils who rushed to the landing craft in front of them fell into the icy river like dumplings.

"Bagaya Road~!"

"Concentrate all your firepower on me, and hit it hard!!" "One of the devil officers roared loudly brandishing his command knife.

"Da Da Da Da~!" a dense burst of gunfire rang out, and as the devil officer gave an order, the machine guns mounted on the landing craft opened fire one after another.

In an instant, dozens of blazing tongues of fire burst out from the surface of the river, like chains of fire, sweeping towards the position on the shore.

Bullets flew like raindrops, dodging the soldiers, and they were swept away by the rain of bullets from the devils, and blood spilled on the field.

"Hit~! Hit Lao Tzu hard! Absolutely don't let the little devil get ashore!

In the face of the devil's fierce firepower, the soldiers could only grit their teeth and shoot desperately at the little devil.

On one of the motorboats, the ghost raised his saber again and roared loudly: "Grenadiers, concentrate all your firepower, shoot! "

With the order of the devil officer, the devil's grenadier immediately aimed at the shore position.

"Knock knock~!" a dull cannon sound rang out, and puffs of white smoke rose from the boat.

One by one, the Type 91 grenades were thrown out, and with a piercing whistling sound, they quickly flew towards the position of the Chinese army.

"Boom~!boom~!" A violent explosion sounded, and patches of fire immediately rose on the position.

The grenadiers of the devils are well-trained veterans, and their shooting is also accurate.

Soon, one after another, the firing points were knocked out by the little devils.

The firepower of the Huaxia army is getting weaker and weaker, and the little devils are getting closer and closer to the shore.

Finally, the motorboat that rushed ahead was the first to land.

"Kill to give~!" in the roar of the devil officer.

One by one, the little devils with bayonets scrambled to jump off the motorboat, and then screamed like a pack of mad dogs, and rushed to the shore.

More and more little devils rushed up, seeing that they could no longer resist.

A Chinese officer suddenly roared angrily and ordered loudly: "Brothers! Fight with them! Kill!"

As he spoke, he took the lead in rushing out of the position and killing the devil's crowd.

The two armies were immediately strangled together, and a fierce white-knuckle battle began.

At this time, a large number of little devils landed one after another, and more and more little devils joined the battlefield.

As for the 19th Route Army, because the main force was transferred to the area around the mouth of the road and the river, it was about ten miles away from here, and it was impossible to come back for a while.

Nearby soldiers rushed to support, but because the troops were too small, they were outnumbered, and soon the Jiangfang position was lost.

After the little devils broke through the Jiangfang position, they continued to rush all the way towards the deep position of the Chinese army.

"Report to Your Excellency, Your Excellency, that the Imperial Army has successfully broken through the enemy's riverside positions and is continuing its offensive towards its deep positions. "

"Yo Xi!"

Xia Yuan Xiong Mi, who received the report, nodded with a smile and said: "These Chinese troops are really vulnerable, according to this progress, I think before dawn, we can control the entire Wusongkou area." "

"Your Excellency the General is wise and powerful, and with the strategy of attacking the east and the west, he successfully transferred the main force of the Zhina people, otherwise the imperial army would not be so smooth!"

"Under the wise command of His Excellency the General, how could these people be the opponents of the imperial army. "

"In my opinion, now that the overall situation has been decided, it is only a matter of time before this Chinese army is defeated. "

"As long as the imperial army successfully lands, those people will inevitably collapse at the first touch, and the victory of the imperial army is in sight. "

The devil officers present said flatteringly, and the words they said were extremely shameless, and they didn't know how these guys' cheeks were cultivated, which was comparable to the city wall.

Xia Yuan Xiong Mi was very useful, nodded with a smile and said: "Thanks to the hard work of the front-line soldiers, we can achieve such brilliant results. "

"I believe that as long as we continue to work hard, we will be able to defeat these hateful Shina people once and for all. "

"Your Excellency the General is wise!"

"What Your Excellency General said is very true. "

"Yo Xi~!"

Xia Yuan Xiong Mi was also excited, an old face almost smiled, and he sneered and ordered: "Immediately send orders to the front-line troops, continue to strengthen the offensive, occupy Baoshan City as soon as possible, and then occupy the entire Wusong region." "


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